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Marianne McCann

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Posts posted by Marianne McCann

  1. "Similarly, some of the first educators and researchers in SL were a bit clumsy in their approach. There were early incidents in which Residents felt—rightly—that they were being spied upon or treated like guinea pigs rather than human beings. Imagine how you would feel if an entire class of students set up right next to your vacation hideaway, left trash lying around, logged your conversations, and posted them on the Internet with criticism and mean-spirited comments. This is exactly what happened to some early Residents. Things have improved greatly in the years since then, but sometimes SL Residents are still subject to that kind of inconsiderate behavior. For example, a constant stream of researchers (often students) posts on the Second Life official forums requesting that Residents please take their surveys. Most of these surveys include the same questions that have been asked over and over. Often they aren't spell-checked, or refer to SL as a game—a sure way to irritate a substantial number of Residents. Some Residents make a hobby of critiquing these surveys, pointing out how the questions and their wording make it clear that the researcher isn't familiar with Second Life. Some post outright that they are sick of badly planned surveys and suggest that the researchers log in and do their own research. "
    From The Second Life Grid: The official guide ro commuinication, collaboration, and community engagement
    by Kimberly Rufer-Bach
    ISBN: 978-0-470-41291-6

  2. Morgaine Christensen wrote:

    My advice when you pop into a sim and bombarded with notecards ...1) read them or, 2) leave.  Notecards are given out for a reason more than just to spam a person's inventory or bore them to death...they are generally given to make your experience a pleasant one, as well as pleasant for others.


    I went back and re-read the OP, and noted the following:

    "There was a live event, we danced a little bit, got bombed with ncs about behavior and dresscode and got kicked."

    Now I assume the region has a note somewhere at the landing point, saying what is or isn't allowed (I know my avatar is not allowed there, so I won't go to check that out). But what the OP is saying is that they missed whatever is at the landing point, went to the event in ptogress, danced for a few moments, then got 'bombed" with notecards.

    Which leads me to believe that the "notecard bombing" was more likely event staff and well-meaning participants trying to help these two know what the rules are for the area before punting them.

  3. Marigold Devin wrote:

    Have you seen the Bay City sims?  They are exactly as you are describing, and they are part of the mainland, created back in ... 2008 ... I think it was. And look at the price a parcel of land sells for there, compared with other parcels on the mainland.

    And I, for one, love the eclectic chaos of the mainland, and do not wish to see it zoned for business, residential, or otherwise.

    I like both. I enjoy the places where limitations (in this case, theme and aesthetics) force creativity, and I like the "no holds barred" spaces that *also* force creativity. Room for both, I suppose. 

    And yes, Bay City came online in May 2008.

  4. Vesper Kling wrote:

    DsThe high prices in Bay city Shermerville and Nautilus are mostly due to double prims....


    Just as a point of order, Shermerville does not have double prims. Would that it did!

    In Bay City, the double prims are a big part of the interest, but the amount of tastefully done mole builds, the Bay City Alliance, and the number of great Resident builds, IMO, play a part. But I'm biased. ;-)

  5. Coming soon!

    Fashion Week 2012 Poster.jpg

    This April, Bay City is hoping to bring together the best of Second Life's ™ vintage mid-century fashion designers in one place, where they can wow us with the designs that best typify Bay City's theme: the American urban experience, between 1940 and 1965, perhaps best typified by Chicago circa 1950 and marked by a distinct deco influence.

    Established designers will be provided with a space in the Bay City Fairgrounds, in the North Channel region, from April 14-22 to present the best in mid-century modern fashions for all Second Life avatars. Runway space and other amenities will be provided to help them highlight their designs. There may also be a few other related events and goodies to announce as time goes on.

    While designers are not required to do so, they are asked to consider this a prime spot to unveil new, mid-century designs, rather than only pull from existing stock. They are also encouraged, but by no means required, to consider providing a free or low cost item for visitors to the event that they may give out at their stall.

