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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Could it be that your subconscious motives for being so giving are not necessarily, entirely pure? Perhaps you've set your expectations of these people, to which you've been so generous, far too high... making it seem as though all they do is take, when that may not be an accurate assessment of the situation. Regardless, the only way you've wasted your time is if you've learned nothing in the process... after all, that's what life is all about. ...Dres You do have a point there. I was guilty of this once time long ago. Now Im am just sweet and never expect anything back not even a friendship. I am much happier for it.
  2. As Jewel had said, That video is so moving, I also am in tears. Thank you for sharing that beautiful video.
  3. Marianne Little wrote: Nude pasties. They are tintable, so you should be able to match them to your skin. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Nude-Pasties/4586225 thank you!!!
  4. Have a beautiful gypsy top but its see through. Is there anything **bleep** covers that are a natural color? Thanks.
  5. Thank you for this thread I am looking for a very interactive pet and have no clue where to go. Doesnt have to breadable though for me.
  6. IMHO, Go for something you like and feel confident in. THe ladies will come. However, and again this is just my opinion, I feel mesh avatars are not ready yet to be out there. They do look rather odd. Personally I think a man that is confident, charming and honest and any avi will get my attention faster then some hot looking avi that's a jerk. As for body types I think the trend is lean and muscles, like athletic (could be wrong) but big bulky hulk like muscles are less seen nowadays.
  7. VictorBaton wrote: LOL, reading the title, I thought it was my deleted post. Dres was right . I exported it on SLU. Ciao Trinity and Dres. So being the curious person I am I wanted to see what goes on in SLU, do you have a website?
  8. Couldnt find a post about someone being upset about being banned for avi being huge. In that the place was mentioned for free stuff. A warehouse I think??? Can any one help me find it? I am needing it to help someone out. Sorry to be a pest but I really couldnt find it and when I type in warehouse in the search inworld.....well.. we dont wanna go there lol.
  9. Magika has some nice ones and so does Catwa as Syo said, I wouldnt wear a&a but I have seen others wear it and where it well. So it also depends on your avis look.
  10. Hey shout out a message to me if you want and Ill help Sephina Frostbite
  11. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Over the years that I've spent participating in this forum, I've seen a lot of blatant attempts to create drama and I have to say that if Sephina was really trying to create drama, she's doing it all wrong. I mean, where's the whining about how unfair life is? Where's the gnashing of teeth over how horribly wrong those people were to treat her in such an evil way? Where's the clutching of pearls over how people are insinuating that she's some sort of tramp because of her profile? She hasn't started calling people trolls. She hasn't started accusing people of being bullies. She hasn't threatened to ragequit SL or even just stop posting in the forum. She hasn't threatened to AR anyone. She hasn't threatened to find anyone inworld and make their SL a living hell. Hell, if her intent was to create drama, she doesn't know what the hell she's doing. No offense, Sephina, but you're not doing a very good job... you really need to step up your game. :matte-motes-sarcasm: ...Dres Lol Thanks for the laugh Dres.
  12. Raimi Syaka wrote: I totally agree that people see things differently. I am currently dealing with somebody that sees what I say differently from what I am actually saying. Also, one person's trash is another person's treasure, and one person's treasure is another person's trash - is a very true saying. I had to change my own profile recently to alert people that I do not voice chat, since I get a lot of requests for it, and I get disrepect when I say, "No." I have that issue as well. I am going to change my profile that says no voice chat as well. Thanks for the tip.
  13. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: Thank you and hope you have a nice day. I stopped wishing people a "nice day" long ago. Even when I mean it, nobody believes me. Now I tell them to get into trouble and report back. Even when I don't mean it, they often go off and do exactly that. Humans! The trick I'm still learning is how to detect when I am damned if I do, and damned if I don't. ;-) I never say have a nice day in a mean way even if I am being unfairly treated. I know how you feel. Thank you for your response before. You said it perfectly. I had no clue some would view my thread as drama or attention seeking. If they knew me they would know I actually am quiet and to myself. I am teaching myself how to build and create which is a learning curve so I am going to attend some classes. Creating drama is a horrible way to get attention one who think. I am sure if I wanted that kind of attention it would be easily gotten and wouldnt need LMs to find it. I love wordplay and I often purposely misinterpret if I think I can put a smile on someone's face by doing so. I believe the last sentence of your OP was misinterpreted by at least one and perhaps more. You said, and I quote... "apparently I befriended all the close minded pervs. lol". I think that was interpreted as you judging the people who walked away from you as "pervs." But if you change just one word in your statement, the meaning you intended becomes clearer. "apparently I befriended all the close minded firemen. lol". And now it becomes clear that you actually like firemen. Who wouldn't? Your mistake was to befriend only the close minded ones. I've almost learned to take a broader view of a person than can be gleaned from one post. Sometimes one post is enough, but not often. Ceka said, "Enjoy the ride, avoid the potholes." I'm not sure why people go around filling holes with pot, but if you get that stuff on your tires, you'll stain the garage floor. I'm guessing Ceka is speaking from experience. She usually does. I did realize a bit ago that I worded it wrong and some people would take offence. i dont hate perves and I am one of them sometimes. I dont want to change my post so Ill say it here. Instead of close minded perves I mean people who view things differently then I do so we no longer have things in common. Hope that corrects it. Btw you posts always make me laugh, and I wouldnt mind being a friend to a firemen or three :matte-motes-evil-invert: haha
  14. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Deja Letov wrote: What's really said is that I can run any of those games on high settings with ease yet SL with it's crappy graphics and low performance tends to slow my system down far worse. Something wrong with that picture. You are comparing apples to oranges. Games like those have in world content created by professionals that optimize their content. The game can download all of it to your PC at one time since the content is fixed. SL on the other hand must download the content as you view it because it changes all the time. SL content is mostly created by hobbyists who haven't a clue how to optimize their creations. I agree and You I am glad its the way it is. User created. Yes its not as graphical as those games but it also gives me a sense of community as well as it gives me a chance to be a creator.
