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Marianne McCann

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Posts posted by Marianne McCann

  1. I was rezzed a Sansaran, and I suspect I'll derez as a Sansaran. From my first days in Ahern, to my temporary infohub home in Sami, two years or so in South Islandia, and my current home in the Suburbs above Nova Albion and Bay City, it's home.

    It's got the the Forest of Kahruvel, standing over the Bay of Space Pigs. It's got the deep, deep history of the San Francisco and Color regions. it's got the pristine beauty of the peaks in the snowlands, and the lava cone of Mount G'al. 

    And the tri cities area... ahh. Nothing like sitting at my place in Miramare and enjoying the feel of the area, or Bay City's beautiful canals. It's got a little of everything I love.

    And yes, my second runner-up is the Heterocera Atoll. I love that rocky coral, and remember it from a couple of my early favorite destinations in Achemon and Digiuda. It felt like a private island, even though mainland.  It does have better roads, by and large, than Sansara, as well as more rail and that wonderful bridal path -- plus Magellan's discoveries in Iris.

    Not to say there isn't beauty to be found on the others -- but those are my faves.

  2. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Would love to see some attention to the far western end of Bay City, though I understand that the presence of what on my map looks like private estates just one sim block away makes it hard to put ocean and beaches in between.

    Nonetheless the way western Bay City just drops off into a void ought to be dealt with at some point.


    It will be dealt with, eventually. The South and Western edges are kept open (save for the odd island) for possible future expansion.

  3. I'm *very* excited to see this, and have talked about it before on my blog. I was out in the new Lunas and a couple Titan-named regions  last night. In in one case seeing a Luna wink into existence before my very eyes. Exciting!

    There is one issue I see that the original poster alluded to. 

    The difference between the four mainland sandboxes and sandbox island is that one was designed for island specific testing (and often testing things that should not have an option to spread onto the mainland), while the other was designed with the mainland in mind. Without that separation, now, there is no longer an isolated "island" sandbox for testing.

    Also, because the island sandbox was, well, an island with no connection, it did not need the no object entry strip on the edges or a high "buttress" around it to contain things. 

    The two above issues have led to some challenges overnight with a particularly virulent combination of an lolcube spewing particles / "blue box" spammer that spread from the new sandbox area across into Luna and Nova Albion.

    I know there's still adjustments to be made to it all, and I remain very excited to see the Southern Passage go in, and assume that some of these changes are still being revised as the next couple days go along. :-)

  4. I want to say thank you to all who participated and made the event possiblee, particularly LisaHot Juran and Ever Dreamscape for helping make the love music even happen, our performers Marx Dudek, JoeUSA Shelbyville, Christov Kohnke, and Yaro Pinion, March leaders LisaHot, Ever, Pygar Bu, RacerX Gullwing (leading the racing snails), MsFuzzy Dumpling, and Cindy Vichan, Blondin Linden for his support, the involvement of the LDPW and individual moles, particularly Garden, Sylvan, and Hyper, the other Residents of Bay City, and our friends from Nova Albion, Luskwood, Mowry Bay Yacht Club, the Virtual Railway Consortium, GOHA, and other groups who I failed to catch the name of (including at least one other yacht club).

    We had 60± marchers, a max of 56 at the party (and stayed largely above 40 for the first two hours), and a whole lot of fun. :-)

  5. How was everyone else's weekends, and do ya have fun stuff comin' this week?

    It's that time again! The time to wish you a good morning and/or a good evening, and write about my weekend!

    It's been crazy here, with preparations for the Bay City Anniversary and Shoe Fair goin' on, an this weekend was when both of the above started!

    First, Robin Sojourner was going into Shoe Fair for the first time, and working on some great saddle shoes. Which she did that, she had me shoot a lot of her promotional images for the booth, and help out on other stuff besides.  

    Here's one of the shots I did for her. It was a good excuse for a paety. An really, I've heard enough of political tea parties lately that I decided to take the term back. :-)


    And a shot of her booth. Her new shoes - a really nice saddle shoe, can be seen to the right. She is in the Iridium region, BTW.


