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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Ha! I'll have you know that I've been parading around ALL of the forums for nearly a decade, nekked as a little devil can be. Some of that time I was in your kitchen, raiding your fridge. Make sure you tell them that you've had a naked devil in your home. If I'm going down, I'm taking you with meeeeeee!!!
  2. Excellent! So, all I need do to find my entrance is search the forums for "This is a highly debatable point". You're the best, Scylla.
  3. Condensed, doesn't this become... To me, a better solution would be to have a viewer not display those objectionable things I won't define.
  4. I have just Snugs on my block list. If only that would work in RL.
  5. Well, we're not gonna let the thread die, even though it's begging for it. I think we can offer you the same fate.
  6. A triumvirate works. @Seicher Rae will be Queen of the Derail. @Lindal Kidd will be Goddess of the Derail. I'll be High Priestess of the Derail. @Scylla Rhiadra will be court jester, speaking truth to our deaf power. Everybody else will roll their eyes. How's that work for everyone?
  7. Ha, an errant post that wasn't my fault. The forum locked up when I posted from my phone, so I moved to my Mac. When I restarted my phone, it posted again.
  8. ...gives you a hug* *I'm not a hugger, I'd much rather set you on fire. I'm risking my reputation here, Drake. But, I understand.
  9. ...moves you to the top of her burn list* *because your existing photo in my Rogue's Gallery has you paired with You Know Who.
  10. I probably hate rules as much as you, but I'm stubborn (stupid?) enough to ignore them. If you do go, I'm gonna hunt you down in-world to add you to my "Warm Welcomes" gallery, and possibly to get my "\o/" fix now and then. It is ironic that I resurrected the fireplace (after Scylla's continued harassment) just in time for a potential exodus of potential victims from the forums. I know who you people are. You can run but you can't hide.
  11. I recently stated that I don't AR posts based on LL's rules, I AR them based on my rules. It's pretty much the same for posts. I will not change my behavior here based on the new rules. The repercussions of me living my life by my rules are ever present. I was laid off from GE for being "high maintenance". I did not expect that. I was not surprised by that. I was not upset by that. I have no great concern about being banned from SL for being me, though it would be a fascinating thing to witness. If I have a concern, it's being created by wholly understandable reactions like yours. The worst thing that can happen to anything that wants my interest is to become uninteresting itself. That might happen if people like you become cautious. Exactly this, Seicher. Play is foundational to the success of SL (and humanity). I agree with this, and the entirety of your post, Persephone. Humans connect in various ways, at various times, for various reasons. Whether SL can thrive without affording a variety of ways is unclear to me. Any ways that SL supports must work for the benefit of the company. I'm glad I don't have to figure that out.
  12. I've heard you say this before and it puzzles me. When I consider a new game I peek at the game forum first. If nothing much is going on in the forum I tend to think nothing much is going on in the game and feel less inclined to check it out. It's a bonus for me when I see some real life engagement too, of an intelligent sort, as I then imagine there might be interesting people in the game I want to meet. Sam captured some of my thinking, which is somewhat (maybe?) independent of my personal perspective... I was in SL two years before discovering the forum in search of some scripting information. Had the forums been only for answering questions, I'd have been in and out and back to SL. But, I'm a forum creature by nature and there was a lot more going on here, so I got sucked in. @Scylla Rhiadra and Pep were the first to capture my attention with their rather spirited discussions. Most of my friends come from the forum. I can access the forums (and therefore my friends) anywhere, anytime. SL itself must wait 'till I'm home and ready to sit at my computer, and I can only communicate with those who're at theirs. Luna, I've highlighted a portion of your comment in purple. I have never met most of my forum friends in-world. Still, I have met them, and that's of great value to me. SL might enrich those friendships (might also kill them ;-), but the forum enables them at a level that's often sufficient for me. What I do know is that SL itself is not sufficient for any lasting friendship. Within weeks of meeting my last partner, we were on Discord. For the last year of our relationship, we were only on Discord. I can't re-run the experiment, but I can imagine that I'd have spent much more time in-world (generating revenue for LL) over the last dozen years if I'd not found the forums. I can also imagine that I'd have left long ago, for some place with a vibrant forum. Though I have enjoyed the forums for over a dozen years, I do not assess their value from my perspective. I try to imagine what benefit they bring to LL, which must prosper if SL is to survive. The creation of the now moribund "Feeds" suggests that LL thinks there is value to an out-world extension of the SL social network. There is. That the Feed is moribund (the front page shows the most recent 10 posts(I think), and that spans... a week) shows that LL didn't understand what was needed. Something is needed. I don't think GD is that thing. I don't think the Feeds are that thing. Your puzzling over my position is understandable. How could I not understand the value of something I value so highly? Once again, my thinking is somewhat (maybe?) independent of my personal perspective. SL has great value to many people. For that reason, the survival of SL is much more important in the grand scheme of things than my relationship with it, and all of you (who mean a great deal to me).
  13. You were there as much or more than many of the others. Hippiestock was never about the actual event. It was always about the greater community, primarily in the forum. You've been an integral part of that since before I arrived here. You belong in that picture as much as any of us. Still, I understand your thinking. Even more still, the offer will remain open.
  14. It might take us some time to connect in-world, but if you don an outfit that reminds you of that time, I'd be happy to photograph you in my booth and add you to the image.
  15. Well, that does sound like something worth inquiring after. During my college years, I'd get migraine auras, narrowing the vision in one eye. A few years ago I had a magnificent one, with a fat lightning bolt shaped region of my left eye sparkling like a cheap glitter kaliedoscope. I had both visual and general physical exams close ahead on my calendar, so waited for those. Both physicians found nothing to worry about. I'll hope the same for you.
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