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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. It sounds like a technicality, but ALL textures in SL are in JPEG2000 format, regardless of what they may have been on your computer before you uploaded them. The difference you are thinking about is that a JPG image cannot have the extra 8-bit channel that we use for transparency. Of the uploadable choices we have to work with, only PNG and TGA do. So, if you want transparency you have to start with a 32-bit TGA or PNG file and upload it. If you don't want transparency, save 25% of the file size and upload the texture as a 24-bit image. When SL receives it, the image is converted to JPEG2000 and retains your transparency information. It doesn't make any difference what you apply the texture to ... mesh, sculpty, or native SL prim. They're all mesh objects anyway. It sounds like you are seeing an alpha sorting issue. You;re overlaying two 32-bit textures on adjacent clothing items. The only way to beat that is to use a 24-bit texture on the one that's underneath.
  2. You might have happier customers if you wore a sign (or a floating tag) that said "I know a great club for newbies. Ask me." Even first-day newbies learn quickly not to trust strangers who give them stuff.
  3. You're in luck. I spotted your private message in this ancient thread just now. Welcome to SL. There's much more to an "excellent" Internet connection than bandwidth. It may be just fine for web browsing and some on-line games, but it needs to be very stable and responsive to handle SL. If you have been using wireless, get off it. Check to be sure that your computer meets Linden Lab's recommended system requirements (see https://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/ ). If you have tried to download more than one time, be sure that you are removing all traces of the last try before you do it again. Here's how >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/English_KB%40tkb . Finally, check to be sure that you do not have a firewall blocking entry to SL. If you still have trouble, please start a NEW thread instead of attaching your question to the end of someone else very old, archived question.
  4. If you have an account with either Google Translate or Bing's translator, you can enter your account number in Preferences >>> Chat >>> Text Input: Choose translation service: You may select one of two online providers to handle the translation: Bing: You need to supply an API key, which you can obtain from Bing (click the underlined link to go to the web page). Once you have done that, click Verify to have the key checked. After that, translation should be available. Google: You need to supply an API key, which you can obtain from Google (click the underlined link to go to the web page; you may also obtain pricing information). Once you have done that, click Verify to have the key checked. After that, translation should be available. These two are perhaps the most versatile and reliable services. The Gooigle translation service charges a fee. Bing does not, but you do need to open a free account with them. Otherwise, you can buy a translator in Marketplace. Use the keyword "translator" in Marketplace Search.
  5. Be very careful about what you click. It is impossible for anyone to take L$ from you without your permission, but it is very easy for someone to trick you into giving permission. When you click an object that expects you to pay it, it will always display a message that asks permission to debit your account. If you aren't paying attention and just click without thinking, you can be allowing it to transfer every penny in your account. The bottom line is: NEVER give permission to debit your account unless you know who you are giving permission to and understand why. Also, beware of phishing scams in SL and occasionally ones that spoof SL web sites (including these forums). Some sites are designed to steal your login information. With that, they can have direct access to your SL account, and possibly your RL accounts. Read this information very carefully. Also http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Scams
  6. All SL viewers handle Voice the same way. Viewers play a minor part in voice functionality. The bulk of voice support is given by the external application called SLVoice, which is made by the SL voice provider, Vivox. Voice failures are almost always due to one of the following reasons: Your ISP is throttling or blocking the voice service; failure of the Vivox service; voice issues on the region you are on; voice being throttled by bandwidth set incorrectly - please check it by following the instructions here; voice hardware (mic, headset) not configured correctly in your operating system settings; voice hardware not configured correctly in the viewer; another application has your voice hardware in use (example, Skype); your anti virus software has “mangled” the voice application; see here. Please go to Voice Echo Canyon when trying to get voice to work. If voice is working correctly for you, anything you say there will be echoed back to you. For more specific suggestions about dealing with Voice issues, see http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_voice
  7. That's right. It's not a perfect solution, but if I understand correct;y, it does solve the immediate problem. Clearly someone is going to have to fix the underlying bug. I'm not really convinced that it's relevant to this OP's problem, of course. It's just the only thing I could find that even sounded like it might be relevant.
  8. You can't run PHP in Second Life, but you can put it on your own server and communicate with HTTP. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlHTTPRequest
  9. Rolig Loon


