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LittleLilly Loon

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Everything posted by LittleLilly Loon

  1. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!! the test male and female worked i had to bounce from one to another to get it working right....then i put on my old avie back. very much thank you. I had a wedding in SL to go to. on monday i was in a picnic. Thank you everyone for trying to help me. very much appreciated
  2. Hello wonderful insight..but it also didn't work. I tried what everyone as put on this post. i need to know what else, not what LL has put on their website. Has anyone dealt with this before and how did they resolve this cloud problem. i dont want to look ruth as thats the other options in RenderUnloadedAvatar. this still doesn't allow me to go into appearances. the problem is that the avie isnt loading. Please any help is useful.
  3. I have been in SL a long time already, made a ticket been days they seem to be out of ideas with this...I am at a loss my self. my other avie works fine when i loged in on her and i have given my password to a trusted friend and its a cloud for them as well. I like to know if anyone can resolve this and help me out. much thanks
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