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Marianne McCann

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Posts posted by Marianne McCann

  1. A few updates!

    1. Boardwalk

    The aquarium complex being constructed in Oak Bay is essentially complete at this time, while work continues in Oak Bluffs, and Weston. Much is also presumably being worked on offsite.

    2. Bay City Harbor Railway

    Rail lifting bridges have been installed at  Mhindepinde and Inner Harbor, completing this line (pending possible additions above Owens Beach). After discussions with some of the rail community and Bay City Alliance members, the guide rail on the Bay City tracks has been set to phantom.  Work continues in Owens Beach, including what appears to be a "prim mine." Additional work is planned along the Bay City Industrial Park, likely in regards to interior and related decoration.


    3. Southern Passage

    Work is currently underway to further decorate the Southern Passage. Moles have been putting in sea caves and other goodies from Luna Point to  Mnemosyne.

    4. Rizal 

    A reworking of Rizal has launched as of today (24th June). It features a redone Bumper Boat Blast, retails the hedge maze, and has a number of other pastimes and amusements. It is very nicely done, and I hope the future boardwalk area for Bay City Westside will be as nice and as interactive.



  2. I've been remiss!

    (Well, actually, I've been busy)

    Bay City is at SL8B, and I do hope you'll come and visit!  You'll find us in SL8B Exhilarate. Come on by for a few free goodies, a new Bay City Guide, or just to check out the movie "The Magic of Bay City."


    We'll be having a second dance party tomorrow, Saturday the 25th, from 1-3 p.m. SLT - so come on by. :-)

  3. Marigold Devin wrote:

    I would guess they are Tiny Empires players. I see this a lot around the ocean lands, little clusters of avatars, with groups such as Queendom of this and Kingdom of that, and a lot where bizarre outfits (although that green thong thing is exceptionally coffee-down-the-nose-worthy!)

    And you'd be right,. Most of these have TE tags or groups in their profiles.

  4. o first purchased object ever in Second Life -- "Mad Glasses - Wood" by Mad Wombat. Bought them on my first day with some of my original signup money (back when they had that), and still wear them to this day.

    o first object I made -- A really lousy beach blanket, which let's face it is not much more than a flattened box prim with a texture on it. A friend gave me a "laying down" poseball to link to it. 

    o first notecard -- "Changing your appearance, Part 2"

    o first snapshot -- Me, shot not long after buying those glasses. I could not yet really turn the camera with much efficency, and the res on this was pretty terrible - but there it is, in all its "glory."


    o first landmark -- Mad Wombat's glasses store, in the snowlands. Long gone, but I keep the LM if only for it's rezdate creation date.

    o first outfit -- Probably the somewhat modified noob clothing (plus a vest I made on a jacket layer all by myself!) seen above. I've never been much of a clothing maker, though.

    o first "home" – I rezzed into the Ahern Welcome Area, and quickly changed my home location to the Sami Infohub. Even then, Ahern was loud and crowded.

    o first land – A 1/4 sim in Hundertwasser, in South Islandia, Sansara. 

    I currently have more than 79,000 objects in my inventory, but I am really, honestly, trying to reduce that a bit.

  5. I don't think the recent changes on the Bay City Harbor Line of the SLRR were mentioned yet...


    First off, the entire line now has its guide rail. Unlike the rest of the SLRR, the guide is phantom, which allows for other vehicles in the area, while not impacting most trains (older, purely physical ones may have some difficulties).

    Also, two new lifting rail bridges complete the line while providing access for boaters.

    Check them out, perhaps starting from the rez zone in front of Bay City Station in Inner Harbor. :-)

  6. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Blondin, if actually gone, will be sorely missed even by those who never met him. 


    He is most definitely an Ex-Linden. Confirmed it with him yesterday via email to his non-Linden email.

    I do not have any other details, nor did I ask for any, however. :-)

  7. Jo Yardley wrote:

    Why not start small?