    Esto debería ayudarle a >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Base-de-conocimientos/Gu%C3%ADa-r%C3%A1pida-de-Second-Life/ta-p/1246327
  10. Madelaine McMasters wrote: [ .... ] And finally, which is worse, to be mediocre at something you love, or the best there is at something you hate? That's an excellent point. The saddest comment I think I ever heard from the parent of a freshman was from a Dad who told me candidly, "I woke up on my 45th birthday and asked myself, 'Why did I ever decide to become an accountant?' I don't want my son to be 45 before he asks himself the same question."
  11. This may (or may not) be relevant: Some users report strange hand flickering/twitching on medium graphics setting. This is caused by the combination of basic shaders enabled and atmospheric shaders disabled. It appears that on certain windlight settings, this combination will cause the flickering effect with the movement of the clouds. Workaround: Enable atmospheric shaders or disable basic shaders. Both need to be either enabled or disabled in Preferences → Graphics → General. If this doesn't help, disable Hardware Skinning as well. The associated bug report is located at FIRE-1751.
  12. Comme vous l'avez découvert, la version 1.23 est obsolète. Le choix le plus sage est a télécharger et installer le Linden Lab spectateur moderne ou l'un des spectateurs indépendantes populaires, comme Firestorm.
  13. Well said, Chosen. It's a complex topic, made all the more complicated by the fact that we all give and get mixed signals about our own abilities and our progress toward goals. I worry about wasted potential and at the same time fret about people who set unrealistic goals for themselves. For every hidden artist who could blossom into greatness there is a terrific hidden engineer who is wasting her time trying to be a painter, despite a hopeless lack of talent. Exploring potential is an important part of formal education. However, I worry often that as educators we leave too much of the exploration to trial and error, not helping students make realistic decisions. When people complain that students take more than 4 years to finish college, we explain that they commonly lose time by changing majors, heading down blind alleys. That is often true, but we don't often spend enough time providing career guidance to help students set realistic goals. Being successful in this world begins with self assessment, but we can do more to nurture self assessment than we usually do. Anyway.... My point in this discussion is not to deny the importance of practice but to say that it's only part of the equation. Talent, motivation, and a good dose of practicality belong there too. Your last post has made that point well. Thanks.
  14. Rolig Loon

    how to change age

    Ah. That age cannot be changed without a LOT of trouble. Linden Lab accepts the age that you declared when you joined Second Life. If you accidentally entered the wrong birthdate, you can submit a support ticket under the heading Account Issue >>> Account Creation Issue to ask them to correct it. Be prepared for serious skepticism, though. Historically, they have found it hard to believe that anyone can't remember their own birthday. They will probably ask for photocopies of documents to verify your birthdate.
  15. Rolig Loon

    how to change age

    It is quite possibly because you have just joined SL. It is nothing personal. Many club owners automatically block entry to any avatars born within the past 30 days as a way to prevent griefers from causing trouble. Most troublemakers either get bored quickly or are banned from SL within a month, so blocking newcomers is a logical strategy. If you are, in fact, over 18 year old in RL and have set your viewing preference to Adult, you should be able to enter even those places by mid-October. Meanwhile, explore SL.
  16. Problèmes de DNS peuvent souvent être résolu en ajoutant des serveurs DNS de Google sur votre propre ordinateur. Il ya de meilleurs choix pour les gens qui vivent à loin de l'Amérique du Nord, cependant, et il ya d'autres solutions pour le problème ainsi. Vous trouverez de bonnes suggestions ici (en anglais) >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/dns_fail_fr
  17. Rolig Loon

