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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. Syo Emerald wrote: I would love some categories would be a little more specific. Like searching for hair. I want to be able to truly separate between mesh and prim hair and or I want to search for all kind of female hair and not just one kind of female hair, cause all I'm not interested in would be the men's hair. I would love a better category for houses. They should be separated by size, so I don't have to click on everything and hope I get to know if they fit my spot or not. That would be nice. A lot of categories need to be broken down even more.
  2. I think it would be cool if the mp had a check list option. Like today I wanted to look for outfits and dresses. I have to either click on one category or the other to search specifically or go through everything else they have. I would like to be able to check both and then they bring up that I have selected. Just my thoughts.
  3. Ariel Vuissent wrote: Find a friend. Ask them to help you. Ask them for their opinions about your shape, see if they'll help you shop for hair and skins and clothes, and just have fun with it. Friendship is free. Heck, I'll help for free if you want; I enjoy it. There is no specific way an avi should look. "Your world, your imagination" - just get to where you're happy with your look, and that's what matters. awesome advice... Id give you a kudo if I could.
  4. So I purchased a rather expensive item an I am having a problem with it. I wrote, notecard the maker for some help. Its been weeks and yet no reply. Whats the next action? I dont want to be a pest but I do really want the product to work or my linden back. Any advice?
  5. I want a mesh dress that allows for a slightly larger chest size. Im not humongous but because of my avi I have a larger bust. When it comes to mess dresses I have to way down scale and my avi ends up not looking balanced or right.
  6. Isabelle Mavendorf wrote: Not that kind of dancing! I'm talking about theater and choreography. I'm looking for people who want to create performances in SL, not jump on a pole and emote. I can see pole dancers becoming escorts if they're just looking for money, but I'm not talking about those dancers. When I ask "where have all the dancers gone," I don't mean pole dancers or strippers. Not all dancers on a pole are looking for money. Some like the attention. One of the female dancers I talk to does it because she feels ugly in rl and on sl she is beautiful so thats why she does it. its a hobbie for some. Do you realize those dances dont really make money.. Sorry if I seem testy. I have an issue with people down grading other people. Anyway I am interested in your theater. IM me inworld. Sephina Frostbite.
  7. No bubble was bursted as I don't want people to be snarky. 10 l isn't horrible but it's hardly as awesome as they made it out to be. That was my point.
  8. Because I hadn't slept in days so I wasn't thinking correctly as well as sheer silliness. You don't ever have those moments? Honestly you could be nicer. It was a silly thought. They made such a big deal about this gift and then to find out it's ten linden.. It's just sad. Hope your day is great despite your nasty mood.
  9. How exactly are you suposed to use gimp? I down loaded it and I am confused. Can anyone guide me or help me or link me to some one or where that can help..I am new that this thing.
  10. Yeah I thought I did to but then I realized it was 10 LINDENS not the $10 dollars I thought it was going to be. Sorry hun I know your disappointment.
  11. I am looking for Mj heels and coming up with extremely low quality Jane. The only high quality I found was too baby ish and bulky. Help please, pretty please
  12. I know what gets LL attention. Say nasty things about them and see how quickly you get banned. LMAO. They remind me of the government in that aspect. Ignore the very people who give them that power and shoot any nay Sayers.
  13. Is it pick on Sephina day for you? I'm not the only one that got confused... Well I guess I'm a lil blonder today then most days.
  14. Lol not of noobs, of the the things that you've bought that seem silly now but aeems cool then.. Just wanted to get some laughs. Maybe I am a bit more dorky then others..
  15. So going through my inventory organizing, all that jazz and I found it has been scary, sad and surprisingly fun experience. I have found outfits that are God awful scary and honestly made me think WTF was I thinking. So it made me curious as to what you all found in your closets that made you cringe, laugh and think WTF was I thinking? So lemme see em! Pictures of your what was a thinking when I bought this item/ clothes/ hair etc.. You know you wanna ;P
  16. Got confused because it said to sign in by today.. They should be more clear.
  17. So I signed in... what am I supposed to get because as of right now, they gave me nada (nothing)
  18. I agree. Just because they will wear the same hair doesnt mean it will look the same. Also more costumers guarantees the maker to be around longer.
  19. SID Riler wrote: http://fashionfeedofsl.com/ visit as many blogs as you can and check out skins, there are tons and tons of skins to choose from in SL Thanks for thie SID. I have gotton a lot of good ideas from this.
  20. Its the top that bothers me.. The gap. Its just arg.
  21. SID Riler wrote: You want skinny as to not show much bum? theres some normal not mesh, still in Luck inc, I think they were called Tyra, they are really cute and skinny, in mesh skinny jeans i find maitreya fits beautifully and makes your bum like a skinny jean should look, Redgrave is cool, and easy to fit, but will still show a bit of bum if you like the curve, same muschi, has a great bum Thank you sweetie, but they dont work for me sadly.
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