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Angel Harmison

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Everything posted by Angel Harmison

  1. Go to your dashboard. look on the lower right side and there is a link to click it and follow it thru. you will get an email with your information and etc and also when you select it you get a LM for it
  2. Did you do this at the market place or is this a Linden house? If it is the market place it can take a few days for the transcation to clear and your home to be deliverd ie: paypal personally i would just but lindens and purchase so i can have it right away. The one time i did it different it was liek 2 days till i received the item. if it is a linden house then just pick a new one and if shows it is yours you sh ould have received an email abt it..
  3. I would get ahold of the content creator.. or who ever wrote the script maybe
  4. Rhett and I love Frank's Place or more then that we love to dance at home on our sim or in the clouds above it.. we need better smileys :smileyhappy:
  5. Feb 11, 2011 6:38 PM Nany Kayo says: Some of these people seem to think they are speaking for everyone using Second Life, but they are not. Yes much the way that you speak for all of us that are Native American's. My best to you, Angel
  6. Oz Linden said: Let me say this as clearly and succinctly as possible: Linden Lab has no plans to make any single viewer (2 or any other) mandatory. We don't have any plans to make any such plans. Let me ask this as clearly and succinctly as possible: Is this just another comment on LL part of what they are not planning to do ?? You know much like the one made to all of us abt NEVER going to have teens on the main grid??? It seems that for over 5 years i have heard a lot of promises and no such plans just to have them come true.. seems like politicians saying what they think we want to hear. o0o0ohh and BTW i DO think our opnions count as well as our votes after all when I joined here over 5 years ago there was not much.. now there is so much content created by so many talented people... SL was built to what it is today NOT by LL but by these people and all of us that have been drug thru the "virtual" mud with empty promises. You all sound like politians...
  7. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... i come to SL to do what i do . I have no intention after over 5 years of going to Facebook or Twitter. IF I wanted to go to those two websites i would have an account already. Sorry but i do not think either of those two sites are "cool". Hope you will find another way to let me know abt "cool places".. laffs I still think people at LL are not listening to the residents at all... about the time i thought "Awww, they are listening to us the residents"....nope, wait...yep, they are......nope, maybe not...oh ok, yep........ phew......they are....wait....nope........oh my....guess not. Sorry but i am... after all this time.... having a hard time believing y'all.. you are beginning to sound like politicians. Thanks for nothing again, Angel
  8. I am excited about the additional groups. I really need it. As for better teleporting no i can not see a difference in fact i have had more problems in the last 24 hrs then i have had in 5 years... altho thank heavens no boots or heel in my bottem...or landing nakid or hairless. So i hope in the future i see these changes also. As for group chat.. no thank you ... I use phoenix and can shut that off as well as all methods that create additional spam. Now for linking to FB t hat someone mentioned erlier... This is Second Life and i think I will keep mine like that.. no i have zero to hide in or about my real. Those that know me know all about me and those that don't well too bad i do not trust you so thats that. Besides i do not have FB account I think it is silly i prefer my second life. I had a job once and saw a man loose his over his FB account .. also on the Morals clause we all had to sign for employment was a blip in the agreement refering to on line activities and games and social networking sites. So people might find SL to be againt a morals clause. Some of the things I have seen posted in the forums or blog are full of racism and hate it would turn most prospective employers off if they investigated and make them wonder why an employee would go to a place like that I keep my real real and SL here after all the key word here is "Second" My best to all Angel PS: Please make a viewer thats set up like the old one and has the new features and isn't such a resource hog
  9. I wish you the best with your future and thank you for getting rid of the ad farms and traffic bots.. i really hated those alot! Best Wishs, Angel
  10. please do not send me invites to test something that i am not truly invited to test. After 5-6 years years here of paying a monthly due I do not want my time wasted at all. I personally find it to be yet one more insult from LL. I pay my money and you all gladly get it each month.. lol as if LL cares...do not use my time yet again with another wasted promise of something better. This along with the many "stories" is beginning to make me wonder why I stay.
  11. Ok i got the email.. went there and keep getting an error i am doing the following::: Note: Your username is both your screen name in Second Life, and your login ID. Once you register, your username cannot be changed and it will not create an account.. why is that??
