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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Assuming that the graphics card is installed properly and is working well for other applications, the only thing I can suggest is that your viewer is sending the login servers a bogus message. You can workaround that login test by adding a small command line switch to your login procedure. 1. Find the shortcut to your Second Life viewer, on your desktop somewhere. 2. Right click it and select Properties >> Shortcut. 3. In the Target box, you'll see the path to your viewer, followed by one or more command strings. You might see --set InstallLanguage en, for example. Add --noprobe to that list and close the window. When you log in next time, the viewer will ignore the compatability test. If your card really is OK, SL will launch. If not,.... there's something wrong, and I don't know what it is. Incdentally, if you are on a Mac, you can do the same thing ........ Right-click or Control+Click on the Second Life icon and select Show Package Contents. Browse from there to Contents > Resources. Look for a file called arguments.txt. If it does not exist, create it. The full path is Second Life.app/Contents/Resources/arguments.txt. Inside arguments.txt, add any command line arguments you want, one per line. (in this case, --noprobe )
  2. You will receive a L$1,000 bonus after you have been enrolled continuously as a Premium member for 45 days. You will also receive a L$300 per week stipend, starting on Tuesday.
  3. I have absolutely no idea, because you haven't told me very much that can help. You're using a borrowed laptop (what model?) with GeForce graphics (what model?) and you're crashing (or maybe disconnecting -- can't be sure). WHEN are you crashing (or disconnecting) and what error messages are you getting (None? Is that what "no warning" means?)? When did this behavior start? What have you changed recently? You're not using wireless, are you? Click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT to add information. ANYTHING would help. . Please do NOT start a new thread.
  4. You cannot transfer no-transfer items. That's why they are called "no transfer." And your username is yours for life, like your Social Security number, baldness genes, or a bad tattoo. Besides, Amarantha is a cool name. :smileyhappy:
  5. Just smile and walk away. If you don't want to play that game, don't.
  6. You mean the controls in a Linden Home? Nobody has mentioned a problem. What's up? The control are easy "click here" buttons. Normally, there are only two ways that they could not work: 1. You might be a member of the owner's group, but not the owner. (Use of accessory controls are restricted to the Linden Home owner and is not available to group members for Linden Home parcels set to group access. ) 2. You might be in the wrong house. If you're run into a third possibility, click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT to tell us about it. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  7. Darkie Minotaur wrote: [...] And a little reark: The way the script is now, it's a potential offence against the ToS. Yeah, that's been a concern since this script or its original version was introduceds many years ago. That's why it contains the message string DIALOG_MSG = "By hitting the I Agree button below, you give permission for this script to access your profile texture UUID.";list KILLJOY_MENU = ["I Agree", "I Disagree"]; Linden Lab has let the script sit in its LSL Script library for years, and it has spawned thousands of in-world display boards (many of which, regrettably, do not include the dialog choice). The question about TOS comes up every time LL changes the format of that data string and potentially breaks all those display boards. (For example, see WEB-3510.) We hear about it in this forum for a while, and then it dies down again. My guess is that the script is here to stay, or until LL really breaks picture profiles.
  8. You probably just need to update the drivers. It may be new to you, but it's been sitting on someone's shelf for ages, with old drivers in it. Nvidia Video Driver Latest driver Last checked Feb 6th- Windows: 285.62 (Oct 24) beta: 295.51 (Jan 31) - Linux: 290.1 (Nov 22)
  9. If you have a question of some kind, go ahead and ask it. But please start your own thread. Do not add it to the bottom of someone else's old one.
  10. The owner is ALWAYS indicated. Use your Build/Edit tool (CTRL + 3) to select the house and then look at the General page to see who the owner is. If you'd like to buy a similar one, look on that same page to see who the creator is, and contact that person. Also, while you are standing in the parcel, check World >> About Land to see whose land you are standing on. Somebody always owns every bit of land in SL, even if it's Linden Lab.
  11. Not AGAIN!!! Please stop posting this same question over and over and over and over again. You have already had your correct answer MANY times. I'm afraid Peter is right. The moderator is going to have to start blocking your posts.
  12. From http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/About-the-Second-Life-Destination-Guide/ta-p/700059#Submission_guidelines .... "Be sure to include the full URL (ending in .jpg) to the web-hosted screenshot for your listing. Please note that the Destination Guide user suggestion form may reject images that do not meet this exact criteria. If you use Flickr to host your image, make sure to include the proper image URL (ending in .jpg) in the form."