    Bay City is a mainland community, developed by Linden Lab ™ and home to the Bay City Alliance. The Bay City Alliance was founded in 2008 to promote the Bay City regions of Second Life™ and provide a venue for Bay City Residents and other interested parties to socialize and network. It is now the largest Bay city group, and home to most Residents of Bay City.

    For more information, contact Marianne McCann

  6. Jo Yardley wrote:

    We too have a dress code, stricter then at the Titanic, we do not bombard our visitors with notecards, but we do give them plenty of warnings before they arrive in the actual sim.

    Yours was a region I was VERY cautious about visiting, because I knew you had a fairly strict dress code. I am glad I did finally put together a period specific look or two and visit!

    I also think you do a fair job, with the landing point, of letting people know what is and is not allowed.

  7. Catherine Foulon wrote:

    no matter if they do sex with their child-avis here or not.
    they support the
    ensure more padophilia to come to sl.

    Uh, again, no.

    I sure as hell don't "suppot the pädophilia system." In fact, were you to go to most of the child avatar spaces in SL (Little Wonders, Escapades, Willowdale, Everlasting Family, etc., to name a few) and tell people you were a pedophile, I can all but assure you that (a) you would very quickly be ejected from the region, (b) you might find yourself pre-emptively banned from some ofhters  (we don't all talk to each other, but word does get around), and © that you have been abuse reported under age > ageplay. Kid avatars (as a general rule) tend to be the first to report it, not the last.


    (who is really trying to not get sucked into such a conversation. Again.)

  8. LulieLu wrote:

    Ah thanks... hmm... I don't think I can be bothered to try to run a business.

    I wonder what currency trader is. I guess that must be for the ATM owners etc.

    Day 2: I tried to sell $100 lindens today again but once again got blocked by the risk API.

    I guess I better come back in a month when I believe my account would get upgraded to level 1. Hopefully the risk API won't be blocking everything then.

    Due to issues in the past, the Lab tends to be pretty cautious over people dabbling in their monetary system.you might be asking for trouble here...

  9. Faye Feldragonne wrote:

    Regarding this encroaching prim return, how does his work? I am confused. Will it return all of Anne's cars? Her cars get stuck all over my area. The roads have ditches around them and they often have a car struggling like a beetle on it's back!

    Also if someone's prim is hanging on your land, does it take up prim count? And can't you just return it through the return object option?

    FWIW, AnnMarie is pretty good at picking up her vehicles when there's an issue. Send her a notecard inworld and point out that it's a recurring issue. 

    Prims will only take up your count if they're centered on your land - in which case, they could be returned normaly. If they're not centered on your land, then they cannot be returned. They can be ARed, however, if they are indeed encroaching onto your property.

  10. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Marianne McCann wrote:

    Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

    No, don't suggest I move to Bay City.  You can't have everyone living there.

    Well, you could move to B... oh, wait, that's been covered.

    One of my neighbors in Bay City is building these things now. Granted his is textured. But both north of my and southeast of me in Bay City Morton - there are giant buildings going up. One just a big square, the other a skyscraper.

     This seems to be popping up a lot in SL, and I'm starting to think its some kind of 'freudian compensating things' to rez a taller and taller building...

    I'll have to pop by and have a look. I know there's a couple things that need some attending to...

  11. Sheeba Camino wrote:

    Ariel you don t want to see the point. 

    You are getting bombed with ncs and LMs each time you are tping into a sim.

    Do you really read them all ? Espeacialy if it s not your mothertongue.

    Would you scroll through every nc you are getting for some sentences in your language ?


    Short answer.. yes. I tend to be very cautious at time, to make sure that my avatar will be allowed in a given place. If a notecard comes by way, I will take a look at it, particularly if it is the rules of that particular area. I also check for any signage at the landing point (common in RP regions), and will even read the :about land" or check for a covenant if I'm particularly unsure. That is just common sense.

    While I have not ever been in that region (I am part of an avatar class that is prohibited from that region), from what others have said, learning the rules of that region is pretty simple -- and given you and your friend were violating then in at least a couple ways, its nt a surprise you got the boot.

  12. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

    No, don't suggest I move to Bay City.  You can't have everyone living there.

