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Shymus Roffo

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Everything posted by Shymus Roffo

  1. its not really like a vendor, It is a box that holds stuff for a roleplay store. and you can use virutal roleplay money to purchase stuff in the store.
  2. Ok i was planning on using it as a server so people can browse a store on a website or pick an item from it and have it delivered to them in world. so far it works.
  3. i also have managed to get XML-RPC to send data but i was told that there is an easier way without have to use remote data and could use http response instead.
  4. How can i figure out what ports are avaliable to me from the hosting company? do i have to contact the company or can i just use phpinfo() ?
  5. i have been experimenting with these two events and wondering if there are better alternatives to remote data with PHP functions... I am begining to learn php and i do not know how to send http requests and wanted to know how to do it...XML-RPC is a pain to figure out and remember.. If you can please help.
  6. I've been trying to set listen channels with notecard and i just can't figure out why the channel stays on 0 when it switches states string notecard = "_config"; integer iline = 0; key kquery; integer channel = -5533; default{ state_entry(){ if(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD)>1){ llOwnerSay("No notecard named: "+notecard+" In the inventory"); state missinginfo; }else{ llOwnerSay("Reading Notecard....."); kquery = llGetNotecardLine(notecard,iline); } }changed(integer change){ if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY){ llResetScript(); } }dataserver(key queryid, string data){ if(queryid == kquery){ if(data!=EOF){ data = llStringTrim(data, STRING_TRIM_HEAD); if(llGetSubString(data, 0,0)!="#"){ integer s = llSubStringIndex(data, "="); if(~s){ string token = llToLower(llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(data, s, -1), STRING_TRIM)); if(token=="channel") channel = (integer)data; } } }else{ state ready; } kquery = llGetNotecardLine(notecard,++iline); } } } state ready{ state_entry(){ llListen(channel, "","",""); llOwnerSay("Channel : "+(string)channel); }changed(integer ch){ if(ch & CHANGED_INVENTORY){ llResetScript(); } } } state missinginfo{ state_entry(){ if(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD)==1) llResetScript(); }changed(integer c){ if(c & CHANGED_INVENTORY){ llResetScript(); } } }
  7. Never mind x.x i got it default{ touch_start(integer n){ integer i; for(i=0;i<n;++i){ integer l = llDetectedLinkNumber(i); integer f = llDetectedTouchFace(i); if(l==2&&f==0){ llOwnerSay("link = "+(string)l); llOwnerSay("face = "+(string)f); } } }}
  8. This is what i've gotten so far but i'm still have errors with it default{ touch_start(integer n){ integer i; for(i=0;i<n;++i){ integer l = llDetectedLinkNumber(i); integer f = llDetectedTouchFace(i); if(l==2){ llOwnerSay("link = "+(string)l); if(f==0){ llOwnerSay("face = "+(string)f); } } } } }
  9. I have been trying to learn how to use llDetectedTouchFace() and llDetectedLinkNumber().... And i was wondering how to use those two functions togethor i have used them seperately and they worked perfect.
  10. Are there any other examples of a 'for' loop on the Wiki cause I'm currently trying to learn the loop and the wiki post on it is sorta help full. Also i'm looking at what it can be used for?
  11. Is there a way to place it in a llSetText() then send the information to a server?
  12. I have been trying to learn sensor and the fire department i'm in needs ways of taking attendance whenever we go on scenes but i don't know how to use sensor that well :matte-motes-mad: The attendance also taken at a scene will go to a server at the station so chiefs can see how many fires the firefighters have been too.
  13. I do not know if it is possible to delete objects but there is a script in the library that will remove other scripts. You can try to edit it to objects. I cannot guarantee that it will work as i am not the creator.
  14. default{ state_entry(){ integer face; do{ llSetLinkTexture(LINK_SET,"78152d64-2b71-a2d6-7430-4396a97acaaa",face ); ++face; }while(face<2);//Change 2 to the number of faces to apply it to } } This will work as long as you do not try to set the texture to face 0
  15. I do not know the way to do that way, but putting the same function just a differant face will work the same way you could try a loop to do it like "while" or "for" default{ state_entry() { llSetLinkTexture(LINK_SET, "66bf4030-04f9-a808-43ab-b48b6aeb6456", 1); llSetLinkTexture(LINK_SET, "66bf4030-04f9-a808-43ab-b48b6aeb6456", 2); }}
  16. llSetLinkTexture default{ state_entry() { llSetLinkTexture(LINK_SET, "66bf4030-04f9-a808-43ab-b48b6aeb6456", ALL_SIDES); }} Simple example
  17. How do i remove my avatar picture from my forum picture and get the picture below to fit inside the box?
  18. When i tried to add the list into the script i got an error that said 'list_one' is a 'feild' but is used like a method.
  19. A script for a neko tail can also be used for the ears needs to be edited. list list_one = ["Tuggies","Nibble","Play","Stroke","Tease","Love"]; string owner; integer lock = FALSE; integer listn; integer rand; integer chan; default { attach(key n) { llResetScript(); } on_rez(integer n) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { chan = 100 + (integer)llFrand(20000); owner = llKey2Name(llGetOwner()); llListen(chan,"","",""); } touch_start(integer total_number) { key dk = llDetectedKey(0); if(dk == llGetOwner()) { llDialog(dk,"Change tail option,",["lock","unlock","Edit","Edit","Edit","Edit"],chan); } else if(lock == FALSE){ llDialog(dk,"What u want to do with "+owner+"'s tail",list_one,chan); } else { llInstantMessage(dk,"This tail is locked >.>"); } } listen(integer c, string n, key i, string m) { //Owner Tail Commands if(m == "lock") { lock = TRUE; llOwnerSay("Locked"); } if(m == "unlock") { lock = FALSE; llOwnerSay("Unlocked"); } //Owner Events if(m == "Edit")//<-----Edit------ { llSay(0, " " + owner + " "); } if(m == "Edit")//<----Edit------- { llSay(0, " " +owner+ " "); } if(m == "Edit")//<----Edit------- { llSay(0, " " +owner+ " "); } if(m == "Edit")//<----Edit------- { llSay(0, " " +owner+ " "); } // Non-Owner Events if(m == "Tuggies") { llSay(0, " "+n + " gently tugs " + owner + "'s tail, wanting their attention."); } if(m == "Nibble") { llSay(0, " "+n + " softly nibbles on " + owner + "'s tail. Listen to their toes crack!"); } if(m == "Love")//<------Edit------ { llSay(0," "+n + " loves " + owner + "'s tail, softly suckling on it much to " + owner + "'s delight!"); } if(m == "Play") { llSay(0," "+n + " plays with " + owner + "'s tail, gently massaging it to " + owner + "'s delight."); } if(m == "Stroke") { llSay(0," "+n + " strokes " + owner + "'s tail, making them murr."); } if(m == "Tease") { llSay(0," "+n + " teases " + owner + "'s tail, just barely rubbing the very edge to make them squeal!"); } if(m == "")//<-----Edit------- { llSay(0," "+n + " " + owner + "'s "); } if(m == "")//<-----Edit------- { llSay(0," "+n + " " + owner + "'s "); } if(m == "")//<-----Edit------- { llSay(0," "+n + " " + owner + "'s "); } } }
  20. Ok i just got it Thanks and i put it in the main script
  21. Does that way show transaction history for objects?
  22. People don't pay for the stuff its all free but its for group only gear
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