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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Darkie Minotaur wrote: ETA: I use them from within a php script and parse the results there Hmmm.. That's where I have to rely on others. I have no PHP skills.
  2. Yeah, I should clarify..... W-hat still works, but it has always been weakest with new SL names. Since all of the people who used to maintain that external database were banned from SL last year, its database is really way out of date. It's not much use if you're writing a script to grab griefer UUIDs. Those guys are usually short-timers. I'll give cyber.caworks a try. Thanks, Darkie.
  3. What are people using for Name2Key, now that w-hat has bit the dust? I have tried Maeva Anatine's script at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Name2Key_in_LSL and Takat Su's version at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Takat_Su/Name2Key without any luck. Both kick up errors parsing the HTML results. I could spend hours trying to figure out what I'm looking for (if it's there) but this is not my strong suit. Can someone point me in the right direction?
  4. Having a sandbox can be a mixed blessing. I suggest having clearly posted rules for sandbox users and being prepared to spend some time dealing with the small number of people who will test them. You can save a lot of cleanup headaches by setting an autoreturn for rezzed objects. You'll probably want to give thought to how to deal with weapons, vehicles, physical objects, particle emitters, temp rezzers, and very large structures --- none of which is "evil" but may still be a source of conflicts between users if you haven't spelled out guidelines. I also strongly suggest making terraforming impossible. You do not need scripts for "cleaning" the parcel, but you might want to think about scripts that can keep track of who's using the area and can notify you when you need to come in world and pay attention to something.
  5. You're going to be more likely to find an answer to your particular problem if you start your own thread, rather than burying it as a hidden comment in someone else's older question. Almost nobody is likely to see it here (other than me ) My guess is that your own problem is slightly different from the OP's, since she had an underpowered laptop and you have a PC of some kind. With the minimal information you provided, I still suspect that you have a connection problem, despite the fact that you think your broadband and modem are "fine". When you post your own question, please be sure to include all the information you can about your computer. In your viewer, open Help >> About Second Life and copy/paste all of the information from that window into your post.
  6. As whirly Fizzle suggests in her comments in https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-29357? , Please try these workarounds: Update to the latest graphics driver for your card Bring up the Advanced top menu with CTRL+ALT+D Then Advanced -> Debug settings -> RenderMaxTextureIndex -> Set this to zero This should fix the pink textures but may also cause a drop in your FPS (Frames per second) Disabling Basic Shaders (Me -> Preferences -> Graphics -> General -> Advanced -> untick Basic shaders) will also stop the pink, but things will not look as pretty.
  7. I used Hiro's vendors for a long time until I started writing my own. They are good and dependable. Innula is right. The message that pops up in them is the same one that pops up whenever you use a scripted object that is supposed to be able to make change or give a refund. Linden Lab doesn't want unsuspecting residents to give permission to access their accounts without knowing exactly why they are doing it. If that makes you nervous, you should choose a vendor that cannot make change or offer refunds.
  8. Unless everyone around you is having the same lag issues that you are, chances are very good that your own lag has nothing to do with SL's servers or with your viewer, but can be traced to a problem with your computer or your Internet connection. See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_very_laggy for an overview of the most common causes and potential cures. There have been no user complaints of serious lag in the Firestorm/Phoenix in-world support group or here in Answers this evening. It may be a good idea for you to post your question to the Firestorm/Phoenix staff if you want to learn more about whatever the message you received this morning means.
  9. I see what you mean. The two images that at least look like UV maps (the low rectangular one and the square one) are all scrambled. When you apply them to an in-world object, they are a mess -- nothing like a cross. The other two images aren't even UV maps. I don't know what they are. My guess is that you extruded faces and then tried to save the result as a sculpty. That won't work. I doubt that it will help you much, but here's the UV map for my cross, which also started as an oblong cylinder ...... I don't know what to suggest, except that it might be a good idea to go back and work through the tutorial videos on Gaia Clary's Machinimatrix site.
  10. It's not a virus. Just a very insistent griefing spammer. The ExDepart spam object is insidious. You receive it as a gift from an unknown source (Rule #1 - Never accept gifts from strangers. Mom was right.) and then you rez it to find out what it is (Rule #2 - Be very cautious about rezzing unknown objects). The object immediately zips to an altitude of 4000m in the sim, where it becomes invisible. It then proceeds to detect other avatars in the sim. When it detects one, it gives a copy of itself to the new unsuspecting av and the whole cycle starts again. If you don't accept the gift, it keeps nagging you until you finally give in. If you have the ExDepart object in your inventory, DELETE it without rezzing it. If you have already rezzed it, ask the sim owner to do an immediate search for the object with the Top Scripts tool in Region/Estate tools. She'll have to use CTRL + Alt + T to see it when she figures out where to look. She should delete or return it. I had to do this recently on a sim I manage. It's not difficult. BTW, There's no point in filing an Abuse Report on the thing. Its owner is the last unsuspecting SL resident who accepted it and then rezzed it on that sim. She's no guiltier than you are. Just help get rid of the thing at 4000m and wipe your own inventory free of it. It looks like you may have three of them on your sim, since you're seeing messages from three objects.
