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Coughran Mayo

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  1. If you like to hang out at coffee shops and cafes in SL, consider joining the Coffee*****s of Second Life group. It's a great group to share your favorite caffeinated haunts and learn about new or notable locations. You can join through Group search, or visit the sign at God Shot Cafe to enrol and get a list of top coffeehouses currently on the grid (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gaenari/112/120/41)
  2. Consider contacting Virtual Ability in world. They recently helped create the online conference experience for MuseWeb, so they already have experience. There's more to a successful online conference than just the virtual space, by the way. Creating the logistics so that attendees can mix and chat with one another outside of the scheduled conference presentations, making provisions for vendors - if you have been supported by them in the past, training presenters to be comfortable using a new technology, etc., etc. I would be happy to share information and experience with you if you would like. dickd@innovaision.com
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