    So the Bay City Anniversary went super.  We had some 60± marching, hit a high of 56 avatars in the party after, and had a ton of fun.  Here's a somewhat overhead view of the party afters:


    And a shot of Route 66, all decked out for the parade. Sadly, I could not shoot piccies and march at the same time.


    Sunday, of course, was a day to rest.  Here's a shot out in much older stomping grounds, in the forest of Kahruvel. In the Rodeo region.


    How was everyone else's weekends, and do ya have fun stuff comin' this week?


    WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote:

    It used to be that this sort of thing was worth a blog post from the LDPW.

    I've sailed through Maroon, but the whole region seems to be No-Script. Vehicles will steer, but there seems to be no control of speed. From there you can easily get to the L-shaped sea, and the area's a more southern route to Bay City would connect with.

    I'm afraid that some of the channels I used to sail have become very awkward. The channel west of Umber is one which straddles a sim boundary, but if you can get through, there's a decent sim-edge channel on the north side of Hiaka which eventually leads to the larger eastern seas. The channel through Baku has some nasty traps where banlines follow sim boundaries, so it seems the practical route is as far south as Crescent.

    Still, It's now possible to get from Bay City to Mowry Bay or the Sea of Fables. That's a lot to explore.


    From what I heard yesterday, there will be an even easier path soon, via Abbotts to Luna Palisades.

    In advance of that, I'd LOVE to know a good route from Fables to Abbotts. I plotted one last night that looks possible. As long as I remember where that security orb is, and don't hit that low bridge. I love to take a long sail some weekend, from Fables to somewhere deep in the Heterocera Atoll.

    I miss the LDPW blog posts. :-(

  7. So, a resident last night unwittingly revived an old idea of BlueGin's.  The idea of a "welcome packet" for Bay City. I like the idea, as it gives us a chance to welcome people into the alliance as well as help provide materials and information to new landowners (and presumably strengthen the look of Bay City and our own community)/

    With that in mind, I would like to open a discussion on such a thing. To wit...

    1. What should such a "packet" include? What materials and/or information would be relevant and/or useful?

    2. How best can we deliver this material to new (and, for that matter, existing) land owners?



    Willow Danube wrote:

    I thought the mountain price was a bit too expensive for me so I decided to forgo. Anyway, Deep water does sound interesting to me... so what is the lowest point in Mainland below sea level?

    Likely the lake south of Sutherland. Not sure how much of that is available f'r purchase. The lake itself is LL-owned, but maybe there is something on the edge of it?



    Kennylex Luckless wrote:

    I has been around and seen Lindens lands that is open, where all is allowed to build with no auto return, folk has often built there and those areas is often full of junk and sometime starting points for griefers, but it is also common that this kind of Linden areas is used to rez sex beds even several areas is PG rated.

    FWIW, I saw this very thing happen today in a General rated region. A friends parcel borders a for sale parcel with a absent landowner sand a 0 auto return. Within minutes a "brothel" group rezzed a freebie house with some fairly primitive sex beds. Both me and my friend ARed the bed, writing in the report that it was inappropriate content in a PG region, added that the person was squatting on a parcel with a 0 auto return, and within 2 minutes a Linden was on site, returned the whole build, and set the land for a 5 minute autoreturn.



    Deltango Vale wrote:

    Actually, the date of your map would be be sometime between 18 February and 9 July 2007. I can tell by comparing the configuration of Maroon with my land purchase records. Your date of June is probably correct, but it would be 2007 instead of 2006.

    I suspect you're right: I was going by the caption that went along with the photo as seen at http://secondlife.wikia.com/wiki/File:Sansara_c_200706.jpg - which has a June '07 update date -- and a file name that likely reads as 2006/06 (june). Further, said user was the source of a lot of odd names for continents that were seemingly of their own creation, and not backed up by any other source.



    Qie Niangao wrote:

    And a MUSIC EXTRAVAGANZA.  Which, now that you mention it, might be worth listing for the benefit of those planning their (next) weekend.  Cribbing from a poster:


    Why, I'll crib a bit more, even!

    As part of Bay City's Third Anniversary, enjoy a music extravaganza in the Bay City Fairgrounds on the 14th of May!

