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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. That skin is amazing and love that shape.. wonderful!!
  2. When I use firestorm I stay a permacloud. Someone said something about having to download my clothing?? Anyways I am happy with my viewer but the way every one raves about firestorm I wanted to give it a try. If anyone can let me know anything about it Id love to learn and hopefully not be in a cloud state forever. Thanks! Edit: My horribly written paragraph
  3. Syo Emerald wrote: Was it this one? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/Toxian-Angel-Wings-amp-Blade/td-p/1930337 It was!!! Thanks Syo!!!
  4. I just saw a post asking about wings and now I cant find the one. Sorry to plague the forums with the same darn question but can anyone show me wear awesome wings are, mesh wings or wings that are see through.. thank everyone sorry to be a pest.
  5. Marigold Devin wrote: James Samiam wrote: So a few years ago I created my own environment or "World" within SL called Griffins Paradise. And I've returned it to the grid several times over the years, but never for long. The problem is the prices. It's so darn expensive just to have my own little creative space on the grid. This isn't very attractive anymore, not like it used to be. Especially when there are literally dozens of other games these days that allow creative freedom, and usually for much cheaper and on a huge scale. http://i.imgur.com/fGqCQ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/U9PRO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/doiVX.jpg http://i.imgur.com/JYvjM.jpg http://i.imgur.com/INVn1.jpg http://i.imgur.com/7pJmr.jpg It might not look like much but Griffins Paradise holds a special place in my heart. It just frustrates me to no end that I can not experience it when I want to, and when I do I can't afford it for long. It frustrates me that I am unable to play the piano well in real life, in spite of having lessons when I was a child, and it frustrates me that I am really clumsy and totally inept at carrying out the most simple of DIY tasks in my RL home, and that it costs a lot of money to employ people to do these little jobs for me. And I fully understand your frustration about your leisure and pleasure being too expensive to fully enjoy, but such is life for most people. Most people are frustrated and disappointed about at least one aspect of their lives. Regarding Second Life though, and your urge to be creative, without having to fork out for a whole sim or a large parcel of land, maybe there is a compromise. I know of hundreds of very creative people in Second Life who have had to downsize their land, but get their creative jollies from exploring more, and setting up photo shoots either in sandboxes with a bit of photoshop jiggery pokery afterwards. They focus on the positive aspects rather than the negatives and seem to derive as much personal satisfaction from their end product too, and some have said to me that it's rather nice not to be worrying about what's going on with their land while they're out in real life. Try to cut your cloth according to your pocket, you can still create paradise within small spaces (thinking particularly of that place that people flock to over in Shinda off the top of my head - can't remember the name of it right now). And remember that frustration is all part of being a human being. Couldnt have said it better!!
  6. Guilliaume wrote: I disagree. Second Life is not expensive. It merely puts forth the illusion of being expensive in our minds because each Linden, Euro, Dollar or whatever we spend on it has an impact on our real world lives. When you compare the price of Second Life to any other hobby or game out there fairly, I am sure that Second Life’s rates are more than fair and even profitable in some situations. One must only acquire the heart to put in some labor hours, really, or at least have the maturity to understand the impact versus other things in life that require money. But seriously, have you even taken the time to explore Second Life’s rates? Or have you just been blinded by the fact that it takes money period? Even the most expensive tier of land ownership in Second Life requires $195 a month. That is $6.50 a day. I personally spend more than that during my lunch break at work… In Lindens it is about $1625L. The third highest tier, $75 a month, is a joke really. $2.50 a day is only $625L. But those two land tiers are more than enough to turn your land into a profitable business model. Even if you cannot make a profit, you would at least make some money, if your idea was at least okay, to get a huge discount. Let me paint a picture for you. Right now I have a friend in Second Life that pays for the $75 tier of land. In total for Second Life, including her tier, she pays about $100 or so in fees. However, she uses her land to also generate Lindens and makes about $60 or so. That means her hobby is only costing her $1.30 a day. I’d waste more money than that simply driving downtown to a bar just for the atmosphere once a week. Second Life is nowhere near expensive and there are plenty of options out there to help you pay for it. Aside from options in game already such as Bletaverse or retail, might I also suggest taking a look at Amazon’s Mechanical Turk or creating a website/blog and using Google Ads? Both are more than enough to cover costs with a little time and effort. Glad you can afford to spend 300 plus dollars on a hobby however most people simply can't. SL is in fact expensive for some and not for others but to be so blatantly rude about it.. Wow. Reality check, not everyone makes good money.