  12. I did not say that. I think that is your perception of what i wrote or an inner feelign you may be expressing of guilt that you know there is much to be done in real to give to those less fortunante and that money could help even one kid or adult. However, i do think that money you are spending here might really do alot to get a real book in a kids hand that can not afford a book maybe even an adult. Those are the people you do not see in SL ..they are also the ones people seem to forget so easily. Not everyone in the world has it as easy as we do much less internet access or a computer and they even lack electricity. That money can do so much good in real... think abt it take that money and make a difference in real make a kid smile or give an adult a chance to even learn to read. As for time in SL we all give that gladly as we love the venue.. I am not sure when you say resouces what you are meaning as i know on my farm what a resource is and it can not be used on line. So I can only hope your time and resources are given becasue you love what you do and it is part of your soul makes you who you are.... not something you expect to be cheered on for....but most of all that you dig deep in your pocket to stay in Sl and continue on with your life here becasue you love SL and want to educate and bring your message to the many here while at the same time taking any grant money, donations and etc and applying them to makeing a difference to that kid or adult in poverty in real. My best to you in SL
  13. You know I have been to your land. and i was completely impressed... I was there a few months or so ago. In fact i got my mom in real brought her to the computer to view it. You are an inspiration to people and touched my heart and never even knew it. You are the reason that i feel sorry abt LL decision and i am hoping if people will dig in their pockets deeply and donate that you leaving can be avoided. I did send you a ittle seed money please keep it back for a day you need it here so you do not leave Sl. Again you are a person i can only hope to ever be like and if i did at all bother you please except my appology as it was not directed at the ones who make a difference . You give your time and money and you work with your heart and soul.. t his is what imean and i always meant when the heart and soul is involved everything is good! I know there is a heaven and you will have many stars in your crown...you are a inspriration to us all!
  14. It happens... whether the home base of the antagonist is a personal, commercial or nonprofit sim... these things happen in Second Life as well as real life. Yes i agree and I think if you will reread my comments it was not directed at ALL educators nor ALL non profits. ummm... Report them? no because after this happens they will be gone or paying like we are all paying. Sorry, Angel... I don' t know where you live but the cows around here are already lean and near starving. Then I suggest you get it off line and feed them in real.. meaning get this money spent here to kids... or adults that are in need. Btw i raise cattle and grow wheat and soybeans in real and sometimes cotton.. my cattle are fat and healthy.. but again is a real world thing for me I still believe in real.. don't you The problem lies in money, not soured feelings. We're not "running away." If there isn't enough money to pay the rent we will have to leave or cut back... period. Show me a passionate educator that will dig into his or her pockets to finance Sl and I will show you a person I will respect for showing that they truly are an “educator” and are wanting to teach for the right reasons... I'm not offended as much as shocked at some of the blanket stereotypes I've see bandied about here and not just in this message. Thank you for just being shocked... however there are more people like me... scarry huh We expect the educators and non profit organizations to educate and in these lean times not waste resources.. to give this money to people not spend it like this. After all in real I do donate money to a few and did not realize they are wasting funding and donations in SL. I in no way feel this is fair except for the few that messed it up for the many and I do stand by what I have written...I do not want to repeat abt the kid in poverty but read it and tell me where is that kid gaining by all this.. she or he isn't....use this money and make a difference in the real world to a real kid who really needs it...after all for the adult or the kid in poverty you cant help them from SL nor educate them from SL they don't have a computer nor a connection because there is no money for that extra privilege in life that all of us have in SL have and never think twice about. sorry i forgot to respond to this so i am adding it: Excuse me, Angel, but I *am* a "reg resident." I rent personal land that I pay full price for. I shop and buy objects and services. I tip DJs, greeters and sites (both profit and nonprofit) that I think are a fantastic visit/experience. Many, many nonprofit folks are just like me in SL and we have an impact on the SL economy. well I t hink that is great and i hope I will see you doing what you truly love in SL edcucating and continuing in a non profit organization if thats what you are into. I know i hope you continue on this giving path you are on and do not flee. Actually i am not sure why you said that even.. but congrats for tipping and helping and i am sure you will stay becasue you arenot part of what LL has chosen to cut out. My best to you in the future in SL
  15. Hello Tayren.. Honestly the same way I do... teaching is done from the heart is something a person is devoted to and feels in their soul they make a difference not the pocket book. In my profession in the real world I pay for all i do.. if I wanted to teach people to raise cattle and run a farm and felt it was something that could be done effectively on line I would pay for it myself because in my heart and soul I do believe in what i do. However I am also smart enough to know this is not the venue for it for it because a person needs to feel the soil see the soil and know what is needed for it same with cattle on line you can not teach a person how to take care of them look and see what is making it sick or that it needs something. However it can show pictures of breeds of cattle and make outlines abt each breed as well as possible crops and crop rotation. Once again I come back to... there is nothing better to learn in t hen real feel, touch smell... something we can not do here in any virtual world. I feel each case is different but not all treated equal... I am positive from my journeys many are.. have you ever heard one or a few bad apples spoils the barrel and in this case it is happening. I am again sorry it has happened but that is LL for you .. after 5 years I have learned this lesson the hard way. I love SL but I know it is not perfect by any means. Btw... the abuse has always been there much like the under aged kids on the grid now. I am not the only person to speak of it in this thread either please read others comments. As for education please reread what I said those funds should go to.. again.. teach kids in the real world. Go to a neighborhood where it poverty is normal.... do you really think those kids care abt Sl or on line as much as a pencil and notebook paper for them to be able to do their school work on. Take that money and help them they really need it for their education. If a person can afford a computer and internet chances are they can research anything offered on the net much less Sl. However that kid I was talking abt that goes to bed tonight with no paper or pencil and has to face his or her teacher the next day in class and doesn't have their work done like everyone else.. explain to that kid why this is more important …. Show me a passionate educator that will dig into his or her pockets to finance Sl and I will show you a person I will respect for showing that they truly are an “educator” and are wanting to teach for the right reasons... remember I finance my SL and I am passionate abt what I do here. However I pay for it because I do love my SL. To me this is the time we see the true “educators” for who and what they are... So I ask which of you educators are truly passionate abt what you are doing.. show Lindens the green and stay here and teach the kids and those of us that want to learn more … Keep in mind SL is a business that does not have to give anything for free or reduced price. When I joined we all paid to play.... So please every educator here and non profit prove me wrong.. I have been here 5 years and will be here longer.. show me your passion for what you do in SL...prove me wrong.. However I will bet a lot of “educators” are as passionate as the pockets of the schools are deep. Please show me the educator and non profit passion after this has happened and life here is equal I am excited to learn! BTW I measure by that kid in poverty who is failing in the educational system that the non profits overlooked or had no funding to help them with you know the one the educators think are losers and riff raff and are never prepared for class… how do you measure the good that kid is receiving here in SL... tell me where is the return for them?
