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Aileen Aiten

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Everything posted by Aileen Aiten

  1. This may just be me, and i could be off on a rant here, but it seems that LL has changed the way they process credits. Now, instead of a flat percentage rate, they have added a minimum fee.. For those cashing out large sums, i'm sure it's not that big of a deal, but for those who wish to cash out a little here and there, it can be quite perterbing. The second part to this, is the announcement (if you can call a small blog post in the missle of freaking nowhere) states the changes are due to the insurmountable ammount of red tape they must navigate to make sure there's no money laundering going on, and to get payments to different countries.. I highly doubt those two claims are nearly as significant as they make them out to be, as most banks, and payment services just require the transfer to be from a legitimate source (i.e. LL's accounting offices, or bank etc) As for the money laundering claim, while technically pheasable, unless LL watched every L sent, recieved, and source of injection into the accounts of each person (which they probably do anyway) It's reasonable to think that tracking laundering would begin at the deposit, not the export section of the transaction.. And really, how would one know money is being laundered, unless it comes from a known source.. i.e. a known cartel bank or something random. There is also a claim, that these changes would expedite transfers. Instead of taking 7 business days, they should take on average 2.. I'm not sure about anyone else, but i have NEVER had a cretid process take less than 2 weeks. Not once. So the 7 day claim must be for special, or preferential people. As for the 2 days claim.. Yea, we all know that's not happening. So what is the reality behind the changes? Could it be LL simply wants to snatch a bit more from the little guy, while trying to maintain favor whith those to cash out more? I mean, really, it seems like a tax on those who are trying to pull out the leaste, while capping the rate, allows those who cash out more, to keep more of it. I don't know. And this could all be in my head, but i've seen too many business use creativly worded ToS updates to basically pilfer from those who they deem lesser prone to action.
  2. The solution to your vanishing model situation, is to switch your view from perspective to orthographic (U) as it allows you to view the model as if it were persepctive view (textures etc) while maintaining your ability to zoom in to the vertex level of detail, and still maintain visibility of the model.
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