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phaedra Exonar

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Posts posted by phaedra Exonar

  1. Darrius Gothly wrote:

    Anyway .. I'm just shouting at the wind and I know it. No amount of pushing, goading, berating or logical arguing will ever convince them to do anything with the Marketplace that they didn't come up with themselves. But, bull-headed is my claim to fame too, so I'll keep on goading, berating, shoving and logicking for as long as I can still click the "Post" button.


    May be LL will add a "Post Now " button that will post comments faster lol :)



  2. Your correct that is where people should check, but the number of customers who don't is rather large, but it would be better to just eliminate the problem.  Your right that the "Buy now" button is the problem, it just shouldn't even be there, at Amazon.com you can "add to cart" and then you "view cart" to start the check out process, there's no second way to add to the cart like the "buy now" button on the marketplace.  Most the double purchase I've had from customers are for a single item, where the customer had added the item to the cart thinking they would do more shopping but then decided to just check out so clicked on buy now thinking it would just open the cart to complete the purchase like all most all other shopping carts would. I think it this case people are less likely to check the cart because they think they should only have the 1 item in it, some one with several item's in a cart is more likely to think to check.  It's possible to make a purchase with out ever using the buy now button so it's not even needed. 

  3. The easiest way to find them is the destination guide, but changing the description would be a big help for inworld search. Looks like most if not all premium sand boxes are just copy's of each other, I think that the lack of a better description was probably just an oversight that was reused for all the sand boxes, I noticed that many of the public rez zones in many of the public oceans reuse the same parcel name, so I think it may just be a common practice at LL, might be some thing to point out to the LDPW

  4. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

    phaedra Exonar wrote:

    I did a search inworld, and I see your point.  The only way that will change is if LL changes ether the name of and/or the discription of all premium sandboxes, but not likely to get noticed by LL pointing it out here.

    I know.  I could make a secret JIRA though. 



    Make the Jira then post it here and keep us updated, that way it's not secret, if other feel strongly about this issue and yours doesn't get results, then they could file a jira for the same issue which would be the best way to show support for the issue under the new system.


  5. If we can no longer see the bug list, I think we should have a big party to celebrate that SL is now out of beta !


    Could some one please help I can't TP to the party I keep getting an error message.

  6. The speed huds are not really a secret it's just a simple script the 2 main parts are both in the LSL wiki, move to object and sensor repeat.  To stop them from working giving the crystals random names would help, but that might require redoing how the hud records what you collect, or scripting the crystals to tell the hud what they are. 

    I think LR is a great way for new residents to get some spending $ but I've stopped telling people to try it because the hud issues with quest not working.  It really looks like LL has given up in it, which is sad I think it's one of the better things they have done inworld that helps out and gives people some thing to do specially when they are new to SL

  7. Deja Letov wrote:

    phaedra Exonar wrote:

    Deja Letov wrote:

    I think you're definitely onto the answer there...the market. I can tell you I've considered starting to design for other markets as well. I know being "goth" is limiting me somewhat. It's a niche market and I know if I designed for the general public my buyers market would be bigger. But my problem is that I love the goth style so much, I honestly think I would suck the big one if I expanded outside of it because my heart wouldn't be into it.


    One of the good things about the goth market is that it gets the general public at Halloween, all so big tie in to the vampire scene, and Victorian age Gothic revival. 

    This is true...but it's only for a month. My sales are definitely great in October!


    But I thought :)



  8. Deja Letov wrote:

    I think you're definitely onto the answer there...the market. I can tell you I've considered starting to design for other markets as well. I know being "goth" is limiting me somewhat. It's a niche market and I know if I designed for the general public my buyers market would be bigger. But my problem is that I love the goth style so much, I honestly think I would suck the big one if I expanded outside of it because my heart wouldn't be into it. :)


    One of the good things about the goth market is that it gets the general public at Halloween, all so big tie in to the vampire scene, and Victorian age Gothic revival. 

  9. Deja Letov wrote:

    phaedra Exonar wrote:

    I spent 12 to 18 hour a a day 7 days a week for 2 months doubling the number of items I have for sale for an other much larger brand I own upgraded the items and scripting and advertising, results was a 50% loss in sales.  For the brand you see under this avatar I just spent over a year doing a script upgrade for my creatures, 2 of which were released last week, one of them is my best selling item, results so far 90% loss in sales.   At this point I'm afraid to put any amount of time in to SL, other then having fun and customer service.

    I think my biggest problem selling with the items I sell are the markets I build for are much smaller then I originally thought they were, but it took years to get to the top of search placement to realize that.  As more people leave SL the smaller communities and markets are taking a bigger hit that others.