    Well, you could move to B... oh, wait, that's been covered.

    Like the others said, if this person is trying to foce something, then just wait them out. Put up a privacy screen if you must, until they're gons, but if you can wait, wait. 

    I'm not 100% sure its ARable, but it sure should be. Could not hurt to try.

  13. Catherine Foulon wrote:

    To be or to act here as a child is nothing more than an sexual oriented fetish like BDSM, animal-sex or whatever. These "childplayers" went to places with many people and say: "would you be my uncle?" to adultplayers wich they don't know. In my believe child-avis provide sexual services for money.

    This may come as a complete shock to you, but not everyone is in SL to have sex. That includes a sizable number of child avatars, but is not limited to same. I would say, from my own 6 years of experience as a member of Second Life and as a child avatar that while there have indeed been incidents of sexual ageplay on SL, it is very much the exception, not the rule.

    Catherine Foulon wrote:

    That means.. self IF! you are not a pädo, with yur behavior you give people who are pädophil a plattform and a justification to act like they do.

    There are many people out in the world who do not kill jewish people by themselves - but they looked away when it was happend. But they aren't better. 

    Did you just seriously Godwin child avatars? Wow. That's mind boggling.


  14. kylelock wrote:

    Hi there folks,

    I have a question regarding Bay City. I recently moved my store from another mainland sim to Bay City. I did so before reading up on Bay City and finding out it is themed for the 1950s. My store is modern - like it was built in 2012, not the 1950s. It is located in Bay City Maddequet and is a promotional piece for brand identity design service (logos).

    I chose Bay City because it is beautiful and seems to be of higher quality than some other areas. But, if my modern building is not welcome there I would like to know before I commit to purchase the land (I'm currently renting). If you know of a region similar to Bay City in terms of quality, land value, etc. with a more modern/industrial theme, please do share.

    Just a noob here trying to make sure I am fitting into the right area. Thanks!


    The Bay City "theme" is "the American urban experience, between 1940 and 1965, perhaps best typified by Chicago circa 1950 and marked by a distinct deco influence" -- and while we really like it when folks build to theme, it's not always possible. Really, the key IMO, is to build for a city rather than rural) and you'll be fine. We're not going to come out and make sure your prims fall between WWII and the Vietnam War. :-)

    (Was night to meet you at the "Taste" event the other day, too! Mine is on 3/14!)

  15. 74Theo74 wrote:

    I'am negotiating with various sellers about buying in Bay city...in the meantime i think i would like to rent a 1024sqm parcel...does anybody know if people in sl advertise inworld there rental lands?

    While we do have rental boards there, they're worefully underutilized. I would suggest contacting Roc Plutonoum or Strider Sarco for rentals, though I'm sure there are others with openings right now.

  16. Qie Niangao wrote:

    Yeah, no, I don't think they were ever intended to scale much beyond their current footprint.  Well, smaller, actually, until the Teen Grid's version of Bay City got grafted onto the west end.  Although they did add the zoned Nautilus island after (the original) Bay City, so I guess that's a kind of "scaling"... this after they stopped growing Gaeta, so arguably it was the rest of Mainland that didn't scale.

    Anyway, in terms of "zoning", even earlier than Shermerville were Brown and Boardman (suburban) and De Haro (campsites).  

    Also, the Kama City sims on Zindra were intended to be urban, but they made a mistake with those: they're mostly single-primmed, but still set no-join/no-subdivide/no-terraform.  That city ended up less recognizably themed than any of the other attempts.

    Bay City always intended to be added to, with a tileable infrastructre and two sides to allow expnsion on -- though the lab has not opted to add to our edges beyond the teen grid addition in January 2011. It is a themed mainland area consisting of 24 residential regions (each has the world "Bay City" in the parcel name) and an equal amount of so of Linden owned regions surrounding the area.

