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Tristizia Demonista

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Everything posted by Tristizia Demonista

  1. The short explanation is, its a different way how textures are send to your computer. (Actually it describes the protocol used for this (UDP vs. HTTP)) The bottom line though is, this newer way of sending textures might cause problems for some Users, though it has become much better recently. If one has a prob it allmost allways displays itself as textures loading (fully) then reload and get stuck in a "blurry" state. So, for a lot of people, a problem with blurry textures could be solved by simply unchecking HTTP Textures. Hope this small explanation helps
  2. Schau am besten mal in deiner Transaction History nach. (Findest du in deinem Dashboard) Dort siehst du an wen dein Geld gegangen ist. Falls du die Items nicht bekommen hast, schreib am besten dann mal ne Notecard (höflich geschrieben! ) and den ensprechenden Händler und erläutere dein Prob, am besten kopiere gleich die Infos aus der History mit auf die Karte. Hoffe dies hilft
  3. If you do a right-click on the Pick, you should get the normal dropdown menu with: Info, Edit, Teleport, Map and Delete.
  4. If you "close" an IM, it means you end (terminate) that session. It's this way in all V2's. If you want to only temporarily close it you should use the "minimize" button. This way the IM's stay open (for further use) until you close em or you log off.
  5. Kerri Anderton wrote: I dunno where they hid that. But while we are on that subject where did they hide "Take an Image, and save it to my hard drive" and what has happened to "Gestures"? For first time since I bit the bullit and accepted v2 I have uninstalled the viewer and rolled back to a previous version The Image is where it allways was, under Snapshot ! Simply take the option : "Save to my computer". (If the Snapshot Tab Icon is not visible, right-click on a Toolbutton, then drag it to where you want it) Gestures Tab though is kinda, err ....strange (all other descriptions might not be PG). Seems like somebody had the glorious Idea ( NOT !!!! ) to put ALL gestures in the Inventory into it and NOT only the Active ones like in previous Viewers Please LL, change this back. ASAP !
  6. Void Singer wrote: ...... and don't even get me started on the people that use 12hr time keeping but can't be bothered to append whether it's am or pm Which of course raises the question, why use an 12hr timeformat at all. There are 24 Hours after all :smileywink: ps.: As a Continental-European i stick to our use of DD-MM-YYYY
  7. Matty Luminos wrote: I really like the UI of viewer 3 but the framerate is less than half what I get with any other viewer, so I won't be using it. Framerate with the normal Viewer didn't change much here and with the "Shining Dev-Built" it actually improved for me quite a bit. Maybe you should look in Prefs if something there has changed in the Graphicsettings.
  8. Yes certainly an improvement here. Chat Floater and notifications hopefully will be finetuned a bit though. There is just one additional problem i see. Why is it, that when i open the "new" Gestures Tab it shows ALL gestures and not only (as in all previous viewer versions) the ACTIVE ones ? Would be nice if this could be fixed
  9. Picks "should" be where they allways were (right next to the "About" Tab) EXCEPT when the User you tried has made them unviewable for other people via his/her prefs.
  10. So your basically saying that 17 ppl in there do not have full access to all things in SL ? Like multiple layers on the same spot, Mesh etc ? Or are these all users who just don't want to loose their spying tools (e.g. true online status thus disregarding MY privacy settings) ?
  11. JohnMiddlefield wrote: And I am sure LL management is still scratching its collective head, wondering why retention rates have been so poor ever since Viewer 2 was launched, and why concurrency rates have been steadily declining since the same event. In fact, just recently, concurrency took the biggest nosedive ever seen in the last two years. I still can't figure out which one mesh is, a bell or a whistle? But if LL wants a virtual world where just a few can enjoy a more technically beautiful world, then they have most definitely been going in the right direction for the past two years. Do you really think that all "potential" new users that sign-up nowadays, try to log in on an ancient P3 with a Voodoo Graphic Card ? Even LL have to acknowledge the fact that the Graphicstandards have somewhat evolved in the last few Years, and to properly experience better Graphix, you need a better (or more modern) Computer. This is the same as for any Game that came out in the last few Years, why should SL be different ?
  12. Have you tried LL's Shining Devbuilt ? ( http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/hg/repo/davep_shining-fixes/latest.html )
  13. What Mesh Viewer ? There are quite a few Viewers (LL's or TPV) available now that can display Mesh ! I would not consider my Computer to be anything like Gaming High-Tech, but i don't have a problem getting a decent framerate with it when i use a "modern" Viewer. There are a lot of options in Prefs that can be changed to tweak ANY Viewer to run on your compy.
  14. Seems there are two possible ways to use Firestorm. For some people it works great, for others it's pretty much unusable.
  15. This clearly illustrates i got too dependent on your Skins
  16. Same prob here too. Seems to depend though on what is loaded when, at times my Glasses (a LOT of prims) or allmost allways my Nosering (very few!!!) suffer from this fate. Strange! LOD factor definitely has no impact on this. (I keep mine on 4.0)
  17. Ann wanted to say, that that Built was a stable and quite fast performing Viewer. Unfortunatly the new Version 3.2.1 (244115) isn't anymore. Viewer crashes on login again. Seems they fixed a mayor bug and thought "Nahh, too good lets make it crash again" or something
  18. First, you might try another Viewer Built. http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/hg/repo/davep_shining-fixes/rev/243874/index.html Seems that in this Devbuilt the Startup crash issue has been fixed. And second, Win8 is a Developer Preview, not even a Beta, so problems should be the norm rather than an exception
  19. Maybe a filter kicks in, if one manages to post 100 posts in 3 hours ?
  20. Well it's interresting to know, that by spamming the Forums one can reach the rank of "Honored Resident"
  21. Not exactly sure about the technical details, but i haven't seen a function like this in a MMO (roughly comparable to SL) either. While MSN or ICQ or what not only need to know if or if not a user is online, in an environment like SL or an MMO there is probably a lot more that the client (Viewer) has to send to the server. And therefore an Autologin might be not possible. Also not sure about certain security risks involved here.
  22. One thing that should be changed immediatly, is the new Gestures Tab! Before i had only my active Gestures showing, which made it easy to access those few ones i actually use. NOW i have the complete list of all gestures in it, who thought of this idiotic thing ? If i wan't to see my whole Gesture Library i take a look in my inventory but not in a Tab that is supposed to only include my active ones!!!
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