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Marianne McCann

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Posts posted by Marianne McCann

  1. G'mornin n G'evening, hope all're well, an that everyone had a great weekend.

    My last couple weekends, and a lot of last week, was full of a lot of building. so this weekend, i got some play time. First off, it was the 7 Seas Fishiversary this weekend, an Livingtree was there, a-course. Here's our fishing camp:



    Sunday was, a-course, may Day, and I celebrated Spring as best I could.  First, I went out and collected flowers...


    (A piccie I'm proud to note got Best of Snapzilla!)

    Then I went to the burning of the wicker man on escapades Island...


    And when all that was done, I dance about the maypole on Livingtree.



    Finally, a while back on Plurk I asked around, looking for a particular outfit. Well, one of the kid clothing designers made it, and so I jes hadda go take another portrait:


    And that's my weekend! 


    Here's hoping everyone has a great week ahead, and many good stories t'share.


    davidventer wrote:

    I have traveled to Bay City various times and absolutely love the general layout, scenery and vibe. My dream is to one day have my own store and perhaps even a little apartment home in the Bay City area but at the moment I simply cannot afford the high "Buy Land" fees. But who knows, maybe some day? :manhappy:

    Truth be told, I would rather live my Second Life™ in Bay City than on a private estate owned by someone else. Bay City is a true example of how the entire mainland grid should be managed and maintained.



    As someone who's been in Bay City since the first auctions, I can feel that brand of pain. It may even be a bit scary to realize that land prices in Bay City -- as high as they are now -- have come down over the last three years. Six digits were the norm during the hotly-speculated days of 2008!

    Bay City remains a rarity on the Mainland. The cost of entry is high, no question, but you can sometimes get a deal. Best bet is to keep an eye on the map, and also consider asking land owners for their best price.

    I also like to point out the benefits of Bay City, which many have already hit on. It's double prim land, so a 1024k parcel = a 2048m parcel in most other places. It is themed ("the American urban experience, between 1940 and 1965, perhaps best typified by Chicago circa 1950 and marked by a distinct deco influence."), it has a strong community base within the Alliance, and a fair number of community events. It has Mole features that both beautify the area and add features -- including things that appeal to boaters, train fans, and aviation buffs.

    For me, my favorite part is the community. The folks in the Bay City Alliance are a bunch of great folks, and are the kinda people that  keep me a part of Bay City.

    BTW, for those who might be interested, Bay City has a great community center in the Daley Bay region, full of information about the area. 

  3. For those of you who were not at yesterday's Bay City Alliance meeting, ya missed a big one...


    Topics discussed included the upcoming anniversary (the live acts have been announced as Christov Kohnke, JoeUSA Shelbyville, and Yaro Pinion), the forced landing point issue (removal approved, but set as a lower priority change), and several new Mole works in progress in Bay City, including the new water passages (north and south), some work in Owens Beach, and the amusement park underway in Weston/Oak Bluffs/Oak Bay.

    Please consider joining the Bay City Alliance if you are a Bay City Resident, and join us at the meetings if you can.



    Winston Silvercloud wrote:

    Removing the forced landing points would allow anyone to land anywhere, correct? 


    No, incorrect. Well, partially correct, partially incorrect.

    The landing points being requested removed are the ones on the Linden owned parcels.  For example, if you attempt to teleport to http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bay%20City%20-%20Handa/51/233/24/ , you will automatically be redirected to the landing point on the Linden land in that region, somewhere around http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bay%20City%20-%20Handa/128/205/24/ . What Qie is suggesting is that the landing point on the Linden-owned land be listed, so that a teleport to http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bay%20City%20-%20Handa/51/233/24/ resolves correctly.

    It would not allow "anyone to land anywhere" *except* on the Linden Land. If you or any other landowner set a landing point on their own land... then people will land on the set landing point as per normal. It does not affect a Residents parcels at all.  Ergo, if you don't want someone to directly TP into someone's home, you will still be able to set a landing point as per normal. Your own parcels will not change.

  5. Canoro Philipp already answered this well.

    Linden Lab policies allow for Child Avatars, provided you do not do anything sexual with them. This obviously includes sexual activity, and has also included child avatar nudity in some instances. There are other issues, outlined above.

    On top of this, individual landowners do have the right to ban your avatar from their land at will, and many (including many non-adult places) will ask you to change or leave their premises.

    The relevant section of the Second Life Terms of Service is 8.2.iv.

    You can find additional information and links pertinent to child avatars on the Second Life Wiki.

    Have fun!

