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Macy Verlaine

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Posts posted by Macy Verlaine

  1. I needed to go find him and show him my "Bust A Move" animation. I used to be able to find him on the map. Now it seems like he's offline a lot or maybe the map isn't working! Yeah! Something must be wrong with animation. Every time I start it up...

  2. Peewee Musytari wrote:

    Fun isn`t it Macy? LOL

    You are the first person today that has actually managed to repost using edit, i suspect all the others are less then impressed and won't be back.

    I couldn't NOT reply! :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

  3. I know this page shows all the recent posts in order:All Forum Posts

    Is there a page that shows all threads that were created or updated?

    It's a lot of work to see what's new.


    @LoveAngel - I don't see how to answer you!

    Thanks, but with that page, I would have to look at 100 pages or more to see if there were updates.
    At least with the all posts page I know where to stop.

    The all threads page shows threads by when they were created, not updated.


    Thanks, everybody!  Guess I will make do and hope for the change PeeWee mentioned.


    Peewee Musytari wrote:


    Macy Verlaine wrote:

    Being hacked never occurred to me. I just said, "Huh, they have pictures now" and went on logging in.

    I wonder if it made a difference which pic they got...I got the "Who Dat?" one and I recognised Jessica, but there was one that said something like...I`m in your machine looking for bugs lol


    OMG - it probably would! I got the one of her, which was just cute.


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