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Mona Mendle

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Everything posted by Mona Mendle

  1. Did you find any skeleton that works for rigging in maya 2008? Help! Thanks in advance
  2. Mona Mendle

    maya skeleton

    hi there, i've got the skeleton for maya here http://abbloch.com/slmaya/skeleton.ma but when i open it, maya gives me error "reading file" that may happen cause the file is for most recent maya versions maybe... Is there a version of the skeleton compatible with my 2008 maya? anyone? thanks in advance
  3. hi there, i'm trying to understand the rigging process, got the skeleton for maya here http://abbloch.com/slmaya/skeleton.ma but when i open it, maya gives me error "reading file". Is there a version of the skeleton compatible with my 2008 maya? thanks in advance
  4. Mona Mendle


    7. Proceed to confuse the hell out of someone who now thinks layers and LOD are somehow magically tied to each other, because she's watching a video she's not yet ready for... LOL i'm just trying to learn! what's wrong with it? i watch dozens of videos and NO i've never thought layers and LOD are linked or must be linked to each other for some reason, you made all that layers explanation by yourself etc... as usual i'm never clear asking things so it's my fault ^^ but i really appreciate that you answered hihi )) thanks all for your time! (I'll be back with more questions soon i'm sure)
  5. Mona Mendle


    ah, then if i didn't do that from the start, there's no way to go back..i have to do the modeling again? right? and do it by the way...yes?
  6. Mona Mendle


    yes! but how do i create each lod? ty
  7. Mona Mendle


    Hello, thanks for your reply I know how to make a new layer but what i don't know it's how associate a LOD to each level like shown in the picture... i would like to upload my model into sl for test, but for some reason i do not get the different levels of details that i need, please help me =) ty this is the video i took the image from.. The guy there changes LOD simply clicking on those levels... that's what i want to do too
  8. Mona Mendle


    This is an image estracted from a video tutorial on the web...
  9. Mona Mendle


    Hello I can't figure out how to get these 4 LOD in my Layer Editor...is there an hot key to show them up? It's stupid i know but hmm mendle mendle.. XD Thanks a lot!
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