  6. Now might be a good time to note the following, while it's still a quiet sunday. :-)

    "Similarly, some of the first educators and researchers in SL were a bit clumsy in their approach. There were early incidents in which Residents felt—rightly—that they were being spied upon or treated like guinea pigs rather than human beings. Imagine how you would feel if an entire class of students set up right next to your vacation hideaway, left trash lying around, logged your conversations, and posted them on the Internet with criticism and mean-spirited comments. This is exactly what happened to some early Residents. Things have improved greatly in the years since then, but sometimes SL Residents are still subject to that kind of inconsiderate behavior. For example, a constant stream of researchers (often students) posts on the Second Life official forums requesting that Residents please take their surveys. Most of these surveys include the same questions that have been asked over and over. Often they aren't spell-checked, or refer to SL as a game—a sure way to irritate a substantial number of Residents. Some Residents make a hobby of critiquing these surveys, pointing out how the questions and their wording make it clear that the researcher isn't familiar with Second Life. Some post outright that they are sick of badly planned surveys and suggest that the researchers log in and do their own research. "
    From The Second Life Grid: The official guide ro commuinication, collaboration, and community engagement
    by Kimberly Rufer-Bach
    ISBN: 978-0-470-41291-6


    Winston Silvercloud wrote:

    I am not exactly sure removing the  landing points is a good idea. I think most people generally leave their land open so as to limit the amount of ban lines. But, I a not sure they are willing to have people tp at any time right into their homes. Myself I say leave the situation as it is. I have been scanning the maps over the past few months and there is just plain no one coming. Its not a matter of where they land. There needs to be more reasons for them to come. Take a look at the maps for a while. There are more lots for sale than there is general population. That tells me more people want out than want in. Further, the active land owners average about 4 lots each. There is just plain no one home! I am not saying if it ain't broke don't fix it, I saying go break something else....

    This would not change any Residents parcel settings, only the common land (roads and mole builds), so that one could, say, teleport directly to the bowling alley, or farpoint park, or Rollers Park, etc., without having to land at the Gazebo, Cafe Deco, or the Bayjou (respectively) and make your way over,



    Kolby Nissondorf wrote:

    Isn't it really "laggy" to have to sail through the Linden oceans? Are you actually about to boat on them conveniently?

    Especially if you were to put a water way through two Linden regions? The graphics would not load properly guaranteed on my computer.


    Not any laggier than any other place. I boat (and fly over) them all the time, and my computer is not a big gaming one. You can also drop your draw distance if you have trouble with things loading. :-)



    Holocluck Henly wrote:

    Hoverboarded from my place in north Atoll to Hau Koda in about 40 minutes with occasional stopping to check the maps and remount after hitting a banline.  Friend and I estimate once the route is familiar it could take half an hour.

    The travel includes passing the Fuchisia infohub. Without sealife or terraforming, the regions look invisible on a map.

    There were no crashes but each crossover on the new water regions involved heavy drift, but recovered each time.


    I took a slow sailboat across it yesterday, which made it a fairly lengthy 1/2 hour cruise up from New Port to Tuliptree. Was A pretty good ride, though their is a lot of parcel encroachment once you get on the channel on the Heterocera Atoll: an offsim island someone has so kindly put in the middle of the channel, and a couple megaprim structures poking in from either side.

    Overall a pleasant run, though


    Holocluck Henly wrote:

    Aha! You left Bay City - Daley Bay out too, just like the map does for me.

    That's where the Bay City Center is, and I really wish they had that region taken off a forced landing point as well.

    I suspect it isn't apparent to the Lindens that many of us point and click on the map to go somewhere.

    I would be willing to see the meeting space parcel and the main parcel of that region not have a landing point: I would greatly prefer that the center itself retain its center of the building landing point.



    Qie Niangao wrote:

    Does anyone object to having those landing points removed from unparcelled Linden land in Bay City, on non-InfoHub sims?


    As I mentioned in the Bay City Alliance meeting yesterday, I assume landing points were put in as a means of providing a "spot" to start ones exploration of the regions.  Sorta a neutral place to land and explore.

    That said, I don't think that works all that well, and may work against actual exploration of these regions. As such, I would certainly support removal of the landing points in the Residential regions. Those being:


    • Bay City - Argos
    • Bay City - Barnstable
    • Bay City - Brewster
    • Bay City - Dennis
    • Bay City - Docklands
    • Bay City - Edgartown
    • Bay City - Falconmoon (which had its landing point removed some time ago)
    • Bay City - Handa
    • Bay City - Harwich
    • Bay City - Imaginario
    • Bay City - Maddequet
    • Bay City - Mashpee
    • Bay City - Molesworth
    • Bay City - Moloch
    • Bay City - Moosehead
    • Bay City - Morton
    • Bay City - Old Town
    • Bay City - Orleans
    • Bay City - Rollers
    • Bay City - Sandwich
    • Bay City - Sconset
    • Bay City - Tanelorn
    • Bay City - Tisbury
    • Bay City - Truro
    I think we can leave the landing points in any non-residential ones, such as at the Bay City Center in Daley Bay, the Bay City Fairgrounds, and New Port.