  13. (1) Most of the time, crashing is a local problem because the user's computer or router are not well-matched to SL's operating requirements or the user's viewer preferences are incorrect. We can usually help with both types of problems, but only if we have information about the computer and viewer settings. (2) The viewer works the same whether you are a Basic member like me or a Premium member. (3) This is not a game.
  14. Have you created a Received Items folder by ordering some Direct Delivery item (like the new Linden Bear) from Marketplace? Once you have done that, relog. Your Merchant Outbox should be activated. See for answers to most of your questions, and read http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Marketplace-Direct-Delivery-migration-guide/ta-p/1293139
  15. This is probably a great question to ask in the Mesh forum.
  16. See Viewer 3.0 Release - Avatar does not appear to be fully connected to inworld grid / major loss of functionality You may want to add your own well-documented observations to help the Linden Lab developers figure out where the problem is.
  17. Well, it's about as dirt simple as a script can get (Ignoring the particle function at the top, which doesn't do anything at all). There's nothing in the script to make it not work, so it's something that you have done to the object itself, or something in the environment. If you made the object phantom, for example, it wouldn't respond to a collision event. Firing it at a phantom building won't work either. That timer will always work, though, unless it's in a no-script zone. Same with STATUS_DIE_AT_EDGE. If your projectile travels into a no-script zone beyond the sandbox, it will be incapacitated.
  18. That depends on how and where you lost them. Usually people mean that they lost things that should be in inventory. If that's what you mean, see >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lost_inventory for some suggestions. Now, if you want to recover deleted items, they should be in your Trash folder, unless you have emptied it recently. If yoiu have, they are gone forever.
  19. I contacted the OP in world. The problem is that she has activated wireframe rendering. It's easy to do by mistake if you think that you are rebaking your avatar with CTRL + Alt + R and type the wrong sequence by mistake. To toggle wireframe on or off, type CTRL + SHIFT + R.
  20. Often, that message is telling you that the region you are trying to enter is off line or is having trouble. The way to check that possibility is to log in at a different sim. Unfortunately, there are many other reasons why you might get the same message, all having to do with weak communication between your computer and SL's servers. You can sometimes solve it by doing something as simple a getting off wireless -- often a bad choice in SL anyway -- or by rebooting your router. Without more information, it's very hard to diagnose what's wrong in your case. Take a look at these two articles in Nalates's blog to get an idea of the sorts of things you should be looking for ..... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/09/11/cant-login-second-life/ http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  21. COntinued at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Creation/again/qaq-p/1462091#M3365
  22. Rolig Loon


    OK, let's try this again..... :smileyhappy: You asked specifically how to reset a script in an object. There are two ways: 1. Open the BUILD menu at the top of your screen. Select SCRIPTS and then RESET SCRIPTS. 2. Use your Build/Edit tool (CTRL + 3) to select the object. Then Go to the CONTENTS page and locate the script. OPEN the script and click on the RESET button. Neither of those methods will work on a script that you do not own or have mod perms on. If that's the case, you cannot reset the script at all unless the scripter has designed a way to do it --- for example, by clicking a dialog button, sending a chat command, or re-rezzing the object. BTW, if you want help, you're more likely to get it if you don't insult the people you're asking. Click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT to add information. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  23. Build >>. Scripts >> Reset Scripts or open the script and click the Reset button
  24. It works fine for me. Poofs right on time, or if anything hits it. Time for the "Is it plugged in?" question........ Did you check to see if the script is running? And are you on land where scripts are enabled?
  25. Nope, not an option in SL. This is Linden Lab's world. They have access to all of the original copies of IMs and chat, and all the stuff that people have in inventory .... like photos .... so they can do a pretty deep investigation, and they are under no obligation to tell you or anyone else what they find either. It's not a court of law. It is their world, so if they decide for any reason at all that they want to ban someone, they can do it. You agreed to it, too. (TOS, Sect 11.4: "We may suspend or terminate your Account if we determine in our discretion that such action is necessary or advisable to comply with legal requirements or protect the rights or interests of Linden Lab, the Second Life community or any third party.") You can always file a lawsuit in RL if you want to. Heck, anyone can file a lawsuit for anything if he can find a lawyer willing to accept his money. You decide if it's worth it.
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