  7. Ciaran Laval wrote: A private island, costs USD$295 a month and then some users have to pay tax on top of that, yes it is expensive especially for people who want to create environments for people to do something, rather than places that sell wares. That's a monthly fee, you can get a car for less than that. It is what it is, but Second Life is most certainly an expensive pastime. I agree which is why I rent and use sandboxes. Well said Ciaran
  8. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: SinfulPrince wrote: How can you enjoy a thing that causes your rl to downgrade? Just me. I would cut corners , but my corners would be the imaginary ones. Signed, the guy who dumped his premium account and subsequently even his "owned" land on a private estate. SL does not downgrade your RL unless you let it. YOU are responsible for the amount of time and money you put in it. If you can't afford it then don't buy things. If you are spending too much time in SL to the point it is ruining your RL, turn off the computer and do something else. If you can't control yourself get professional help. Many people in SL enjoy it as entertainment and CHOOSE to put time and money into it like they would going to a movie or out to a bar to enhance their experience. For many disabled or isolated people SL might be some of their only entertainment or way to socialize.. It doesn't take much to live well in SL. What you pay for a movie ticket here in the US will get you a couple thousand lindens. You may choose to go to the movie or use the money in any way you want instead, but that is YOUR choice - to the only choice for a lot of people. Couldnt have said it better. I had a huge house and life was good. Rl kicked me in the butt when I was attacked by a dog/wolf so I couldnt make the linden. Back to my freebie linden home I went for a month or so. Now I am back cozy in my huge house again. I also was buy clothing hair etc like crazy. That stopped. Now I am back to having fun getting all those clothes I shoved on my faves list. I dont die if I dont play and I enjoy when I do. Even more so now because I am learning how to build.
  9. I know some one who makes mesh heads.. if you are interested..as for the rest I might know someone as well
  10. I was thinking on being lazy and just getting photos done.. I want ten to start with..
  11. Pussycat Catnap wrote: These are hilarious screenshot stories. Let me add one serious bit of advice: If you are just learning how to rez a prim and make things, head over to NCI or Builder's Brewery and take a class or two. They were extremely useful to me back in the day in learning to get started. Thanks for the heads up. I do want to start learning how to build
  12. This is hilarious. Did I tell you that you rock. I am honored that you commented and with such great stuff too. Love the poster.
  13. Never knew of ploom. I am in love! Thank you for intoducing me to new hair
  14. Tex Monday wrote: Remember my dear friends....It's not the size that counts it's what you do with it :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: (Come on....you knew SOMEONE had to say it....) Yes indeed someone did have to say it lol /me laughs at the fact that tex said what she thought.
  15. So I realized I LOVE taking sl pictures but I as for gimp and photoshop it gets rather complicated (for me) and its going to take me a bit to learn. I would like some of my photos done to be well better and all glamerized. If someone could let me know if they can do it and pricing I would be a happy girl, thank you!!
  16. Said it perfectly except its the 5k first and the 5 dollars. She agrees when its 5k but when he says 5 dollars shes offended. Thats when he says we already know...yada yada... Still love that joke.. Thanks for the laugh hun!!
  17. There is a hierarchy, don't believe them.. Im the queen... LOL j/k
  18. Scars Steerpike wrote: Background - I paid 7,000L for this parcel, and my neighbors paid 8,000-10,000L for their 2048 sqm parcels. I've never had any bad neighbors. Several of them have been there longer that I have, and I've owned the land for around 19 months. I'm asking for 10,000L because 7,000L and 10,000L are both similarily large sums of money; and if you can afford to spend 7,000L then an extra 3,000L isn't going to make that much of a difference. Also because I will lose one month's rent in the tier down process. My roomate was renting a 2048 sqm parcel on an Estate breeding sim that didn't have any of these great features. I was renting a 4096 sqm parcel next to her. I decided to downsize, and I had her move in with me since half the rent on a 4096 sqm parcel was cheaper than a 2048 sqm parcel. After a while, I got bored with the sim. I wanted to live next to the Protected Roads, and I didn't want to be around the breeding community. Also, I had a feeling that the sim owner was going to abandon the sim soon, which he did. I didn't want to leave my roomate behind, so I offered to let her live with me on another sim. She wanted to live on snowland. Eventually I decided that I would buy her a separate parcel from mine, so I bought her the one on Larsen since it was the one that she liked the most of all the snowland parcels for sale at the time. Not a good selling point. Good luck hun! Sorry you got stiffed.
  19. I will do it... for the right linden.. /me cracks her self up.
  20. No problem sweetie. Hope you have a nice night.
  21. There is an unscheduled maintenance running so you wont be able to until they are done hun.
  22. TDD123 wrote: Somehow you look very smart to me ... :robotindifferent: You're welcome. Its the glasses. Works every time. lol
  23. I so love your work. You need your own sl comic strip. You crack me up!!
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