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Marianne McCann

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Everything posted by Marianne McCann

  1. Melita Magic wrote: What I'd still like to see is a community-wide group where everyone has an equal vote. Especially since this seems to have been put in motion before half of the parcels had even sold to anyone. Someone declaring themselves de facto mayor/monarch is the type of thing that can get an American's back up. Even if that wasn't how it was meant. The fact that this was all begun when the continent was half empty, as you yourself said, Gamxor, betrays the fact it was a tad premature. At this point, has anyone else independent of being told "it's happening - better choose!" actually come up to anyone else and said "hey know what we need? road names." Didn't Bay City name their roads only about a year ago, and then, wasn't it the Lindens who orchestrated it themselves? But it was well after Bay City had found its identity. If one is to have a civic effort, the citizens of the city should be as one and not sort of told by one individual to hop on board, or else miss the train. Correct, our road naming in Bay City was an effort of our Residents, and happened some time after our community had developed roots. It was orchestrated by the community, though we obviously needed a Linden's assistance to place the signs and poles.
  2. that's highly surprising, and a bit disturbing.
  3. Willow Danube wrote: I've been there before sometime last year... but I don't remember the name. Where is that? The lost forest, around the Rodeo region
  4. Liisa Runo wrote: I sometimes sail the waters with my tiny pirate ship, me and my crew dressed up as tiny animal pirates. When we see other water vehicles near us, we chase them and if they stop to adore our cuteness, we demand them to give us all their gold, rum, catnip and kittylitter. We get lots of laughs and people take pictures of us. Once got a bottle of rum. 3 years ago on July 4th, a group of four avatars dressed as redcoats drove up to my store in their jeep. Storming into my store, they demanded tea. I did give them a cup and saucer from a tea set I owned (it was copy/transfer, after all). They thanks me and went on their way, Reminds me of your story. Yours tiny scalawags can always hit me up. ;-)
  5. Pussycat Catnap wrote: You've basically just described what for me would be a nightmare scenario. And I suspect about half of mainland is in agreement with me on that. Oh my yes. What's the point of "scenic," unusable water?
  6. Rosemina Lusch wrote: Anyone else ever been "robbed" or an attempted victim of robbery in SL in this manner? No robbing, though I have had issues with wannabe gangbangers doing drive bys, home invasions, and graffiti. Eject and ban, coupled with auto return, handles that issue admirably.
  7. Ceres wrote: Maybe it will... thus my original question in my OP. But should I, as the owner of a private M rated land be denied my rights to put up even a PG make out contents ( let alone a house full of adult contents and these items were already there since last year ) just because one fine day a Child Avatar decides to build a PG Child activity ( in an M rated land ) next to mine? Will LL listens to a child avatar instead? It can happen the other way round too... I mean 512m isn't big enough to run around for children so there will be a time when they'll walked into my territory without realising... should I AR them for potential Child Play? Considering we are both adults in RL, shouldn't common sense applied to both of us regardless of what avatars we are wearing? I prefer the common sense option. That said, both you and them could *potentially* be at risk if someone happens by and says "oh look, a kindergarten with sex poses" and doesn't realize these are two separate parcels. Chances are your neighbors would be more likely to take the fall for this, but it's in no way certain. It stinks all around to be honest. Ask me some time about my old neighbors (long time board posters will recall this) The bigger issue, which others covered far better than I could, was how the sexual content would be displayed.
  8. Chronometria wrote: but is it a lost cause to try and make such a place on the mainland? Lost cause? Not at all...
  9. A.E. is the brand name, and one I've had run ins with in the past. Indeed, there's a corner of my property that occasionally gives people an A.D. Defender message -- even though the Defender in question is some 200m away from my parcel. Faulty scanning, I assume. I've had some scripty friends and a few Lindens poke at it, but its yet to be resolved.
  10. Cio Koba wrote: Thanks to a private informer I will call just W I have discovered these new web profiles, they seem like a kind of FB or Twatter.. Anybody else has tried it? By the name its only a demo so i guess it still lacks features, I would like something more close to FB where you could upload photos, know what your friends are doing, etc. And all of this integrated In-world,of course (seems you can already do that but i dont know how..). I've been using them for a week or so. They're pretty good, though there are some features I want to see added in, and some modifications to the default settings on privacy and notifications. It's all public knowledge. No need for the cloak and dagger stuff. ;-) http://my-demo.secondlife.com/marianne.mccann *Expect* your profile/picks/groups data to be incorrect or outdated. This is currently on the Aditi (beta grid) copy of the database. Bear in mind a few things... 1. It is not connected to Facebook, Twitter, etc. It may eventually have ways you can auto update to these services *if you choose to.* It will not be a mandatory part of the profiles. You can also display links to other social entites, but again, it is not a requirement. 2. It will have a 'geolocation' feature. That is, posts to the feed done while inworld will tag your location It will be turn-offable when you make your post. I personally hope that make it opt in versus opt out, even though I am liable to use it frequently. 3. You can protect your wall. Currently it defaults to only be accessible to Second Lifers (good) but under privacy tou can set it to only be used by friends (better).
