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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. btw, welcome to the forums.. Took me almost 3 years to realize this place existed lol
  2. Maybe this? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Brawler-DEMO-A-Wylde-Style-by-Khyle-Sion/82987
  3. I think its nice to help new people out. Its one of the things I love to do. More videos the better. I will be checking them both out. Thanks for the post guys!
  4. Now I kind of wanna see what you look like..lol
  5. I feel the same way about sl. I have periods where I dont sign in for weeks and at one point months. Then I come back. Like others say if you can afford to keep it do so. When I get bored of sl I have other games I play that are more action type (WoW) but in the end I always miss sl.
  6. I agree. A few years ago avis were taller. Now it seems everyone wants to be shorter. I love my avi and will not change her despite sometimes being mad fun of. Rarely but it happens. I made a short avi and although shes a cutie I think she might collect dust lol. I am me and thats all I can and will be. Btw you are right its amazing what a good hair and shoes will do.
  7. I agree with every one else on this one. However if you want to keep your face go to edit appearance then copy the numbers to chin, mouth, ears, head, nose, eyes. When you change your shape put those numbers in and viola.. Remember to write down the name and number with it so you dont get confused. I have two shapes now my tall and slender model shape and mini me whos short and curvier both with the same face.
  8. I just want to say I have utmost respect for Ceka.. and to be honest if it came down to a brawl between us Id be a gonner lol. Thanks for the heads up on SLU. In all my sl years I have never heard of it. I see good things with that but I also see the bad side. People lie or tendoverexaggeratesoImalittleafraidtocheckitout, peoplecanbesovicious.
  9. I read books the old fashioned way but I would love to join!
  10. i wish the sliders offered thigh and calf muscles seperately. Thats also an issue for me. Everything will be okay and my thighs will be huge but if I make the legs smaller then my calves are sitcks
  11. I don't expect my money back although he has promised me on Monday it will be returned. I understand buyer beware and I understand being Sh*t out of luck. It was for the safety of other people what my concern was. To watch others be taken advantage of it what bothered me. This post is not a whinefest. I know better then to make such a posting. It is rather to get opinions on what would you do if you see someone who has wronged you about to wrong others. That is all. I apologize if anyone misunderstood me. I am not here to make enemies or have people pity me. I am sorry if it came across as such.
  12. Ceka Cianci wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: There is always SLU if you feel like naming and shaming .. They let you do it there.. I never do feel like naming nor shaming which is why I didn't. I am always respectful even if I am being ripped off. I wasn't rude nor did I say who it was. Please don't turn it around on me. Thank you. Oo just people offering help you disrespect? I believe I said IF You FEEL like it.. I wasn't turning it around on you.Don't put so much into the words name and shame.It's only meaning that you are allowed to say the name of the person or place you have a conflict with.. You won't get an easy pass at SLU to just drop in then say their name and everyone buy your story at face value.. You still have to prove yourself.. Otherwise you get ate up.. I was only showing you another SL forum with a bit more freedom with a large following as another channel to discuss what happened.. Because talking about it here is just blowing smoke without the fire.. They happen to deal with a lot of things like this..without the restrictions that the SL forums have.They deal with a lot of copybot and mesh theft and other things that can't be posted here.. and they happen to actually be a help.. Please don't twist my meaning around..K? I don't use disrespectful ways to get results.. But I won't be a victim when I don't have to be either.. And never in my life will I respect a thief.Especially when they are ripping me off.. That's just silly.. In the future I'll save my advice for people that are actually looking for help.. Also.. Don't ever use a post of mine.Especially when I go out of my way and post up to help.To launch some holy martyr meme at my expense.. You will do nothing but lose respect.. Only a couple of things push my B!tch button.And that is one of them.. Hence the tone of this whole post.. Next time at least check out the information before you jump to conclusions.. I don't know where you words of hate are coming from as I did not attack you nor was I using it as a holier then thou post. I actually do have proof of everything. If you meant to give me advice then I apologize but I felt attacked. I am sorry if I was wrong. I also meant no harsh tone however I can see how both our posts could be misconstrued as snarky. All I wanted to point out is Im not here to bash but to come one here getting peoples words of advice. As I said if I misunderstood you I apologize.
  13. Ceka Cianci wrote: There is always SLU if you feel like naming and shaming .. They let you do it there.. I never do feel like naming nor shaming which is why I didn't. I am always respectful even if I am being ripped off. I wasnt rude nor did I say who it was. Please dont turn it around on me. Thank you.
  14. Thank you everyone for your advice. I felt better getting that off my chest and having something done about it. I hope he knows I hated making that post with ever fiber of my being but I also hate seeing other people ripped off. Crossing my fingers I will get my money back as he promised. After all this is my rl birthday weekend and Id love to spend some lindens on my b day
  15. i did just that and I was nice about it. I dont want to make a scene or have it turn around on me. He messaged me saying he will pay me in a few days within seconds after posting so crossing my fingers. I never want to be mean or bash some one. Thanks for the advice.
