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Allure Cristole

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Everything posted by Allure Cristole

  1. In America anyway, the only people you should give out your SSN to is the IRS and your job. No one else needs it. However is is not against the law to ask for it. so why should LL even want it? what are they doing with it?
  2. Hi, I am interested in getting a private sim that is some how connected via waterways to the blake sea abd or other linden water Is this possible to do? I see a lot of others doing it so some how it must be able to be done. it does not have to have direct access. but should at least be accessable via boats not land locked :) thanks
  3. kk here is the deal, as an example....... the GPL applies to all but, you need to get the source from its source itsself, not from some one that has gotten the script and then put it in an object. the script might be part of a more elabarate build and in making the script no trans/no mod prevents you from giving the buld to another. If the script is GLP, then get it from the source itself there are lottsa GPL scripts out there.
  4. hi. Well ummm, then go out aand buy some lindens, and if you can got to the local store and get a prepaid credit card and buy lindens with that. pl just doint give out quality for free
  5. When SL loads it dectects your hardware... Usually When it gets to the VFX or S its trying to get your Video info For some reason yet unknow to man and appearanty unknown to SL, it cant figure out your video settings.. Easily to get by id to D/L the Beta or the Developemnt version of the SL viewer. SL doent support your video card. they should anyway. When this error accours you can try uninstalling all of SL Whip it clean from your PC. even the Files. This error is not repairable via anyway I know of. Maybe when SL will have an update it will be taken care of
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