  11. Pussycat Catnap wrote: If it was me I'd call up one of the local Republicans to borrow a shotgun and put the voice servers of SL out of their misery... But oh well. I'd love to see at least half of them go no-voice. But the Linden's love voice so much I didn't even bother mentioning that suggestion... They might as well just turn this thing into skype and shut down the 3D portion... that seems to be how they use it anyway. A thousand times this. FWIW, all I've really seen voiced used for in the hubs is to insult noobs or play tinny music. Every so often, as if by accident, an actually conversation breaks out.
  12. Pussycat Catnap wrote: They should all have build on with return at 5, and object entry on (only if this is needed for vehicle rezzing, otherwise off), but scripts off. Scripts off could be problematic at Violet, Hau Koda, Barbarossa, Hyannisport, and Moose Beach. each of these also have items for vehicle use in their areas, and no scripts would likely affect functionality. Turning off voice at some of those, OTOH, would make for a much more pleasant experience -- but I don't see LL shuttering what is viewed as a core functionality of the viewer in an area for noobs. I like your suggestions, BTW, In some of these I'd also like to see more on the local areas surrounding them.
  13. Hanson is really a mess. It wasn't that good to begin with, IMO. FWIW, I think the majority of the "not a full region" hubs need to be reconsidered and/or shuttered. The exceptions (again, IMO) likely being Iris, Miramare, and Ross. Possibly Hyles, Bear and others, if they were updated content-wise. Full region hubs like Hyannisport, HauKoda, Moose Beach, Violet, etc are more the way to go, IMO, but even here they need a revamping of content, and -- and this I don't know how to handle -- a bit more time spent on helping keep these "social" places from becoming "anti-social" places.
  14. Osprey Therian wrote: I had a big scenario that I would've loved to've seen when the teens were ported to Agni. I wanted all the newcomers to dress as zombies, infecting the population. There could've been reports and videos ahead of the event that talked of a strange sickness spreading like wildfire... A lot of people would've participated, I'm sure. That would have rocked.
  15. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Curious that this piece got left on the teen island when the rest of Bay City teen moved. Novia Albion may not officially be Bay City, but well, for all intents and purposes Bay City's community really is from the Shermerville sims through Nova Albion and into the Bay City sims. This chunk looks awfully awkward left where it is. Nova Albion was there first, and has/had it's own user base long before Bay City was even a glimmer in a mole's eye. Ditto Shermerville, Blumfield, and West Haven. Heck, I suspect there are more than a few who wish that Bay City remained a glimmer. Sadly, there is some disunion between the two cities. Nova Albion is "not officially Bay City" because it's not Bay City, and I would hope it never would be. If anything, I've referred to the area as "the tri-city area" for Nova Albion, Bay City, and the suburbs.
  16. Spectran wrote: Gosh, I'm new here. I fell like i MIGHT be saying something stupid, But I still feel that the need to complain might be something beneficial. I would wish that Second Life Forums would contain a whole 'Wish List" subforum. It is manufactured by jinnis after all, right? What else do I wish for 'Second Life'? Plenty of wish for its evolution! Better graphics over time-- can it compete with PS3 and Xbox360? Can it compete with film? Better interactivity-- how easy or possible is it to go jetboarding, skiing, snowboarding, parachuting, flying a kite, adventure gaming, imagining anything, interacting with the environment in any which way? Vehicles please! Or at least the ability to run, fer Christ's sake. Am I missing something here? There should be the ability to purchase your avatar a vehicle, be it a flying saucer, truck, scuba gear, jet pack, cheetah, snail, or portal gun, all with different speeds. Better sound synthesis-- when there's a song playing, I don't want to suddenly hear it. I want to slowly hear it more as I get closer to it, just like it is in 'real life'. Same with voices. Better customization over time-- customize the flash of light that happens when you warp to new worlds. Customize the way your voice sounds. Customize the censorship. Customize the desires. Customize everything! Earn your magic-- maybe you shouldn't even let these people fly to begin with. Make it a game. Do you realize how much you could be selling? !00 Lindens per angel wing~! Okay, maybe we should fly to begin with, just as in a dream. But can you imagine how much more is possible, and what secrets to behold? Only when you won sacred dragonfire can you see what lays behind the curtain! Make it perfectly accessible for people to create a video game in each world! How about the Sims version 900000000000000000! Make a complete synthesis with the genius of the computer! Can you Skype people you know at second life while driving down the street? What's their cyber-cell #? Can I watch true cinema at the cyber-through theatre? Can I completely interact the virtues of my PC with the the Cyberian outback? Certainly possible! Infinite programming possibilities And I'm sure I could think of a bagillion more. Can you? In good conscience, what would you suggest? Better graphics: check