    I guess my biggest question to this would be....what added efforts are you doing to market...not double items for sales, or redoing the scripts or upgrading items. I could add new products all day long and never get increased sales if I'm not marketing correctly.


    After doubling my items for sales I spent 6 months on just marketing and community building, and sales have just keep going down.  I did a lot of research on community market sizes, it was quite an eye opener, the markets I build for don't even show up on a bar graph compared to the over all marketplace size. 

    The info I collect on the market size suggest that your main market is at least 18 times the size of my main market, and is growing about 10 time as fast, you have 21 more pages of items listed then I do and you sales are 22.5 times higher then mine currently, but compared to my last year sales which was before I started doing any marketing and before I doubled the number of items I sell, your current record is about 5.5 times higher from where I use to be. 

    I've talked to some merchants that create for a very general market in SL and the volume of their top selling item is 700 time more then my top selling item.  My top selling item is in the top 3 listing for inworld, marketplace and google image searches, which to me suggest that I'm building for a small market that is in decline,  I'll keep building for my current markets for fun, but any serious effort is going in to new markets. 


    Any way it's good to see that some people are making $ in SL doing less it makes me hopeful that some day I'll get there too, I just need to find the right market,  I all way was surprised at what items became my best sellers lol which might be one of my biggest problems.


  10. I spent 12 to 18 hour a a day 7 days a week for 2 months doubling the number of items I have for sale for an other much larger brand I own upgraded the items and scripting and advertising, results was a 50% loss in sales.  For the brand you see under this avatar I just spent over a year doing a script upgrade for my creatures, 2 of which were released last week, one of them is my best selling item, results so far 90% loss in sales.   At this point I'm afraid to put any amount of time in to SL, other then having fun and customer service.

    I think my biggest problem selling with the items I sell are the markets I build for are much smaller then I originally thought they were, but it took years to get to the top of search placement to realize that.  As more people leave SL the smaller communities and markets are taking a bigger hit that others.

  11. Perrie Juran wrote:

    Qie Niangao wrote:

    People create the reality they need in order to discover themselves. -- Ernest Becker

    So we are all just figments of our own imaginations?


    My computer is quite real and in clolor so may be it would be, just a pigment of our own imaginations lol


  12. If you need L$ play linden realms, once your good at it playing half an hour to an hour day could easily pay the rent of small lot of land or shop space.  You don't need land to open a shop it's free to set one upon the marketplace then once that starts making you some L$ then think about getting an inworld shop.  If you want to buy land beyond the free 512sqm you get wit ha premium account, then I would suggest learning about how land works first or you could make some costly mistakes.






  13. Jennifer Boyle wrote:

    phaedra Exonar wrote:

    Most my items have mixed perms so even looking at the contents of the vender box would not show the true perms, which are mostly set to prims copy/mod and most scripts copy only but not all.  Besides the perms the feature list of most my items are to complex to list on the face of a prim.  Even when I have demos set up inworld, looking at them and trying them out would still not show all the features.  Even if you don't like to shop on the marketplace, you can still look up an item on the marketplace that you found inworld to read more info about it, and see additional pictures.

    Can I be sure that the item being sold on MP has their same permissions as the one being sold in world?

    At my store yes, but in general no. The same could be said about having more then one store inworld.  May be some one has both trans and copy versions at their main store and only trans versions at a satellite shop, or dose an update and misses one of the item venders at a satellite shop.  It's really not a MP vs inworld issue it's just human nature that at some point some one will make a mistake, the question then is how good is their customer service. 

  14. Teagan Tobias wrote:

    Seeing in the box is not the point, the point is just being able to know. There is no reason the information can't be posted in the store, and a lot of the times it is not. If I don't see it sometimes I ask using a note card, but most of the time I just go look for a friendlier store.

    And after reading your post I now know that two or three people have lost a sale, not just one.




    Some merchants prefer IM over note cards, I can't all way log in to SL to read a note card but might be able to respond to an IM that went to my email even if I'm at work.  If a merchant doesn't list how they prefer to be contacted in their profile, try both before giving up on them, but some sadly just don't respond.

  15. Most my items have mixed perms so even looking at the contents of the vender box would not show the true perms, which are mostly set to prims copy/mod and most scripts copy only but not all.  Besides the perms the feature list of most my items are to complex to list on the face of a prim.  Even when I have demos set up inworld, looking at them and trying them out would still not show all the features.  Even if you don't like to shop on the marketplace, you can still look up an item on the marketplace that you found inworld to read more info about it, and see additional pictures.

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