    Third Concert Poster.jpg

    Performing will be Bay City's own DJ MARX (MARX DUDEK) from 12:30-1:30 p.m. SLT, followed by JOEUSA SHELBYVILLE from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Nova Albion's CHRISTOV KOHNKE from 2:30-3:30 p.m. SLT, and finally long-time Bay City friend YARO PINION from 3:30-4:30 p.m. SLT.

    MARX "DJ MARX" DUDEK (12:30-1:30 P.M. SLT)

    Sometimes-human-sometimes-bunneh is a DJ and owner of The Listening Room in Bay City Westside, an informal music-listening venue for all ages.  Marx's clothing-and-gadget shop, Kerfuffle, is opening in Bay City soon as well."



    "I made a living as lead singer in show group, lounge groups, and playing six nights a week for 38 years. For 16 years of  the 38 years I did a single act playing guitar, singing as I played bass and organ pedals with my feet. I do own a Fender Stratocaster guitar, Fender precession bass , an Electric Piano & Acoustic Yamaha guitar -- and I do play them all."


    CHRISTOV KOHNKE (2:30-3:30 p.m. SLT)

    "Hi, I love to sing and play the guitar. I play pop music of all styles from all ages. I play in real life and find playing in SL a lot of fun. I love to play lead guitar too so don't be surprised if you hear me soloing over myself using a looping device that I use to record myself in the moment and then play over that. I pride myself in all of my playing be live and in the moment versus pre-recorded in any way."


    YARO PINION (2:30-3:30 p.m. SLT)

    "Yaro Pinion has played the guitar since the age of 7 (for more than 40 years), but he has concentrated on the 12-string guitar since 1976. His live RL/SL guitar and vocal performances include Classic/Southern/Soft Rock and Country Ballads delivered with his very own unique beautiful, melodic picking style. Yaro performs live from his office/studio located near Atlanta, Georgia in the USA."

    Event held at the Bay City Fairgrounds in North Channel, easily accessible by boat, car, walking , or teleport, and the end location of this year's parade. Come on down!



    Phil Deakins wrote:

    In that case he ought to have posted somthing along the lines of, "
    Come and see the parade and enjoy the music events
    " because there's no reason that I know of to "celebrate" the anniversay of when a piece of land was created. In fact, I know of no reason the "celebrate" anything that Linden Lab does.

    Well that's fine, and your choice to do -- but I know for those of us who live and work in Bay City, we're awful proud of our little part of the mainland, and like sharing our anniversary with the rest of the grid. We celebrate not only "LL plopped these regions down in May 2008," but their continued support of our city (several new mole builds are going on in the city right now, for example) as well as the works of our Residents. Plus hey - it's a good enough reason to throw a big party, yes?  :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:



    Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Ah ok. Must just be a lot of action there recently. Half the place is up for sale and half is still owned by Chung.

    The layout is... well... very unmainlandish...


    Yes. The layout has never exactly been popular. Just a bunch of lumped together, flat, square islands. Hundertwasser, where I was, had only one 16 or 32m parcel of Chung's by the time I left, but I suspect a lot of it was and is still there's. 

    It's great, I suppose, if all you want is a flad, square island. Or say if your name if Flyingroc Chung, Nimrod Yaffle (who has/had a shop in his namesake region), or Obscuro Valkyrie. ;-)


    Josephina Bonetto wrote:

    Mainland living is not for everyone, but I think it is great, I like the design challenges as any developer who likes a challenge would.  Quality of land fluctuates hugely as does price.


    100 x that.

    It's Second Life. You know,t hat whole "Your World, Your Imagination" cliche. It does not take any imagination to flat terrace a bunch of 1024m parcels and call it a day. 

    It does take some imagination to make something beautiful, particularly in some of the more difficult spaces (the side of mountains, for example).  It's heck to try to keep to a theme, like in Nautilus or Bay City. 

    But do these things, and help your neighbors do the same, and you've got gold.


    Cerise wrote:

    That block to the right of Sansara is mainland, it was developed by ACS but it is LL land. Many of the regions there are named after old SL avatars.

