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DanikaCatherine Saramago

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Everything posted by DanikaCatherine Saramago

  1. "have you tired it from both the website and inworld (from a client that uses old style profiles) ?" I did that (tried the website), thanks. I hadn't realized that one can now edit their profile from the website. At least now I can fill out my own profile, even though I can't see other folks' profiles. Thanks for the help!
  2. I just recently came over the wall from the TG at the beginning of the year. I have access to all parts of the Main(PG, Mature, and Adult), and am age-verified. YET my profile remains in the TG format, i.e., I have no "About" area to fill in, nor a 1st life Tab. I also cannot see other folks About and 1st life tab as well! Is there some setting that I am overlooking? Is there something that I have to do to get my profile un-teenyfied? Thanks for any help!
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