  11. I just saw your note in the JIRA and left a reply there. Just in case you aren't watching it, here's the note again... "Be sure that you typed it correctly. It's "ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers". All one word, no spaces. The sans serif type face in the JIRA makes it hard to tell, but the four words squished together there are "Shell Icon Overlay Identifiers"."
  12. Visite su página de panel en secondlife.com y haga clic en el enlace Lindex vender Linden. Cuando su Lindens se han vendido, la cantidad aparecerá en su saldo en dólares USD. A continuación, podrá retirar los dólares a su cuenta PayPal. Ver este sitio web (en Inglés) para las instrucciones >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-balance/ta-p/700015 # Section_.2.2
  13. Have you recently installed or enabled Microsoft SkyDrive? If so, see https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28843? Read down the comments until you get to the one by Lahtif Kalifa. It looks like this... 1) Start regedit (start -> run -> type “regedit” -> hit enter) 2) Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers 3) In the left panel you should see 3 SkyDrive keys (1, 2 and 3) as shown in Lahtif's comment 4) Delete all 3 of them 5) Reboot 6) Enjoy both Skydrive and Second Life working at the same time
  14. Check to be sure that you don't have a firewall blocking access to SL >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539 . It's probably a good idea to be sure that your anti-virus routine isn't blocking you either >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/antivirus_whitelisting
  15. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: That could be constructed pretty simple out of mesh. One cube is all you need. add a few loop cuts to extrude the sides. then ad some loop cuts to the edges to work them out a little and make them look softer. Would use less faces thats fer sure... Yes. To make my sample cross, I ended up having to waste a lot of faces by squishing them together. Because you can't remove vertices in a sculpty, those faces are still there -- just crammed into edges in the final model.
  16. Thanks for the reminder, Kwakkelde. I just blew up Yashino's images large enough to read the tiny print. As I suspected, he has applied a Clark-Catmull modifier, which attempts to smooth all of the joints in his model. @Yashino -- Click the X in the upper right corner of the panel for modifiers to turn them off. That will sharpen up your joints.
  17. Try http://www.peregrinesalon.com/anim/ . It's a pretty straightforward GIF to TGA converter that will produce a "filmstrip" for you and will even give you a correctly-parameterized script that you can drop into your object, to animate the strip. All you need to provide it is an animated GIF. NOTE: The maximum size for any texture in SL is 1024 x 1024 pixels. You can get 16 frames that are 256 x 256 on a texture that size without losing much resolution. If you need more frames than that, though, or if your uploaded texture is smaller than 1024 x 1024 --- it's always a good idea to avoid HUGE texture if at all possible --- then you'll start to get resolution issues.
  18. It ought to detect any time that the sim has restarted, for whatever reason. I wrote myself another monitor a while ago that normally polls llRequestSimulatorData every five minutes to see whether my home sim is on line. If it's not, the script shifts to polling every 30 seconds and sending me a DATA_SIM_STATUS message until the sim is back on line again. Then it goes back to polling every five minutes. I have my monitor on a different sim where I tend to go and hide when LL is about to restart my own sim, but I could just as easily carry it with me as an attachment. That way I could go shopping or whatever and just wait for the monitor to tell me when it was safe to go home again. It would be a trivial matter to record that information so that I could review it later.
  19. That happens occasionally. Try again, maybe moving to a different sim.
  20. I'm glad that you found Natalia Zelmanov's tutorials. They are bit old by now, but they are still some of the simplest and friendliest tutorials for making clothing (and other things) in SL. I'm curious, though ...... Why do you want to put a hole in a flexi prim skirt?
  21. That looks OK to me. I just did essentially the same thing and uploaded the UV map to SL. Here's mine.... Did you remember to remove modifiers when you were in Blender, so that you get square edges? Did you remember to apply t6he cylinder stitching type in SL instead of the default sphere?
  22. The second vector had a bogus character in it. It doesn't mind spaces in <0.4, 0.4, 0.4> but it doesn't like the bogus character. BTW, try this ... default{ state_entry() { string gNoteName="1,1,2,2,<3.0, 3.0, 3.0>:<0.4, 0.4, 0.4>" ; list temp = llParseString2List(gNoteName,[",<",":"],[]); vector startRot = (vector)("<" +llList2String(temp,1)); llOwnerSay("startRot is "+(string)startRot); vector endPos = (vector)llList2String(temp,2); llOwnerSay("endPos is "+(string)endPos); }} You don't have to mess with vectorMark at all.
  23. Rolig Loon

    Rated G?

    Don't worry about it. I have the same G next to my name when I look for myself in Search, and I have been fully verified for years. If I click the G,M,A boxes and then type your name into Search, your profile comes up just fine. Just like mine.
  24. integer gCount;default{ touch_start(integer num) { llSetText((string)(++gCount),<1.0,1.0,1.0>,1.0); }}
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