    ^^ that. These were developed by Chung as part of a specific arrangement back in the dim and distant past. I lived in one of them, Hundertwasser, for a couple years back in '06-'08.  They've been there, in the same spot, for a good long time. 

    ETA: Here's a shot of Sansara from June '06. You can see both North and South Islandia where they are today. They've been there. :-)

  16. As part of Bay City's Third Anniversary, enjoy a music extravaganza in the Bay City Fairgrounds on the 14th of May!

    Third Concert Poster.jpg

    Performing will be Bay City's own DJ MARX (MARX DUDEK) from 12:30-1:30 p.m. SLT, followed by JOEUSA SHELBYVILLE from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Nova Albion's CHRISTOV KOHNKE from 2:30-3:30 p.m. SLT, and finally long-time Bay City friend YARO PINION from 3:30-4:30 p.m. SLT.

    MARX "DJ MARX" DUDEK (12:30-1:30 P.M. SLT)

    Sometimes-human-sometimes-bunneh is a DJ and owner of The Listening Room in Bay City Westside, an informal music-listening venue for all ages.  Marx's clothing-and-gadget shop, Kerfuffle, is opening in Bay City soon as well."



    "I made a living as lead singer in show group, lounge groups, and playing six nights a week for 38 years. For 16 years of  the 38 years I did a single act playing guitar, singing as I played bass and organ pedals with my feet. I do own a Fender Stratocaster guitar, Fender precession bass , an Electric Piano & Acoustic Yamaha guitar -- and I do play them all."


    CHRISTOV KOHNKE (2:30-3:30 p.m. SLT)

    "Hi, I love to sing and play the guitar. I play pop music of all styles from all ages. I play in real life and find playing in SL a lot of fun. I love to play lead guitar too so don't be surprised if you hear me soloing over myself using a looping device that I use to record myself in the moment and then play over that. I pride myself in all of my playing be live and in the moment versus pre-recorded in any way."


    YARO PINION (2:30-3:30 p.m. SLT)

    "Yaro Pinion has played the guitar since the age of 7 (for more than 40 years), but he has concentrated on the 12-string guitar since 1976. His live RL/SL guitar and vocal performances include Classic/Southern/Soft Rock and Country Ballads delivered with his very own unique beautiful, melodic picking style. Yaro performs live from his office/studio located near Atlanta, Georgia in the USA."

    Event held at the Bay City Fairgrounds in North Channel, easily accessible by boat, car, walking , or teleport, and the end location of this year's parade. Come on down!



    Wildcat Furse wrote:

    Could you post an 'Aerial picture' of your plot and describe short the main lay-out?
    :smileyvery-happy: *meows*


    Mine is likely a bit different from most. Most don't have to do their picture by stitching together parts of the map off slurl.com.


    I may have to take more cluse-up images of different parts

    Main store is obvious. It's my main store. I also have to rentals right next to it, as well as a third in that region.

    Store projects are planned store projects that just require y time and attention

    Info/social space is Miramare Place, home of the Sno-Kone Robot. A nice place to hang out and learn about some cool spots to explore.

    Home is, well, a home. The park across from it is, essentially, prim land.

    Why have things like this? All the parcels are "joined" by roads and common waterways, which makes it really fun to travel. Plus there's a lot of mole builds, parks, etc to explore and enjoy. Makes it feel like one is part of a much bigger "thing."


    Cincia Singh wrote:

    Besides Bay City land being crazy expensive, there's only so much you can do with a 1024 sq m parcel, even if it has double prim allocation. 

    I only half agree. Ya, it's tight, but a good builder can make some seriously great stuff on a 1024m, even without double prims. One does have to be careful, but definitely doable.



    Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

    Great photos, Marianne, and congratulations! :smileyhappy:  

    I'm not surprised you won, though...your pics are always so good (and they always make me want to visit the places you have been to)!



    And I was bad and did not list the locations! The Fishiversary build is partially disassembled now and will be gone after today. The wicker man was on Escapades. The sailor dress outfit was show in Weston, a currently-evolving LDPW build. The other two were shot on Livingtree.

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