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Void Singer

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Posts posted by Void Singer

  1. list uInteger2AlphaColor( integer vBitAlphaColor ){	return	  [(vBitAlphaColor >> 24 & 255) / 255.0,	   <(vBitAlphaColor >> 16 & 255) / 255.0,	    (vBitAlphaColor >> 8 & 255) / 255.0,	    (vBitAlphaColor & 255) / 255.0>];}


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  2. integer uAlphaColor2Integer( float vFltAlpha, vector vColBase ){	return	  (llRound( vFltAlpha  * 255.0 ) << 24) |	  (llRound( vColBase.x * 255.0 ) << 16) |	  (llRound( vColBase.y * 255.0 ) << 8) |	  (llRound( vColBase.z * 255.0 ));}


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  3. vector uHSL2RGB( vector vColHSL ){ //-- <H, S, L>	vector vColRGB;	if (vColHSL.y){		vColRGB.x = (1.0 - llFabs( 2 * vColHSL.z - 1.0 )) * vColHSL.y;                                             //-- C		vColHSL.x = vColHSL.x * 6.0;                                                                               //-- H'		vColRGB.y = vColRGB.x * (1.0 - llFabs( (integer)vColHSL.x % 2 + (vColHSL.x - (integer)vColHSL.x) - 1.0 )); //-- X 		vColRGB = llList2Vector( [<vColRGB.x, vColRGB.y, vColRGB.z>,		                          <vColRGB.y, vColRGB.x, vColRGB.z>,		                          <vColRGB.z, vColRGB.x, vColRGB.y>,		                          <vColRGB.z, vColRGB.y, vColRGB.x>,		                          <vColRGB.y, vColRGB.z, vColRGB.x>,		                          <vColRGB.x, vColRGB.z, vColRGB.y>],		                         (integer)vColHSL.x % 6 ) + (vColHSL.z - 0.5 * vColRGB.x) * <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>;	}else{		vColRGB.x = vColRGB.y = vColRGB.z = vColHSL.z; //-- greyscale	}	return vColRGB;}


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  4. vector uRGB2HSL( vector vColRGB ){	vector vColHSL = vColRGB;	if (vColHSL.x < vColHSL.y){		vColHSL = <vColHSL.y, vColHSL.x, vColHSL.z>;	}	if (vColHSL.x < vColHSL.z){		vColHSL = <vColHSL.z, vColHSL.y, vColHSL.x>;	}else if (vColHSL.y > vColHSL.z){		vColHSL = <vColHSL.x, vColHSL.z, vColHSL.y>;	}	vColHSL.z = (vColHSL.x + vColHSL.y) * 0.5; //-- L	vColHSL.y = vColHSL.x - vColHSL.y;         //-- C	if (vColHSL.y){		vColHSL.x = llList2Float( [(vColRGB.y - vColRGB.z) / vColHSL.y + 6.0 * (vColRGB.z > vColRGB.y),		                           (vColRGB.z - vColRGB.x) / vColHSL.y + 2.0,		                           (vColRGB.x - vColRGB.y) / vColHSL.y + 4.0],		                          llListFindList( [vColRGB.x, vColRGB.y, vColRGB.z], (list)vColHSL.x  ) ) / 6.0; //-- H		vColHSL.y = vColHSL.y / llList2Float( [2.0 * vColHSL.z, 2.0 - 2.0 * vColHSL.z], vColHSL.z > 0.5 );       //-- S	}else{		vColHSL.x = vColHSL.y; //-- Greyscale	}	return vColHSL;}


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  5. Finity's End is a far traveling ship,
    and wide space is the deep that she knows,
    Infinity's black is the emblem she wears,
    and never a mark does it show.

    And no sun can hold us or keep us for long,
    for Infinity is ours and Infinity's free
    And no star can own her, and no worlds her own,
    for Finity's End is she.....

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  6. eh, sort of... it's an action recorder, so what it really does is record keystrokes (not sure if it records/sends non-ui clicks). it's used mostly for debugging so that actions that may be differentiated by settings can be troubleshot (troubleshooted?) in reproducible steps.

    I don't remember what you have to do to make it work, there used to be an unofficial guide somewhere.

  7. sort of... it's what the regions cling on to

    theoretically, a server of 8 cpu cores hosts either 7 full regions... or at least 21 (and probably 28 @ 3-4 per core) homesteads, the last core is reserved for management utilities.

    the cost of the server for LL is the same either way, and the traffic bandwidth consumed is theoretically comparable (but may in fact be higher for homesteads), but each of the 3-4 homesteads on a core affects the others (lag one, the others feel it, crash one, the others may go with it)

  8. actually they make more cash per server core on homesteads....

    problem being, homesteads are by nature less stable, since they are packed in multiples, which makes troublleshooting and service a problem...


    I don't ever expect SL to break out of the niche market until they can come up with a lower cost solution to connecting to other grids securely, and a way to manage those connections in a sane manner. until then there's not enough portability to scale up much further.

  9. my guess would be that it's a preliminary survey, not looking for specific results, but rather hoping to uncover something interesting for a more specific follow up. for that sort of thing it's more like window shopping than a grocery run randomness of a degree is encouraged. kinda like knowing you're hungry and craving something, but can't quite pin down what =)

  10. While I can appreciate in the technical sense that things like WoW are virtual worlds (in the sense that they represent a translated non physical landscape) you'll meet plenty of resistance to that definition due to the nature of their frameworks (designer driven, vs user driven goals/content; or even closed vs open systems).

    With that in mind, my only advice is to bear in mind that the relationships formed in those different frameworks will also have different tendencies in contrast with one another, just as there are different tendencies among the environments themselves, and the forums that represent them. Given your focus above, various frameworks may have a large impact both on available relationship type and qualitative identification within the environments (an aspect I feel many studies miss, downplay, or overlook).


    please note I am not in the psych field myself, though I do try to keep up with the general state of it through friends that are, so feel free to ignore this if it isn't applicable to your ultimate goal.

  11. The reason you don't see them in marketplace is because unless your particles are fairly close packed (stays near source), low density (not many on sceen at once) and long lived (stick around a while individually), what you end up with is bands of different textures. For a looser, higher density, or shorter lifetime setup you really need to use multiple emitters to get a display that really looks random (just remember to divide your particle output by the number of emitters)

  12. depending on the build you won't be setting all child prims to no physics. in some case people are reporting that setting only one or two children to use physics accounting (eve physics:none) increases the PE above the prim count. in the more complex case you may have linked meshs or children using something besides default physics shapes.... the volume detect hack will never lower PE below prim count, but may prevent raising it in situations where mixed physics might lead to a rise using just a physics:none shape on that prim.

    experimenting with torii or cut shapes might be the place to find where that makes the most difference

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