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Snugs McMasters

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Everything posted by Snugs McMasters

  1. Beth, would you please stop doing that? You don't have to live with the tantrums Maddy throws when you do. They're awful.
  2. Before SL, Maddy had inhabited several IRC chat rooms which withered and died in the face of other social networks. She maintained a friendship with one fella she'd met there, and with whom she shared engineering interests and an appreciation for hyperbolic banter. When she discovered SL, she created an avatar for him to flatten the SL learning curve with the hope they'd both find ways to get in trouble here. And so "Snugs Eisenhart" was born, cuddly but hard as iron. Unfortunately, she was unable to lure her friend in. He stayed behind in RL where he found and married a sweetie, leaving Maddy with an unused male avatar and no foil for mock sarcasm. She'd pull him out of the closet now and then to help arrange couples poses, but never really found good use for him until finding the forums, where she struck pay dirt. Upon her return as a McMasters, Maddy repurposed me as the angel to her devil. I've had to bear the burden ever since.
  3. Wipe that smug look off your face right now, Maddy.
  4. I think you've got a valid point here, JoiMarie. Madelaine McMasters is nearly 12 years old and has no PIOF. I trust her as far as I can throw her...
  5. If it was Maddy's place you burned down, you'll certainly get my approval, Rhonda.
  6. Stop and think about this for a moment, Scylla. Doesn't the Tilia introduction seem like exactly the sort of thing Maddy would engineer? As proof she's involved, you'll notice she's nowhere to be found in those forum discussions.
  7. Ain't it a pity that the first words that come to your mind are the last words that would make it through the forum filter?
  8. I hear that from Maddy. Doesn't work.
  9. I use mine for nefarious purposes*. * really, look at her forum title.
  10. She has been known to stuff her bras with painting rags.
  11. It hasn't been easy. I've been forced into the attic... and I long ago discovered that Maddy doesn't like being called an empty shell.
  12. Cute? Chemo didn't kill her, so you might want to try something more powerful than bug spray, like AM talk radio.
  13. ...starts looking through SL's Application Support folder for log-file evidence you did exactly that.
  14. Meet me at the crossroads at midnight. Maybe we can cut a deal? When she asks for your soul, remind her she doesn't believe in them.
  15. Though saying so will doubtless expose me to personal recrimination, I'd like everyone to know any rare glimpses of culture Maddy might display have been appropriated from me.
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