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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. I have this cute outfit I think would look cute with a wreath or belt of leaves and flowers around it. Know of any or what I would put in the search?
  2. Amras Alder wrote: If you like, you can get rid of the Pie Menu in Prefs/User Interface/General .... by un-ticking "Use Pie Menu." when you do that, it reverts to a Linear Menu. These instructions are for FS 4.3.1 (the current version). Thank you but I think I am getting used to it. However the minimize button being an x button is still one I am working on lol..
  3. Gingir Ghoststar wrote: So, I'm in taketomi, trying on the new hairs with my partner, Bells. We're IRL besties so we partnered one another. One of the other shoppers strikes up a conversation in local with us. We're all laughing cause we're all wearing the same pair of pants. Yay for SL uniqueness. Of course, the guy talking to us, is in all demos cause that's his thing. Rock it, right? He's totally got his own flair with the demos that my bestie and I appreciate. Not many would run around in nothing but demos. This other guy shows up and he's shopping near us. Us 3 are still trying on hairs, I am trying to decide which one I like. I choose mine and we're getting ready to leave when the new guy calls our new friend emo. He then goes on to call my bestie and I lesbians and infers we're into pedophilia for talking to our new friend. Our new friend is not a child, though he does look young. We're not hitting on him, we're not even talking suggestive. Beyond that we're not here for that sort of thing, our friend is gay. 2 straight chicks and a gay guy shopping for hair and chatting while we do. OMG.. call the SL cops, right? Well the other guy is upset that we blow him off. So he brings in the creator of the store (not hte owner of the store). They both start calling all of us gay, ugly, blah blah, stupid. And so on. The new girl (the creator) drops the floor and drops EVERYONE in the store to the ground. I put on my flight assist and go right back. I'm not going to be bullied by some hateful homophobic **bleep**. I have by then begun twitching this whole thing. They're talking about how they wish they still had their hacking tools so they could grief us more. They're still using all sorts of homophobic slurs on us and trying to name drop because they "know the owner". Being a store owner myself, I have to say, if this were 2 of my friends... all hell would break loose. I'd be down 2 friends. For one, I don't tolerate hateful homophobes. And for second, any friend of mine who came into my store had better be on their best behavior to my shoppers. I'm not in the business of running a store to make friends, I'm here to make money. Anyways, just my rant about rude people in SL. Wow, sadly I have been heckled because I have a lesbian group in my picks. I am not lesbian I am bi but I have many Lez friends on here and I support them. To be so rude is just bad busniess for all involved. Whether you believe in homosexuality or not money doenst have a sexual preference. I would deffinitly not go back to the store and tell the sim owner and owner of the store whats going on. I would also be down two friends as well. /me wants to get all her gay friends and visit the store and hackle them.. giggles but that would be just as bad.
  4. I dont think its fair to put non gimp/photoshop photos to compete with ones that have it. How can you compare? Doesnt really make it fair game. Well I wish the contest lots of entries!
  5. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Janelle Darkstone wrote (to Sephina Frostbite): You look great! :smileytongue: Hey, what about me? I'm showing some serious finger in my badge! And what lovely fingers those are. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  6. Janelle Darkstone wrote: You look great! :smileytongue: Thanks Janelle!
  7. Ceka Cianci wrote: I'm not sure why they make that the default really.That ends up being my first thing I change when I use that viewer.. Maybe there was a majority that requested it or something.. This last time it took me forever to find it because I forgot where the setting was hehehe for me when firestorm was in pre-alpha it ran so nice..i was loving it..then beta came and it was still running very nice.. but since it's first real release past beta..i haven't been able to use it..which makes me sad about that.. because it is a fun viewer.. i just tried their latest the otherday to see if things changed for me.. i ended up still stuck on the LL viewer for now until i can find something with good performance for me with goodies in it.. i love firestorm..i just think i've become out dated to it is all =( i used firestorm today because the sl viewer was being a fart. My inventory worked but it kept loading. Kept saying fetching. I always wanted to try firestorm or phoenix but was imitated. After dealing with inventory mess for hours I figured what the h3ll. Now or never. It is so smooth, my house is rather big there is no lag. Down side is sims take a bit more time to load but only slightly. Not enough to want to make me gouge my eyes out. The only thing I have to get used to is when I right click its a circle instead of a list. Trips me out at times.
  8. Orca Flotta wrote: Welcome to the dark side, Sephina. We have candy for you. :smileyvery-happy: oooh me likes candy.. Sad you cant move with the wasd keys though
  9. Why didn't I try this out 3 years ago? Its so much smoother and shaper I love it. IF only I could learn how to move instead of typing in local chat. LOL Yeah I am that kind of special sometimes LOL
  10. Thanks! I keep forgetting they call the bigger picture a badge and its under social settings. That's where I was having trouble.
  11. Thanks Madeline!!! It worked!! /me bows to your awesomeness!
  12. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: Thanks wont work.. maybe I am messing up.. but its okay thank you for the help. Hmm, let's keep at this. We'll get you there! Were you able to save the image I posted to your PC? Describe what's not working and we'll work through it. Figured it out I was using Google Browser. Switched it to Firefox. It wouldnt save it under png wth Google
  13. Thanks wont work.. maybe I am messing up.. but its okay thank you for the help.
  14. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I uploaded a transparent PNG file as my "Avatar" image. I uploaded the pic as well but it shows up tiny and I want it to be the full picture instread of a split one.
  15. I can't. I chalk it up to 5 hours of sleep the past three days.. ah the life of a nurse lol. Anyways my question is how do I change my display picture to just one photo not two.. Yeah I know, noob question.
  16. I talked to a few who claimed they were LL. Don't believe sweetie and report them. If they actually are LL they they have nothing to fear.
  17. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Hi Sephina, the Pose Fair is going on until the 14th and I saw these poses that looked similar to what you are describing. If nothing else, maybe you will find some others you like. Also, several shops are offering free or very inexpensive pose gifts. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Solace%20Island/251/135/22 Awesome thank you soo much!!
  18. Penny Patton wrote: I've seen this a lot, the issue is usually with HTTP Textures. Without fail, I've been able to solve the problem by turning HTTP textures off in the Develop menu. To get to the Develop Menu you first need to show the Advanced Menu, which you can do via your Viewer Preferences. Once the Advanced menu is visible at the top of your screen, click on it and select "Show Develop Menu". "HTTP Textures" will be near the bottom of the Develop menu, simply click on it to disable the feature. Thank you Penny for the help!
  19. Rival Destiny wrote: I am looking for a particular hairstyle but so far have had no luck. If anybody knows where I can find it, please let me know. thanks! Rival Destiny wrote: I am looking for a particular hairstyle but so far have had no luck. If anybody knows where I can find it, please let me know. thanks! Ali and ali have a hair identical to it.
  20. Orca Flotta wrote: AGAIN? Thought the same thing
  21. SID Riler wrote: I do not use a tall avatar anymore i probably get to your hip, it all depends where you hang out, if everyone around uses tall avatar then it is not a problem, if you go where everyone uses shorter avis, then you will look the tallest, but I guess everyone should be able to use whatever they want anyway Generally I am about the same hright maybe a little taller and still way shorter then men. Some places I am taller but Cant all be the same.. or at least I hope not lol
  22. Randall Ahren wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: I went to the welcome area I would rather do almost anything else. How could anyone be that bored? Don't you have inventory to sort or something? Yes I do but I needed a break to do something else.
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