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Pris Aquila

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Everything posted by Pris Aquila

  1. Hi, I thought I'd share my new Catwa Queen head look. I really like this head as it has a really cute Asian-y nose. I feel this is very close to my RL self and I really love it. I am half Vietnamese, half Euro. So much for the expensive Catya head!
  2. Here is my Catwa Queen head look and I must say I really like it! I was afraid I was going to like it more than the one I paid for. I really liked the nose as it resembles my RL nose. I still need to find some new hairstyles that have no bangs, but this is good, as it is my usual hair.
  3. OK, thank you. Who are the creators doing that now?
  4. I have the Catya head too and I'm like, oh no I like this Queen head, but I've already spent 5000L, I don't want to not use it!
  5. So apparently hair base appliers don't work on HDPRO? Does this mean I must get a BOM skin? When I converted my avatar to all mesh, appliers and relays were the thing. I rather like my applier/non BOM skin, but hair bases don't work. Any advice would be appreciate. Thank you.
  6. Looks beautiful. I wanted this head because it looks like it could work really well for Asian skins. The nose is perfect for what I'm looking for for me, being half white and half southeast Asian. Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to tint applier eyebrows. Otherwise, I need a better brow shape, as I'm not liking how the shape that came with the head. Any tips welcome!
  7. I'm having the same problem. First it was losing adorable Mutresse Shortie Cats "Annoyed" and now a Scarlet Creative house that I paid $400L for! What is the deal?
  8. Thanks for posting this topic for us Southeast Asians. I'm actually a hapa (half white), but I look more Asian. My early years were always LAQ skins and I did my best to find shapes that had the Asian-y nose. I found that searching for "blasian" works for shape, then I really love LAQ. Now, I'm all mesh and I love it. It was a learning curve, but I'm glad I converted, even though I think my system creation looks more like IRL me. Now I look like a super idealized version of me lol . If anyone needs help, feel free to HMU. Here's my Flickr, you can see the difference.
  9. Haha, I started in 2009, and only in the past year did I figure out how to convert my avatar to all mesh. But I've been off and on throughout the years.
  10. That's great! Thanks for the offer, but I'm all about learning to do stuff on my own. I appreciate you're availability for questions though! I totally forgot about YouTube, been watching a lot of tutorials.
  11. I'm new to mesh body/head changes, and was also wondering what is an acceptable range of complexity? I think I might be too high 😬 Something like 40K?
  12. I'm sort of in the same boat, old resident, but took a long break. Now I see there's mesh bodies and heads that is all brand new to me. Looking to update from "classic system" avatar.
  13. Pretty comical eyes, but close to Southeast Asian (which is what I am)...except for the eyes 😆I like the nose though. Nice nose 😊
  14. Ah, okay. I will focus on mesh body first.
  15. Ah, yes I figured there would be some discrimination going on and I definitely want to be able to find nice clothes and shoes, so that is why I'm looking into trying to update. I found this, looks pretty close to what I'm looking for except I wouldn't want that big of a booty. Would something like this be tweaked, like the nose and can mesh body be made smaller booty? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Sap-Bunga-Shape-Genus-Project-Classic-Bento-Head/15183985
  16. @Fritigern Gothly and @Marianne LittleThanks so much for all the info! I guess my bottom line is I want to keep my current face/head, because it is what I've perfected over the years to look like the idealized version of IRL. I suppose I could forgo the mocap Bento heads for now because I don't know if I'll be able to find a head that looks like a Southeast Asian female 😆 So, is it a thing to laugh at avatars that are still "system"? I mean, I don't care, but I wonder if there is something like that going on now?
  17. Yes, same here. I've been around since early 2000s, but take long breaks. It's amazing all the advancements that have happened. What's funny is my son laughed looking over my shoulder saying "Wow it looks so primitive!" I laughed and said no way, it's way complicated! 😆
  18. Thanks, Fritgern! I had a questions for you. I tried the demo for a LAQ head. Is the whole point of these new heads the mocap expressions? Can I still use my animation overrides for ways of moving? I also wonder when I wear the alpha layers to block out the system body, is this wear I need to find a BOM skin and special mesh clothes?
  19. Thank you for your advice! Yes, you are right, I have not worn any mesh clothing that I know of.
  20. Thank you so much for the explanation. It seems pretty complicated, but it helps to know about heads and bodies. Sounds like if I like the way I look with the old style avatar (simply shapes and skins) and heads being so expensive, I could just stay this way 😆
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