out the advanced lighting and shadows in the most recent client. Will it compete with film? Not likely. One has to be able to move in real time in these environments, not have their pre-rendered. Each of the things you mentioned is currently possible. Could likely be easier, but definitely possible. I know there's vendors for each of the items you mentioned, and definitely some different adventures to be had. Run: Command-R on Mac, Control-R on PC. Vehicles: there are plenty of people that sell 'em You can do that now. One could build an environment that people could not fly in unassisted, or without a certain group rank. You can use SL voice in much the same way as Skype, inworld, both in the world and via IMs or Group Chat. You can watch films inworld, and there are theaters to facilitate this. You can also use shared media and parcel media for same. Not ure what you mean by infinite programming possibilities. Now then, my wish list... Better social tools. Give me an inworld feed. Similar to what's seen at my-demo.secondlife.com, but with that wall presented inworld. I want those tools to be in there, not require me to load a webpage to see 'em. Also, I want https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2008 and https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-17022 Oblong textures. An improved viewer UI, particularly with better audio and medial controls and a more accessible UI overall. Additional inventory sort options. Recently used. Favorites. Other customizable options Additional appearance pane sort options. Allow me to have a "favorite outfits," or make nested folders. That way I could have all my summer clothes in one place, for example, or business wear in one, fun stuff in nother, etc. Additional friend's list groupings. Let me set up a list of business contacts, close friends, neighbors, etc. Better building alignment tools. An improved base avatar, perhaps a couple base system avatars (a quadruped would be nice, a "tiny" or "child size", maybe a dragon one with a tail joint and wing joints in addition to arms and legs, etc). Maintain "Ruth," but have additional base options in the system. Allow for the use of any of these. Improved ground texturing. Allow us to "paint' our textures onto the mesh somehow, or otherwise provide set texturing without the perlin noise random seed that is causing ground textures to go a bit nuts now. Allow them to be higher resolution, or allow us more control over repeats, blends, etc. Revisit existing Linden plants and trees. Maintain the legacy plants and trees (it would simply be too much to force people to replace in builds), but introduce new, improved versions. Perhaps make a "2/0" set of the old favorites that take advantage of more modern technological abilities. Imrproved group functions. Allow for more flexibility in group abilities. Have the ability to rez and use scripts set onto parcels with an optional whitelist and blacklist.
  17. The following threads in Mainland would like to be made sticky again. :-) http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mainland/Nova-Albion/td-p/772057 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mainland/Bay-City/td-p/772049
  18. Baloo Uriza wrote: 1 is already Linden Route 66. Not necessarily. This is the duplicate Nova Albion land mass on the former Teen Grid.
  19. Argus Collingwood wrote: Poor thread is ignored again. I debated puttin my weekend update in it from last night... but I wasn't sure if anyone read it at all anymore. Certainly no one is posting.
  20. Definitely. One can actually usually use group chat again.
  21. It's a Locos Pocos head on a different body. Damien Fate more or less confirmed that on Plurk some time back.
  22. Polenth Yue wrote: I don't want to see all use of the roads banned... just for those who do use the roads to consider how heavily they're using them. And that does include being open to talking about it, without accusing people of lying if they find a problem. Something I'd ask all vehicle runners to consider is that you're not watching the vehicles for most of their journey. You don't see all the problems. It might be the vehicle is doing something it shouldn't, because it hit a situation you didn't expect... but if your first reaction is to say it couldn't possibly be happening, it isn't leaving many options for people living by the road. It encourages people to AR rather than send an IM explaining the problem. Ya, agreed. Really, I think it comes down to a common "fair use" policy. How much is too much? Are there any specific things you can or can't do on the roads? This sort of thing. Making the roads too difficult for a number of users to actually use is not the answer. Nor is allowing a small handful of users to dominate the roads, making it too difficult for the majority to use. I'm sure there has to be some reasonable balance.
  23. Pussycat Catnap wrote: What's a prim mine? Or is that just the name of some creative build they're up to? "It is what it says on the tin." A mine. With prim encrustations on the walls of the mine. And an ore cart.
  24. Deltango Vale wrote: We were attacked by AR-griefers. Personally, I think it's time for the mods to shut down this thread. Seconded. :-)
  25. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Um, Marianne... how dare you come in here and try to change the topic?... lol. ...Dres Seriously. I should have read a couple more pages in!
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