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Snugs McMasters

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Everything posted by Snugs McMasters

  1. Now that's a frightening thought. I'm going to say no.
  2. I gave up that hope long ago. I haven't been hiding, I've been in plain sight for years, yet Maddy hasn't learned a thing from me.
  3. Ack, don't encourage her, Jeny. She's insufferable enough as it is. Now all I'm going to hear for the rest of the day is "Plplplpl, I'm the best and you're not."
  4. Classy? What the hell are you thinking, Donovan? Put Talli's artwork back up!
  5. I don't believe it when Maddy says it. I don't believe it when you say it. You're up to something and I've got my eye on you.
  6. Women too, as Maddy proves daily. And this is one aspect of her character I don't think I can fault.
  7. She is the kind only a mother could like. ;-).
  8. If we're talking about SL, and it's a fire truck or a tractor, Maddy will know.
  9. Leave me out of this! You've got BillThePirate and RootBeerDrinkingLampshade to do your dirty work.
  10. That's because her head is as big as a stop sign.
  11. I know what you said, I don't know what you mean. You started with an idea and got derailed by a metaphor.
  12. Maddy's "bed" is the locomotive's boiler, and there's room for only one body in there. Don't be that body, Talligurl.
  13. Maybe not. It's actually difficult to tell. There are times I swear she's trying to gaslight me, but you ask her she'll say I'm doing the same to her. It's a shame we aren't triplets, we could use a tie-breaking vote.
  14. If only you knew just how untrue everything Maddy says is.
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