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ChloeBaby Xue

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Posts posted by ChloeBaby Xue

  1. I'm just getting involved with an avatar. We are doing a log of communications via chat. I recently found out that they've been banned from a lot of sims, and that makes me leery about them, wondering why'd they get banned from so many sims. I'd ask them but they won't tell, saying they don't know themselves. There are a lot of other numerous incidents that are too many to mention.

    Bottom line is, how do I find out why they were banned from a sim. How do I know if there were issue reports about this person, and triggers for me to look for to avoid any troubles I may encounter?


  2. Should I be concerned if I received a gift prim from a person I just met? He seems nice, but I still have my guards up. When he gave it to me, he told me to rez it,  it's a photo with changing scenes, when I took it back, I noticed he had another behind it. I didn't think much of it then, but after thinking about it, I couldn't figure out why he had to rezz one from his inventory too. Then I began to think perhaps he created some type of way to compromise my computer, although I hope not. 

    If this is some suspicious act please tell me so, and is there a way I can have this prim looked at by an expert who can tell  if it is what I think it is.




  3. Pearl, I was stuck with that situation for a long period of time once.  The other owner did not log on anymore, so I used their email account as asked if they would log back inworld and exit from the group.  It took them awhile, and with attitude, they did eventually leave.  So, having said that, perhaps you can ask them in your politest way, to gracefully bow out of your group. 

    Good luck :)

  4. Kaylee, which viewer are you trying to install?  Is it SL or Phoenix?

    If it's Phoenix, I hate to tell you this, but I am hearing soooo many complaints about that version.  People are shouting and complaining in Pheonix Support Group that is causing more problems.  Some feel they have a solution, to uninstall and reinstall, but I see you've done that already.  Since Phoenix and Second Life are different viewers, perhaps you should go to the Phoenix Viewer blogs and see if someone posted a solution. 

    If it's SL, then try the Knowledge Base tab at the top. 


    Sorry I couldn't help you better.

  5. To whom this may concern:
    Before my billing date, I changed my billing account in hopes that it would be effective to pay my SL account on time. 
    Must I have an active paypal account to continue my SL Premium Account or can I just apply the charges directly from my charge card?  The reason I ask is because I closed my paypay account thinking I could pay my SL bill with the credit card.  Please tell me what I should do to continue my active account.
    Thank you
  6. Wow! I guess once I find the 1024 of land, I will purchase it under my group. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for this information. Very helpful to know, but not so easy for me to find it at the moment. Once everything is clearer for me, I'll know what to do. Please don't give up on me, I appreciate all the help I can get.

  7. My premium is paid up for the year. So, that leave me still confused. $8 month tier/$5 month tier? I'm searching for 1024 Linden Land, so if someone owns this land, I will have to pay THEM whatever tier they're asking?

  8. I have a premium account and have 1024sq.m of land available.  I live on a 512 already and have another 512+$5 of tier.

    What I want to know is...

    1. Can I just use a full 1024 sqm of land and pay $5. USD a month?

    2. Where do I find 1024 of land for $5 a month?

    3. If I did find it, will cost me extra?

    4. And what about prim, since 512sqm only allow 117, will that double on 1024?  

    a. And if I want more prim, will I have to pay more?  

    b. How much more will it cost?


    I hope these questions does not sound confusing, as I am.  But, I love posing questions here becasue I know there are pros here who has the knowledge and provides very helpful information.  :smileyhappy:

  9. I have a premium account with a linden home, and there are some things I don't understand about the land.

    WHAT DOES (Allowed holdings: 1,024.00 square meters, Current holdings: 512.00 square meters), MEAN?

    Please, someone help me to understand the "ALLOWED" part.

  10. CLAPS LOUDLY!!!   And just think, I thought I had it bad.  Sheesh!   I'm happy for you.  I submitted a complaint too, but nothing happened, and I'm not one to wait.  Maybe they didn't think my issue was as important as your...and I do agree..it wasn't. Yet it was an issue that should've been handled by LL.  Nevertheless, I'm happy where I am now. Congrats to you too.



  11. Hey Nyll,

    It's funny you say that...SNAPPED UP...cuz that's exactly what happened.  Sooooo, I had to settle.  But thanks for the suggestion. If I knew what you just suggested I would've tried it but, then I felt I had no other choice.  Now I don't feel like going through the motions again.  I'm good for now, besides I have great neighbors too.  Where as before, I thought my next door neighbors were rude, like SHOUTING, bright lighted prims on their windows, and when liviing so close the bright lights can be rather annoying and interfering when you want to set your windows in "open" mode.  I asked them politely if they could tone it down, but they toned it up .  And, I moved.


    Thanks again...Chloe

  12. Manis,

    I asked that same question a long time ago, and was not satisfied with the answer.  But, when I finally abandoned my Linden home, there were not any of the ones like the one I abandoned left, nor was there any available in the locations where I wanted to move.  So, before you think about abandoning, make sure you have the patience to wait for the one you want is available first, otherwise you may have to settle with a something you do not want.



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