    how to change age

    yes i have problems entering places
  18. Just between us Loons, why not just make the object bigger before you save it? Either way, it will look big when you rez it, but you won't need the "blow it up" script if you do the work beforehand.
  19. The area that you think of as your inventory is not, in fact, your inventory. It is a locally cached copy, stored on your own computer so that your viewer doesn't have to consult the servers (where your inventory really is) every time you want to look for something. It's convenient, much faster, and -- sadly - easily damaged. Your inventory cache can be borked by a bad file transfer, as during a viewer upgrade, for example. Especially if you make the mistake of using wireless -- which is not as stable or reliable as a direct cable connection -- you'll find that items appear to be missing. The cure is to wipe the cache clean and force the viewer to create a new one. Do it the right way, though, instead of clicking the Clear Cache button in Preferences. Here's how >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear The most important sentence in those instructions, IMO, is the one that says, "While inventory repopulates, do not teleport anywhere, and do not attempt to access anything in your inventory." Just be patient.
  20. Rolig Loon


    In the privacy of your own home, or on an Adult-rated sim. Try it anywhere else and you'll be in trouble. ========= Note to colleagues: I think we have a Question of the Day candidate. :smileywink:
  21. Aha! It's your Step #3. If you do CTRL + Shift + L and keep the CTRL and Shift keys held down, you do indeed get the "misty box" with the white handles in its corners. That's because CTRL + Shift by itself is the keyboard shortcut to activate STRETCH mode. Hitting the "L" key had nothing to do with it. Release the CTRL and Shift keys and all prims still stay highlighed so you can move them and rotate them together as you noted. Again, that had nothing to do with CTRL + Shift + L. You can move them and rotate them together because you selected them. So what did the key combination do? You UNlinked them. You can still manipulate them as a coalesced unit if they are still selected, but as soon as you click away, they are separate, individual prims. As soon as you hit the combination CTRL + Shift + L, all of the prims got yellow highlights. If one of them had been the root prim, the change would have been obvious because its highlight would have changed from blue to yellow. If you had by chance only selected child prims, the change wouldn't be as obvious, but those prims would now be disconnected from the original linkset. In any case, the reason you didn't need to delete them when you were all done is not that they were too small to worry about. It was becuase you unlinked them, shrunk them, and left them behind when you took your hair back to inventory. Unless an autoreturn has sent them back to you, they are still out there somewhere in the world, poor little orphan prims..... :smileysad: Try experimenting with plywood boxes.
  22. There are two basic approaches to controlling where visitors to your estates appear: you can either use a telehub to force all visitors to appear at a set location, or you can allow visitors to teleport directly to wherever they wish. If you choose the second option, you can still set landing points at the parcel level so that people teleporting to that particular parcel all arrive at the same point. So, a couple of things might be going on. First, your sim might have had telehubs active at some time (or might still have them). If so, they would override parcel-level instructions that say you can land anywhere. The cure is to check and be sure that all telehubs are removed from the sim if they are no longer needed. The other possibility is that there are no telehubs in the sim, but parcel owners have set landing points on their own parcels. If so, those landing points would override any LM's target point.
  23. bebejee wrote: [ ...] Rolig the ctrl shift L forms a box around the selected prim with things that you move and can shrink it or make it bigger. Nope. CTRL + Shift + L UNLINKS prims from a linkset. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Shortcuts I have been using it since 2007 and just double checked now to be sure that Linden Lab hadn't done something strange while I was sleeping. That has been the standard UNLINK keyboard shortcut for many years.
  24. You don't have a bug. You just have some viewer settings that need tweaking, and it wouldn't hurt to get off wireless either. Take a good look at these two articles dealing with bake fail and HTTP texture fetching issues. Both of these sets of problems predate SSA, but are affecting people in different ways that they may have done before. Especially if you have an older computer or are using a notebook computer that was not designed for an environment like SL, you may need to disable some of the more advanced texture rendering functions.
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