    Bay City is a double-prim city area themed to the American urban experience, between 1940 and 1965, perhaps best typified by Chicago circa 1950 and marked by a distinct deco influence. It also has a very vibrant group, the Bay City Alliance, that assists and serves the local community. We have severlal regular gatherings, meetings on Tuesdays, and host periodic special events. You can find out more about Bay City in the Bay City Community Center at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Daley%20Bay/230/20/24/

    There are, as Qie noted, a couple other areas that are similar. Nova Albion (the four regions of Grignano, Sistiana, Barcola, and Miramare) are the original city regions. Nautilus City is a mythological-ish, greco-romanesque themed city. Kama City played off the "substainable future" theme but, yes, that has largely gone by the wayside from all I have gathered.

    Other early experiments were named by Qie above, as well as the Lusk Estates (on the southwest end of the Lusk region) and a few others that have faded into antiquity (Yamato) or vanished (Lindenberg, Venice).

    Come on by Bay City some time and check us out!



    (Current head of the Bay City Alliance!)

  17. And here's a list of all the items being auctioned!


    Special items from Ingenue, Robin Sojourner, Beach Street, and many others. Many are one of a kind, unreleased, or in special editions that will only be offered at this event. 

    Auction will start at 10:00 am SLT, 3rd December, and end at the conclusion of Christov Kohnke's set at 4 pm. Come to North Channel tonight to preview the items!

  18. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    I really don't know where this secret cabal of ageplaying child AVs is... I've explored a lot of the grid and I -CAN'T- find them, so I'm skeptical of people who somehow manage to get chased by them...

    To me, they're more or less 99% "urbal legend" and 1% "griefer in it for the drama who isn't even interested in the format they're using to grief that day".


    Back in 07-08, it was a bit more common on the grid. Most of the kids even then were more like me than them, but you could still find some at a few places. Sky News did a piece or two about one of those places. They eventually went off to OpenSim somewhere, then apparently failed or went even further underground. The names of the owners are still well known by some of the older kids, though. :-/

    it's pretty much nonexistent now, though there's still every so often an attempt by people to start up that stuff, but it never lasts too long. Usually it's not the kid avvies, though, but adult avatar-ed creeps who try to hit on kid avvies. They tend to find out how quickly word spreads in the kid community when they pull that sort of thing! we don't want them around any more than anyone else.

  19. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Marriane who posted above is a neighbor to one of my builds, and I've met her a number of times. She's almost as tall as my AV.

    I would -never- mistake her AV for anything -BUT- a child AV. 

    NETHER OF US tends to wear lolita stuff. Unless my read of her is all wrong and she wears it over on that secret child AV cabal spot.

    The uber-frou frou stuff is not my thing. I'm just a kid. I might wear some fanicer clothes for soe events (and the ocassional costume, but that can be anything from a Dorothy Gale dress to a Haz Mat suit), but most of the time, it's just regular clothes.

    Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Actual child looking AVs in adult places - that's pretty rare too. After the initial touring during the opening of Zindra, the child AVs really did stop bothering with going to A-rated land for the most part. Despite demanding the right to go there, few of them use it. Most of them have the sense to know the content there is not for them, and so don't bother.


    Speaking as someone who did get an "initial tour" of the place (which many still remember how cheerful that was), I think it points to the difference between what *is* allowed and what most reasonable people will do. I'm glad I am not in instant violation if I end up plunked in a "safe" hub when a region crashes, but I really cant think of any place I'd be interested in visiting in Zindra. I looked at all the cool mole stuff before the land started being given to people, and that was all I was interested in. 

  20. Generally speaking "Protected" means that there is Linden-owned land or water present. Therefore, the view on that side is "protected" from being somehow "spoiled" by others. This is not 100% the case: there have been instances where the Lindens have sold Protected Land if it fits a particular, mutually agreed to need, but it is highly rare. Let's say 99.44% as opposed to 100%.

    There is also often a deliberate misnomer by some sellers, claiming "protected land" or "protected waterfront" on a mainland parcel that faces out into the "void sea." The void sea may indeed be added to, with either a Linden Waterway (there is a lot of that going on) or with additional for sale parcels. An example of such a void sea can be seen to the south and west of the Bay City regions, which are set for possible future expansion.

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