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Rosen Janus

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Posts posted by Rosen Janus

  1. No. I just think all reviews should be searchable. It's not a question of finding out if reviews are shill or not.

    Its about letting SMART customers be able to use the sort dropdown for "Rating: lowest to highest" to prioritize negative reviews and heed what warnings others may have.

    I've seen reviews that I DID NOT delete suddenly disappear.


    Not sure if the site's broken or my browser doesn't like the sorter. I hope it is, though.

  2. Actually, I redact that post.

    This is somewhat different. It's more than just marketplace bullying, its about how vendors can also employ shady tactics to try and bury negative reviews.

    ESPECIALLY shill reviews. The vendor either:

    a) creating new accounts, using alts to review their product positiively

    b) getting friends or otherwise coercing others into reviewing their product positive.


    I just hate how they can, in effect, null out negative reviews. I can't even search my own in the few products I've reviewed negatively.

  3. Yes, this is about reviews, but it is not the way you'd likely imagine it. I'm not a vendor, I'm a buyer.

     I don't expect a lot of support, but at least hear me out.


    The marketplace is already unfairly geared in favor of the vendor. It seems.. every time I don't give a FULL FIVESTAR "OMG THIS PRODUCT IS THE EPITOME OF MY EXISTENCE" review, the creator (and this usually always happpens with women) comes to bite my head off and try to bully me into changing my review!

    Of course even if I don't, the review seems to magically disaapear the next day! (again, the system is unfairly geared in favor of the vendor)


    A) The review process needs to be revamped. DON'T allow vendors to just filter out negative reviews and choose reviews that they no doubt 'hired', had friends do, etc. Don't tell me it doesn't happen. And don't tell me it doesn't take over the ENTIRE marketplace because it does. I've been the first to review, then the NEXT DAY, two magical reviews show up to bury mine. All reviews should be searchable! If someone wants to know about bad reviews, they should at least be able to use the sorter to show "Rating: Lowest to highest" to try and circumvent the vendor's dirty tactics. Reviews are for reviews, not an avenue for advertisement.


    B) Have  an option in the "Report Abuse" menu specifically for vendors that are trying to pressure buyers into changing their reviews. This is nothing short of bullying.


    The marketplace needs a change. This is getting old.

  4. Yes, this is about reviews, but it is not the way you'd likely imagine it. I'm not a vendor, I'm a buyer.

     I don't expect a lot of support, but at least hear me out.


    The marketplace is already unfairly geared in favor of the vendor. It seems.. every time I don't give a FULL FIVESTAR "OMG THIS PRODUCT IS THE EPITOME OF MY EXISTENCE" review, the creator (and this usually always happpens with women) comes to bite my head off and try to bully me into changing my review!

    Of course even if I don't, the review seems to magically disaapear the next day! (again, the system is unfairly geared in favor of the vendor)


    A) The review process needs to be revamped. DON'T allow vendors to just filter out negative reviews and choose reviews that they no doubt 'hired', had friends do, etc. Don't tell me it doesn't happen. And don't tell me it doesn't take over the ENTIRE marketplace because it does. I've been the first to review, then the NEXT DAY, two magical reviews show up to bury mine. All reviews should be searchable! If someone wants to know about bad reviews, they should at least be able to use the sorter to show "Rating: Lowest to highest" to try and circumvent the vendor's dirty tactics. Reviews are for reviews, not an avenue for advertisement.


    B) Have  an option in the "Report Abuse" menu specifically for vendors that are trying to pressure buyers into changing their reviews. This is nothing short of bullying.


    The marketplace needs a change. This is getting old.

  5. The one true answer:


    It won't get you banned from SL, but if you're in an RP (roleplay) sim, the sim owner has the right to ban and disallow whoever they like.

    WHAT THEY LIKELY MEANT is the sim owner could have you banned.


    This makes sense from a roleplay perspective.

    In roleplay sims, not acknowledging someone can have a big impact on the roleplay as a whole. Imagine he's starting a fight scene reeaally close to your character. And you have him blocked? Other RPers will be wondering why the heck you're just standing there like nothing happened... because you couldn't see his text to begin with.


    Having a block list is unfortunately not wise if you ever hope to RP on a sim with blocked avatars RPing on the sim. Instead, I'd take it up with an admin of the sim/group and tell them your reasons for why you want them to stay away.

  6. Simply stop going to the contests.

    I know I stopped going to clubs that wanted to enstate and "everyone wins" policy... :( I don't go to clubs much anymore.

    Lol. I miss one person getting the entire pot, not EVERYONE that got even a single vote getting a portion of the pot. I get the reasoning behind it, though.

    jwenting wrote:

    RL many sports and other competitions require participants to pay an entrance fee, 

    Yeah, but this isn't real life.

    And this shouldn't become a precedent. It's things like this that deter traffic and in turn deter users from using SL at all.

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