  16. When I read this I felt sorry for most of the non profit /educational sim owners. However, a person came to mind that takes advantage of this and used it against many other people that are residents with different opinions.... in short that person terrorized many. Then I read a bit more closely and explored many of these empty sims .. that are empty at all times of day/night or what was on them was clearly profit for them or not even allowed on those “types'” of sims. I saw how many are owned by people that are not really educators nor truly non profit. So, I think for one of the few times in my 5 years in Second Life that LL is doing the only thing they can do. I do not blame them for cutting the fat off the cow..it was time a long time ago to do this. They are not obligated to give away or reduce anything. Now those that truly want to educate can stand by their love of education or belief in a non profit organization. Just as all the reg residents do by paying full price for all we buy.. I know I have for 5 years now and never thought twice about it. My belief is we learn in a real world and use the computer for research or enjoyment. Actually when it comes to education that money spent here could be better spent in the real world giving teachers much needed raises or even hiring another teacher assistant or something to help kids. Not blown on a virtual world with no “real” return on the money. Same thing with the non profit put that money into furthering your cause in real. So all you "educators" show us the reg residents that you love what you do.. one wants to educate the kids and has whined over and over on this thread that they are leaving... so I think .. uh huh it was the grant money and you used the kids as a shield. So I think you will all have to suck it up just like we did over allowing teens on the grid.. get over it and enjoy SL. If you truly are "educators" then stay and educate make a difference on line if you truly feel the need.. please stop whining. We had to get over so do you. I don't mean anything I have written here as mean or rude but for petes sake Linden Lab has to make financial cuts. The kids lost their grid and you lost your free or reduced ride and the rest of us are forced to deal with the underage kids and all the other ideas LL comes up with in the future. No one won and no one lost we are changing and growing in SL. So be what you say you are "educators” and educate these kids they will really need you now more then ever don't run away like a little kid on the playground that didn't get their way. If I offended anyone so be it .. these are my personal opnions.
  17. Oct 6, 2010 2:32 AM Marie Resch says: Check out my blog, http://fanciful_muse.livejournal.com . The other grid I hang out on would be more than happy to accomodate you for much less money and far more advantages. However many of these virtual worlds if not the majority do not allow people under 18. Which is why alot of us are already there and apparently we will see more of the non profit/educational sims there also. Just remember they must be 18 and over.. no kids allowed.
  18. Hi Kim... Welcome to SL the creative and wonderful world the residents built and financially support. The one LL seems to have forgotten and the residents opinions do not matter. After 5 years as a paying resident and now this misguided merger this is how I feel about LL: LL the only place where physics is an opinion.... . Anyways, I hope you do make a difference in a good way not like the last 5 years of mistakes and poor judgement.. maybe THIS time things will go different.. maybe....... BTW congrats on the new job and enjoy our world it is wonderful at least untill January 01, 2011. It is a place of dreams and imagination and i do love it and have spent alot of time and money in SL. I am already greiving the thought of leaving it. However, I can not afford my SL to have any legal bearings on my RL or know there is a chance of a kid /anklebiter getting hurt in any world... one kid being hurt by a pedophile is not worth this world/game esp after the mess with age play in SL and now there will be real kids not adults pretending to be kids. I came to enjoy a virtual world/game with other adults not with kids esp since I was promised thru TOS 5 years ago and each year there after that this would never happen ..... I thought this subject was the one thing we could depend upon with LL ..sighs What is the "X-Factor"... the residents.. We were supplied a platform and we built a world one that LL could profit from.
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