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Marianne McCann

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Posts posted by Marianne McCann

  1. *Most* main;and is limited to a ±4m terraforming limit. Exceptions include

    Linden Homes allow for not terraforming. Likewise, Bay City. Nova Albion, Shermerville Suburbs, Nautilus City (and possibly some others. Kama City, perhaps?) allow no terraforming.

    "San Francisco" and "Color" regions allow for ±40m terraforming. These are a small number of regions in and around Da Boom. So named because their region names are streets in San Francisco's SOMA district (Dore, Minna, Natoma, Varney, Clara, etc.), or are colors (Sage, Blue, Indigo, Purple, etc.). Bear in mind that there may be some in there with additional specific limitations, such as Brown, Green, Boardman, and De Haro. Such land is also hard to come by.

    Your best bet is to either (a) get a private estate and do whatever terraforming you wish, an expensive proposal, or (b) learn to work with the unique terraforming features you have. While I personally prefer the latter (even though all of my current land holdings are in Bay City, Nova Albion, and Shermerville), you may differ.

  2. I've had this happen a couple times on my mac as well. It's a sign of corruption in the ol cache, on one of the older v2s.  Try clearing it out (you may have to do it manually - home > Library > application support > Second Life > [user.name) and restart. Worst case, delete the Second Life folder in Application Support, and reinstall the client.

  3. Keli Kyrie wrote:

    Have you lost or gained friends because of

    Does SL run better or worse on your computer with these new releases?

    How old is your computer?

    1. A modest gain

    2. Generally better. Not outstanding, but not bad

    3. 4 years old

  4. Attention Nova Albion Residents!

    I just saw something in your city that hasn't been seen in four years!


    The Nova Albion trolley is being worked on, and here it is on a test run on Route 66!

  5. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    FWIW, the Moles are factually correct. There is nothing they can do about the above. The old ROWs are owned by maintenance, and they can't fix those legacy spaces. That said, Michael Linden could. Best bet is to ticket it, and let him take a look at fixing that issue.

    They could create an overpass that curves around it, or even put a 'car wreck' right there that has an invisible prim around it so your vehicle slides out of the way.

    They could get creative. Which they've shown in many places on the grid that they are capable of doing.


    "The Moles" can't do thing one on land that is in the maintenance group. Not even rez a single box prim.  They're not in the maintenance group, nor allowed in the maintenance group. 

    That said...

    The Senior Content Manager of Linden Lab, Michael Linden - who is also the boss of the moles - *could fix it, or get creative, or do other things. He could also change the land from Gonvernor Linden, Maintenance group land to Linden Department of Public Works land, and assign a Mole or three to do it (assuming he has the Molepower to do it). 

    Best bet? Ticket it. Be fairly detailed about what is needed and where. Probably don't have to go to the "picture with circles and arrows and a paragraph at the bottom of each one" like I do, but at least give all the info on where it is and what the issue is.

    Go to https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and select "Land & Region," then "Linden Lab owner Parcel Issues." (I believe this requires a premium account to do). Fill in the information as best you can. It'll get routed to Michael, and chances are you'll get a response back pretty quick. He's really good at getting on top of his tickets.

  6. Moose Beach... ah, Moose Beach.

    For the last several weeks, a pair of griefers have been having a slap fight there - and we all get to share the "ot."

    Here, for example, is last nights e-mail. The confirmation notice to all those ARs I filed.



    It's really out of control, and I have to assume that the lab is woefully understaffed to handle this sort of stuff.

  7. Melita Magic wrote:

    What I'd still like to see is a community-wide group where everyone has an equal vote. Especially since this seems to have been put in motion
    before half of the parcels had even sold to anyone

    Someone declaring themselves de facto mayor/monarch is the type of thing that can get an American's back up.
     Even if that wasn't how it was meant. 

    The fact that this was all begun when the continent was half empty, as you yourself said, Gamxor, betrays the fact it was a tad premature. At this point, has anyone else independent of being told "it's happening - better choose!" actually come up to anyone else and said "hey know what we need? road names."

    Didn't Bay City name their roads only about a year ago, and then, wasn't it the Lindens who orchestrated it themselves? But it was well
    Bay City had found its identity.

    If one is to have a
    effort, the
    of the 
    should be as one and not sort of told by one individual to hop on board, or else miss the train.

    Correct, our road naming in Bay City was an effort of our Residents, and happened some time after our community had developed roots. It was orchestrated by the community, though we obviously needed a Linden's assistance to place the signs and poles.

  8. Liisa Runo wrote:

    I sometimes sail the waters with my tiny pirate ship, me and my crew dressed up as tiny animal pirates. When we see other water vehicles near us, we chase them and if they stop to adore our cuteness, we demand them to give us all their gold, rum, catnip and kittylitter.

    We get lots of laughs and people take pictures of us. Once got a bottle of rum.

    3 years ago on July 4th, a group of four avatars dressed as redcoats drove up to my store in their jeep. Storming into my store, they demanded tea. I did give them a cup and saucer from a tea set I owned (it was copy/transfer, after all). They thanks me and went on their way,

    Reminds me of your story. Yours tiny scalawags can always hit me up. ;-)

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