    I started the 1920s Berlin project in a 1024 meter parcel with 4 tenants and now I have a full region that is pretty much fully booked, my apartments have waitinglists.


    You need to offer people something unique, something they love and will not only pay rent for but keep paying rent for a while.

    So start thinking about how your sim will look like, what the houses will be like.

    WHY would anyone want to live in your sim?

    Once you've answered that you can grow.

    Only if you're sure you can keep a full region tiers close to 300 dollars a month paid for by the rent the people pay, only then should you buy a full region.

    And yes, there are regions out there for half the prize, so try and get one for 500 dollars or so.

    This. Reposted so you read it again.

    There is not "get rich quick" in SL. Maybe there was in '04 (but even then I doubt it), but anyone who makes money - especially today - does have to work for it. Sometimes a lot. If your thought is, "I'll buy a full region, flatten and parcel it, and the renters will line up to dump Linden Dollars on me," then you really should rethink your plan.

    If you buy a sim with the idea of renting it, think about what would make *you* and your friends rent that land, versus some one else's.  Does it have a theme? A community? Some unique property that makes it stand out from the rest?  If the answer is "no" to all the above, then yes, it's quite likely your parcel will sit empty.

    And much like 1920s Berlin: start small. build something unique and cool, and gauge the response. Grow accordingly. Yes, it's a lot more work, but it's really how you succeed. Like 1920s Berlin, or Caledon, or others.

    (And yes, this is a mainland forum, not a private estate forum, but you get the idea)

  8. Jane Fossett wrote:

    Today I heard that Blondin Linden is no longer with Linden Lab.

    I'm part of the sailing community in Second Life, and just wanted to comment that over the past many months Blondin was very helpful; he attended to many sailing issues on a host of levels.

    We will all miss him, and I know together we wish him fair winds and a safe harbor in any future endeavor.


    Yes, those of us in Bay City heard about it too, and will greatly miss his involvement -- including setting up this folder for us. :-(

  9. Cio Koba wrote:

    Do u have to keep the skybox inside the land perimeter? I dont pretend to annoy any neighboors, but maybe just a bit to the sides..

    A land boundary is a land boundary is a land boundary. It does not matter if you are at ground level or at 4096m in the air. You should not encroach on your neighbors properties.

    • Like 1
  10. Just for yuks, a sort of snapshot of recent and current LDPW improvements to the Northwestern edge of the Sansara Continent. All a bunch of information I've heard over the last few months. :-)

    Northwest Sansara Changes.jpg

    1. Bay City Westside

    This is the former copy of Bay City that existed on the Teen Grid. Essentially the same infrastructure as the Eastside at launch (no Fairgrounds, no Hau Koda, no Community Center). Route 66 gained a slight alignment change in Bourne and Falmouth to allow for the merge, including a new drawbridge design. 

    2. Boardwalk

    A former working title for a beachfront boardwalk amusement part and aquarium complex being constructed in Oak Bay, Oak Bluffs, and Weston. The project is currently ongoing, and replaces the copy of the Bay City Industrial Park that formerly existed in Oak Bluffs and Weston.

    3. Bay City Short Line

    aka The Bay City Harbor Line, a short branch of the Second Life Rail Road in Bay City. Which much of this has been around for some time, it was onlyt recently that the rails gained guides and switches. A rail ferry station has also been added in Manyiminya There is also work ongoing in Owens Beach on a related industrial build, and another possible rail region to the north of Owens Beach to allow for a loop back, and other plans include rail drawbridges in Mhindepinde and Inner Harbor, and some additional materials in the Bay City Industrial Park in Inner Harbor and Daley Bay.

    4. Barcola

    This Nova Albion region recently gained a rez zone and potential ferry stop on its northwest shore.

    5. Northern Passage

    A series of water regions -- and a new passage in Fuchsia and Violet -- connecting the Gulf of Lauren to the ANWR channel. Moles will still be doing some decoration of these regions.

