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mikka Luik

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Everything posted by mikka Luik

  1. Re Your World.... Yay! Lets hope it sticks =^^=
  2. 'When Strangers Click' had one SL related segment
  3. Have to echo on the external editor front..learned a long time ago to script out of world. LSLEditor has been my choice for a fair while now Save early and often...
  4. Thanks for the link - can never have enough textures and only stumbled upon the Tahoe ones before =^^=
  5. Must admit, if the encroaching return is up and running this is a bug I can live with beats having the last 256m install I had having to run synch across 8 linksets =^^=
  6. Just tested on a Magnum HS and the more or less 54m rule still seems to hold - two 10m cubes linked vertically
  7. Astronomical - have to agree on that one:) It was the grid hopping part that caught my eye, especially that it happened to a couple of mine I uploaded in several places. Curious, though.
  8. I've had that over the last few days and had to ask a friend for copies to replace mine (we tend to back up each others stuff, and didn't feel like uploading a new copy in case it was just going to vanish again =^^= ) Your hypothesis rings true - I tend to grid hop a fair bit too. Only noticed it on my own uploads though. Interesting
  9. Differing tier for commercial land brings up the whole zoning debate again too, always interesting to watch And yes gaming - ok I grab the tiniest possible to park vendors on at the commercial rate and next door I have my full not for sale displays all set to just that...policing that would be a full time job. Smaller tier increments and a bigger allotment for lowest premium would possibly work edit for my atrocious spellink
  10. Yep, OpenSim is a bit lacking in some features, although I do some testing and sketching on my little local set up to see if an idea is worth pursuing. Here? well for textures at least there is the local texture option I guess - its the same as a temporary one and scripts are free. If you worry about bothering others with partical stuff, go somewhwre thats empty or get your own sandbox. Better, however, if you really want to experiment to your hearts content without racking up charges - head to the beta grid. It has all the features (and then some) plus you get a nearly inexhaustable supply of L$ to cover uploads( not transferrable to the main grid alas =^^=)
  11. I am totally running off to vote for that issue..no wait...watch that issue...ah no.......erm......
  12. An official statement (and bug to a scripter is a flag) Here
  13. Also Stunned. Also screen shotted and all because....Stunned
  14. Does (mostly) armoured feline count? =^^=
  15. It could really do with an easier way to see reviews and comments thats for sure. I do read reviews but then again I also check back to see if a bad one is justified or...otherwise. And in the case of yours - was obvious that it was not justified as you very clearly state all the information needed. Junking the system totally, no, but a clearer layout, oh yes.
  16. Well, quick search of the wiki gives This which is a start
  17. Just tested this on one of mine to check. Yes, it seems an av who has not purchased a particular item can indeed add to the comments of a review. However, not sure if this may be because the av in question has purchased something else. Not good, if a Jira opens I'll watch it
  18. Well, I tend to switch between viewers (generally there are three or four installed, including right now the LL Beta) depending on what I am working on. I have the one for general all purpose stuff (building, scripting) and have played with the PF toys (and mean that in a good way) enough to .. to see its not a primary interest for me right now. The changes making a viewer SL only (you mean Havok i expect) again don't worry me in the slightest. Jumping the gun? Not really I think. Its just another alternative, so go for it =^^=
  19. Thanks for providing this, appreciated
  20. 'We copy you down, Eagle, 'Engine arm is off.... Houston, Tranquility base here. The Eagle has landed.' And I was six years old ( yay way to date me ) and allowed to stay up late =^^= To this day still gives me shivers.
  21. 'QUESTION: Would you buy inworld instead of MP, if you could then also review and rate the item on MP, even if you hadn't purchased via MP but it was the same item?' Interesting Q. I only have a teeny MP spot and really only did it as an experiment. And to be honest while there is a sort of inworld presence for some stuff it tends to be fluid and personally I don't have a shop as such. And yes I tend to browse MP and then head inworld as mostly I am after specific supplies and for that reason like to see what else someone has. But - where exactly would a review be left? I don't have exactly the same things out in world that I have up on MP so where would the link be made? I have also had enough trouble leaving reviews on MP too so a little bit wary =^^= The mechanics of linking an inworld sale to an item (or items) on MP would be - erm tricky. To put it mildly. As in .. if someone comes to me for a custom job based on some items I have on MP then...... =^^=
  22. Good point on the demographic, brought to mind this old bit of news especially the part where it says 'Valve has advised users - or their parents' =^^= Made me smile
  23. Well, off the top of my head two ways - a texture with a single dot in the centre which you can position using the texture offset on a face (messy inso far as the texture 'blank' might have to be a full 1024) or else a second tiny prim embedded in the face of the first one to represent the dot.
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