  15. Ceka Cianci wrote: Sephina..don't sweat the people looking to give you a hard time.. the nice thing about posts and the internet is.. you can just scroll on by as if they were never typed up.. enjoy the ride..avoid the potholes.. *winks* lol Have I ever told you that you rock the Casba!
  16. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: Thank you and hope you have a nice day. I stopped wishing people a "nice day" long ago. Even when I mean it, nobody believes me. Now I tell them to get into trouble and report back. Even when I don't mean it, they often go off and do exactly that. Humans! The trick I'm still learning is how to detect when I am damned if I do, and damned if I don't. ;-) I never say have a nice day in a mean way even if I am being unfairly treated. I know how you feel. Thank you for your response before. You said it perfectly. I had no clue some would view my thread as drama or attention seeking. If they knew me they would know I actually am quiet and to myself. I am teaching myself how to build and create which is a learning curve so I am going to attend some classes. Creating drama is a horrible way to get attention one who think. I am sure if I wanted that kind of attention it would be easily gotten and wouldnt need LMs to find it.
  17. Malanya wrote: Attacking you? LOL oh yes because some didn't say what you wanted to hear or questioned the intent of your post. Puhlease, you were not attacked. If you changed it it would show you did. I am no longer feeding your drama thread so you have a great day too! Never changed anything expect to edit my spelling and to add stuff, never delete And yes I did feel attacked. If this is all you have to say please stop posting. You have caused more drama then anything else. My thread was a simple one. Why some people made it out to be more I don't know. I guess some people have nothing better to do then stir up drama. I don't however wish to. As Madeline said. I just wanted to explain my situation and get some LMs. As I did, There are people on here that gush their emotions all the time and don't not get accused of drama. I don't really see why I am. I am grateful I don't have to explain myself you anymore as you seem to not understand and would rather accuse and attack. edit to say DID and to correct there to their.. now you know
  18. Rya Nitely wrote: Melita Magic wrote: Isn't the whole idea of direct delivery supposed to be that it goes to your inventory without any further fussing about it? In many cases a box isn't necessary. That was why it was called Direct Delivery. Not needing to unbox items was supposed to be the main advantage. True even though I still unpack about the same as I always did.
  19. Raimi Syaka wrote: Hey. I don't do Slex often – rarely actually. I have an “ICE” reputation to maintain. And I still have friends and people that send my avatar friend requests. I don't 100 percent feel that no Slex equals less/no friends. It's basically more that you changed your interest away from Slex (no matter how less you changed it) and their interest remains to be Slex. Therefore, you no longer mesh together well and no longer have the same interests, and they probably feel that there is nothing in common ground anymore to share and moved on. Or they could merely be douche bags and/or not real friends, at all. No way to know for sure unless you ask. ~Raimi, not going to say a word about your profile, groups or feed. I dont think they are douche bags. Just merely people who wanted one thing from me and I assumed they wanted a friendship. The only ones I find to be mean are the ones that are being mean about it and attacking me. I have since cleared out my groups and picks and as for my feed I do not believe my pictures are sexual. Yes some are topless but I see them as beauty and art rather then sexual. People see things differently.
  20. Gadget Portal wrote: It doesn't matter what you do I SL, be it Slex or building or land baron-ing or DJing or roleplay, if you suddenly start doing it less, you'll have people unfriend you. I clear my list pretty regularly. Old scripting clients, former DJ contacts, sim managers, RP people, etc. Once I'm to the point of rarely or never interacting with them, they're just taking up space on my screen. Thank you for posting that. One would think it would be obvious but I didnt think of it. Made me feel better reading that. Hope all is well in sl and rl.
  21. Malanya wrote: You don't have to apologize for anything, it's your right to post. I do think there are situations where people see drama that isn't there, but if you wanted LM's as you say, why all the details of sex, pervs, ugly avs, friends leaving because no more fun time and whatever else you mentioned in your OP? The extra TMI makes it drama to some of us. Just simply saying you were looking for new places to hang out that was not related to sex because you are interested in exploring different places in sl that would be interesting to you would have been a thread about LM's and I am sure you would have received those responses. I don't believe you offended anyone, you just got feedback on the type of thread you made. I didnt really think I was giving any details, just telling people what I am going throuugh. I got good advice to which I am correcting. Next time I need advice Ill stick to the basics but I am not sorry for saying it the way I did. If people dont like my post they could just simply back out of it instead of coming on here accusing me of drama and causing drama. Maybe I made the mistake of saying to much but thats what happens when one feels comfortable with in a community. I dont know why you keep posting like you are angry. You have snipes/anger in your tone or am I gettting the wrong impression?
  22. Randall Ahren wrote: It was a popular thread. You provided quite a lot of entertainment. No need to apologize. Everyone should probably thank you for giving them something interesting to read on the forums. Thanks for say so. I didnt realize I would cause such a stir from just a simple question. Next time Ill word it better as to not offend people or cause "drama".
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