    6. Southern Passage and Sandbox Reorientation

    A series of water regions connecting Luna Palisades to Abbots. When combined with the Northern Passage, these allow for clear sailing (or flying) from the inland waterways of Sansara all the way into the inland waterways of the Heterocera Atoll continent. With the addition of the passage, the sandboxes were merged, moved further Southwest, and gained a barrier wall between them and the new passage. Mole work continues in this area.

    7. Rizal and Oak Grove.

    Restoration and rebuilding efforts have been underway within these regions for some time, offsite.

  11. Think of a 512m as a challenge.

    With the advent of sculpts, using a 512m can be quite fun. Ship diligently, and you can make for quite a nice little parcel for home or business.

    Heck, I even have a modest little hangout space on a 117m parcel, and it too does not feel bare. 


  12. Qie Niangao wrote:

    I certainly wouldn't see a problem with making Daley Bay and other all-Linden-owned sims in Bay City be G-rated.  I don't see the downside of it -- but then I suppose I wouldn't, because all my BC land is G-rated.

    Technically, LL can limit conduct on their own parcels, regardless of the rating.  That's why all infohubs, even the ones on Adult-rated sims, have G-like rules.  (Obviously, enforcement grants some slack for Adult infohubs, when logins are forced there because the Adult sim where they were before is offline.)

    On the down side, some of those neighboring Daley Bay might not be happy having a G-rated region next-door to them, and may feel somehow cheated by the change. While I don't think our eetings specifically of any of the Daley Bay content in general would be affected by such a change, many do not like what they feel is the "Disneyfication" of Second Life, and I think it is worth considering their feelings on this. 

    (Aside: I always find it funny that a kid RPer, who tends to be G-rated everywhere, is the one who also ends up defending mature parcels. Go fig.)

  13. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    I noticed in the landmark that came for today's Bay City meeting (during US working business hours so people with jobs in North America can't go BTW); that's its on 'M' land.


    Now that a large amount of Bay City is G land, and much of that up until recently owned by teens, who might still be major owners of portions of it... should not the meeting place be moved to G land somewhere so all residents without gainful employment in the western hemisphere at least have the ability to come?


    It's a good point, and I've been eying a few possible spots on the "G" side. or perhaps we could talk to the powers that be about changing Daley Bay (which is all Linden owned) to be "G," though I don't know how popular such a move would be. Still - food for thought.

  14. Polenth Yue wrote:

    Unless there's been an announcement to the contrary, I don't think they're gone for good. The bus station next to me still has all the bits... it's just the rezzer is turned off. My hope would be they've been deactivated for improvements.

    I suspect you're right. Perhaps just some glitch with the latest server versions or something. I am going to enjoy a world without drunken vehicles, though, as long as I can.

  15. FWIW, I did see more mole work underwat this morning in the area just West of Abbotts. Should be quite an attractive passage when completed.

    Also saw that Cubey has rerouted some of his aircraft to take advantage of the new waterway.

  16. Qie Niangao wrote:

    They've been off the SLRR for at least a couple of days -- since whenever the last rolling restarts were happening, because I remember staring at the blank traffic map and wondering if they were just waiting for the sims to settle down again.  Apparently not.

    How pleasantly curious.



  17. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Marianne McCann wrote:

    It will be dealt with, eventually. The South and Western edges are kept open (save for the odd island) for possible future expansion.

    Don't those private estates prevent it from being dealth with? LL's would have to non-consenually move those folks to do it. I suppose the ToS for private estates probably says 'subject to changes at LL's discretion' but if I was one of them I'd probably be rather ticked not only at getting moved, but even at how Bay City is now so close to me. Of course as an owner of a piece of Bay City my own desire -is- for them to move, but I can see how that would also face reasonable resistance.


    I do not know their process, but they have moved estates in that area before. Several were move for the teen grid Bay City addition, as well as for the northern passage. All I know is what I've been told over time, and that is that those edges are kept open for possible future expansion.

    Given how much yellow is on the map, especially in and around Bay City, kinda precludes any expansion in the near term, I suspect. :-)

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