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Alistar Snook

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  1. Hi! I need a little help, I am using the XyzzyText Board (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/XyzzyText). Is it possible to show on board special characters? (eg. µ) I tried but the board returns ")". I tried also with string s =µ; and display "s" but it returns always ")". Suggestions? Thank you in advance
  2. awesome idea! I already have the passport working and ready to setup the kiosk in my place. Congratulations for the nice job!
  3. Thank you legend ❤️ It's a sad day for Second Life. Happy retirement and I wish you all the best for your life, friend. 🤗
  4. Vero, hai ragione! Però per la sua richiesta credo che Speedlight possa sicuramente andare bene visto che è supportato sicuramente nella pagina dei third part viewers.
  5. Il download del viewer non funziona su smartphone. Puoi eventualmente usare Lumiya per connetterti a Second Life da Smartphone.
  6. My friend Jasmine is talking about american football If you are interested on soccer you have my contact, we are doing a tournament starting in march, and some team is looking for players. Time of matches: 1 PM SLT Have a good day!
  7. Hi! You can visit our stadium here : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moka/116/91/3002 Website Facebook page Post of our old community: Have fun! waiting you in my field!
  8. Hello (again)! There will be a soccer tournament in Second Life starting in march, Inworld Football League, organized by Parallel Universe Productions (www.pupsl.com) I would like to thank Strawberry Linden to have shared this in Second Life social medias: https://www.plurk.com/p/o65vj6 https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugy8q4cv6Kd1ctz95X94AaABCQ https://www.facebook.com/secondlife/posts/10159658046748072 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJwQ5ecHZbp/ https://secondlife.tumblr.com/post/639678489708118016/calling-all-sports-enthusiasts-in-secondlife Also I am giving to all people interested to visit the stadium the slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moka/116/91/3002 The stadium, called IFL Stadium, is property of Parallel Universe Production, made by Gordon Petrovic. Last, but not least, many thanks to Oz Linden that he came to visit the stadium! I will keep you in loop about the matches!
  9. Here we are! After 10 years when all started in Second Life, we want to celebrate our 10th Birthday of our football project that merged italian and spanish leagues in only 1 football system, LFV HUD system. Well to be honest we are older than 10 years in Second Life, we used other primitive and bugged football systems, do you remember v-soccer system? We had a great community in Second Life, we did more than 20 official tournaments during the years, involved people from all countries. We think to have done the best football system for Second Life ever made since SL exist, and we still proud of that. In this year we celebrate the 10th birthday of this project, it's a very long period. It's all started with Redlag Mayo and Alistar Snook, and a lot of people that helped to grow up month after month, and we had great times in Second Life grid with our game and tournaments. It's a long list of members: scripters, web developers, staff people in Second Life, referees, club presidents, we want to thank each of you that joined in our community. You can find us here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blueliner/176/182/2253 Also, we are planning to put other 2 fields working in SL for more users that want to play for free. There is a welcome area where newbie can take some clothes, and near there is our field with our system, where you can learn how to use the HUD system, and have fun. You can decide to be a simple player, make a team with your frends, play against other SL users. You can join in our official group: LIGAFUTBOLVIRTUAL.COM We have also a new website: https://www.ligafutbolvirtual.com where you can find some info, and you can join us. Soon we'll have a forum online where you can directly register from SL on field, keeping SL names, and share with us your ideas. I hope you can find some fun playing our game.
  10. Here we are! After 10 years when all started in Second Life, we want to celebrate our 10th Birthday of our football project that merged italian and spanish leagues in only 1 football system, LFV HUD system. Well to be honest we are older than 10 years in Second Life, we used other primitive and bugged football systems, do you remember v-soccer system? We had a great community in Second Life, we did more than 20 official tournaments during the years, involved people from all countries. We think to have done the best football system for Second Life ever made since SL exist, and we still proud of that. In this year we celebrate the 10th birthday of this project, it's a very long period. It's all started with Redlag Mayo and Alistar Snook, and a lot of people that helped to grow up month after month, and we had great times in Second Life grid with our game and tournaments. It's a long list of members: scripters, web developers, staff people in Second Life, referees, club presidents, we want to thank each of you that joined in our community. You can find us here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blueliner/176/182/2253 Also, we are planning to put other 2 fields working in SL for more users that want to play for free. There is a welcome area where newbie can take some clothes, and near there is our field with our system, where you can learn how to use the HUD system, and have fun. You can decide to be a simple player, make a team with your frends, play against other SL users. You can join in our official group: LIGAFUTBOLVIRTUAL.COM We have also a new website: https://www.ligafutbolvirtual.com where you can find some info, and you can join us. Soon we'll have a forum online where you can directly register from SL on field, keeping SL names, and share with us your ideas. I hope you can find some fun playing our game.
  11. Hello. I am staff of LFV and would like to invite you to join the community as a player, referee or fan. LFV (Ligafutbolvirtual.com) was formed in 2008 and continues to be an outstanding and fun sports community on the grid. We are running our 22th tournament of simulated soccer. There is NO cost to join and all equipment are provided free of charge. Visit our places: LFV Stadium Jericho Hill LFV Stadium Ibiza Visit our website: http://www.ligafutbolvirtual.com Questions? IM Alistar Snook
  12. Soccer: http://www.ligafutbolvirtual.com LM: in world field
  13. A sport SL community is looking for a freelance php scripter to update our website with new features. We are interested to serious scripters that can finish the update soon, and that they aren't so busy with other projects. We are not interested to scripters with RL prices, but we are looking for someone that can do the job in his free time. Scripters interested can contact me directly IW =)
  14. Hi all, Our community still looking for a scripter, that can help us.
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