  16. Nuhai Ling wrote: Why did you pay for the work up front? I hate to be the bearer of bad news but never, ever, ever pre-pay someone to make you products in Second Life. Responsible SL builders will work with you to make a product and then rez a full-perm copy for you to buy. That way you get your product and they get paid without the fuss. It also leaves a purchase trail just in case. If you pay up-front, it only looks like you transferred money from your account to theirs, leaving Linden Lab no information that it was for something specific. I would chalk this up to experience and move on. There is really no recourse to compel the builder to provide a finished product at this point. I know its tough but don't dwell on it... Just keep going and don't forget. I paid up front because I was told that is normal when someone is doing custom work. I was leery but when several builders said it was okay I did. Then when a friend messaged me saying what he did to her and is now doing to me I felt like a mule. Never again though.
  17. Nice job, I was wondering though if you got any of the work I ordered about a month ago as well my friends done. I havent heard anything from you for almost 2 weeks. If you are reallly busy a refund would be nice, I understand the pressures of the business world but I dont want to have to wait for over a month. Thanks hun! As well as my friend has been waiting over a month. Sorry to ask you here but you havent answered her or I messages in a few weeks now and I know I havent been hasseling you, Please be honest or just refund me and Ill go away. I rather we stay friends though and be able to order in the future.
  18. Phil Deakins wrote: I would do exactly what the others have suggested - post a reply to him:- "You don't time to deal with more orders. You haven't yet delivered <my stuff> and it's been <weeks> since I paid you for it. Before you stopped communicating with me altogether, you kept telling me you were very busy with order, so when exactly do you think you'll be able to deliver mine?". - with some details. And I'd post it every time he posts in this and other forums. Could I copy and paste that plz? lolz.. You said it so perfectly.
  19. I am a little intimidated because it seems like is well liked and popular. Id hate to be bashed by people who don't know both sides. But I will report him and call him out so to speak.
  20. How do I put two images next to each other and what program do I use?
  21. Tex Monday wrote: IMHO, it is fraud...you paid for something and he never delivered. Since you've tried to contact him and he's never responded, he's a scumbag. I don't know if you have any kind of recourse through LL...I was checking around and didn't see anything. A question is besides you and your friend, has anyone else had this problem? Does his shop have a group? Maybe question people there??? My suggestion is to see if you can file a case with LL (although, it may not be the way to do things), to get your money back or your custom work delivered. If he's posted for options on the forum, I think you've more than welcome to confront him here. Either you'll guilt him into satisfying you as a customer (with the custom work..get your minds out of the gutter) or he'll just stop posting because you've called him out. Either way, good luck. It's totally unfair that there are scumbags like this inworld who don't even have the common desency to do a service they're being paid for. (Ohhh..there goes that mind in the gutter thing again) Thanks for the advice. I know there is most likely nothing that can be done concerning LL. I am just concerned of all those victims including close acquaintances of mine. Makes me ill to think about the thousands of linden he is getting. Sadly he has ruined me from ever getting custom work done. I thought about calling him out of the forums in a nice way on his posting but then I dont want to be banned or get backlash from people.
  22. So I paid for some custom work that was never delivered. After a while he didn't even message me. The last massage almost 2 weeks ago what that he was busy with other orders. Then I come on here seeing him asking for customers. He not only did this to me but also a friend. I understand that he is busy which is why I waited 5 times the amount of time he said he would be done in. He still has yet to deliver my friends product that was purchased months ago. At this point if he is that busy I would want my linden which I did ask for. I haven't harped him which I know can be irritated. I sent 3 messages after two weeks 3 or for days spread apart. I see him online and I am ignored. My problem is I keep seeing him advertise and people lining up. He just recent posted for opinions on getting more people. Do I warn people are just let them fall victim to his charm? Thank you for your time.
  23. Syo Emerald wrote: Where is the sense in asking people to verify their gender? - Why does someone needs to know if the DJ is male or female, as long as the music is good? - Why does someone needs to know if the host is male or female, as long as they know how to do their job? - Why does someone needs to know if a dancer is male or female, as long as their emotes are well written? Nobody will have sex with them, nobody is going to be part of their real life...hell, their avatar could be even genderless... This sounds like someone being homophobic....:catfrustrated: That this habit from the wannabe elite brothels now leaks into other jobfields is somewhat shocking and horrible. I absolutely agree with you. If its just a job for a few hours no less that you are probably not going to make all that much why does it need to be verified? If you are never going to voice chat, why care. Its not like there is going to be a relationship out of it. I agree its homophobic.
  24. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: I am trying to take some shots but I can't because even though my pose is set my avis head keeps looking back and fourth to my mouse movement. How do I stop this movement, thank you! The setting you're looking for is the first thing in the Preferences/Firestorm/Avatar menu... just set both the horizontal and vertical range to zero and your head won't move at all. ...Dres Thank you sugar Life saver!
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