    Hugsy Penguin wrote:

    Way cool! I can sail from my land in all the way over the Rizal.  It would be nice if they made a channel to get to Bay city.  Also, I hope they add more regions and make road connections between Bay City and mainland Sansara.  I wouldn't mind seeing a more developed RR in Sansara too.

    I too hope to see some work on a "southern passage" that links Bay City to the inland waterways. In fact, I have heard there are things afoot for that. Wouldn't mind seeing more tail (though the short line in Bay City may well have some ferry component to it that could link it to the Atoll lines). Not sure where a roadway connector could go in. Maybe something that could connect the roadway in Luna to the rez zone and roadway in Noyo? That could have a bit of an impact on Cowell, though. Not sure if any other good ways to route from one to the other. Would be great if there is a way, though!


  13. Just spotted some new waterway to the north of the Gulf of Lauren. A connector from Bay City to ANWR and the Heterocera Atoll. Still not showing ont he map, but it's north of  Shamwari, along the top of the suburbs, then north to Fuchsia. A passage cuts through Fuchsia to another new block of regions stretching from  Swanhild to Valda, where it connects with the ANWR passage to the northern continent. :-)


    Meia Cosmos wrote:

    Shame. I'd probably be more bummed if I didn't know the combat community would never actually band together long enough to organize it anyway. Then there are the drama wars...then regulating the continent without bias... Yeah. Guess it wouldn't work anyway. Thanks for the replies guys.

    Welcome! I know a couple other community who were also keen on the CPP process, most notably in aviation and railroading.



    Meia Cosmos wrote:

    But yes, the question is about the validity of it, and if indeed it's possible to do at all. As I recall, it was described as a community outreach program where if a community showed enough interest, or signed a pretty petition, or similar, it were possible for Linden labs to donate sims (Or atleast something to this effect). 


    That was the Community Partnership Program (CPP). Sadly, though there were a couple interests that did join the CPP (the Hockey folks of GOHA and the Burning Man crew, who later struck out on their own), the program has since been shuttered since sometime around the great layoff and cutback period of last Summer.



    Yeso Kidd wrote:

    I posted this in another thread on friday. Just checked and its still there. It has over 60 rotating for sale signs from the same guy. 

    And the same person has the blocks of four trees, a lamppost, and a sign all over the ground there, like some curious pine-scented pox. These don't make that land sell any better, surely? :-)



    Qie Niangao wrote:

    I probably won't be able to make the anniversary events due to RL stuff, but it shows every sign of being a great success.  Superb planning and organization. :smileyhappy:

    On an unrelated topic: I've been wondering why so many of the Bay City sims have landing points set for the common municipal land in the sim.  Landing points work fine for specific parcels, but I'm forever landing a half-sim or more from where I'm trying to go, in regions where the Linden land is unparcelled but nonetheless has a landing point set somewhere.

    I'd especially like to arrange for the LDPW builds listed on the wiki to be accessible directly, without having to navigate from a distant landing point to the landmark or SLURL of the build location.  Just having the landing points removed altogether would be fine, at least for my purposes, and should be easier than setting up separate parcels with landing points for those attractions.  Is there anything I could do to help with this?  (Or does the current arrangement have some advantage I'm overlooking?)

    The only "reason" for those landing points is "they've always been like that." I presume the initial idea was to give one a 'starting point" in each region, but they don't necessarily work well in practice.  Perhaps this is worth moving on? I'm game.


  18. So... How was everybuggy's weekend? Didja have fun?

    Here's some of the things I did this weekend an stuff.

    I did go to the Remembrance Day event, mostly for BlueGin Yifu, but also f'r Sandy Clymer and Wiccan Sojourner. I did not take any piccies at the event, but it was very nicely done anyways. It's the Seasons Hunt spring edition time, so I'm definitely takin' part. That's also not much t'look at.

    Me an my sibs have been out an about, including exploring the new Where It Begins region for the store Awesome Blossom. Pretty nice place -- and they have a swing set!


    We've also been poking around the Weston and Oak Bluffs regions, where th' moles are doin some work on an amusement part sorta thing. Here's the three of us playing around on the pilings...


    And a piccie of one of th' pillars that adorn an entrance to the area. I guess they're still workin on it, but still cool to see the classic hippo there!


    Finally, on Sunday I got talked into judging f'r a catamaran race. Here I am eying the boats at the raceline in The Mastheat. This was more fun than I thought it might be. :-)


    So that's what I did this weekend.

    Here's hopin' yer next week is a super one!


    Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Yer all skipping my part of Bay City...

    On your map there, I'm the little tan rectangle in the sim that's in the upper left, that's on the right-side end of a dead end road, and bottom right of a 'land triangle'. Bay City - Truro. Maybe 2-3 sims distance from where you're wrapping.


    Ya, the unfortunate nature of where we're starting from, I suppose. I hope you do attend, however!


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