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LittleFish Starlight

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Everything posted by LittleFish Starlight

  1. That is true, but it doesn't changes the fact she is locking down any other store on MP with that including her own, rendering them unable to make new listings or change any. There are stores that don't have a inworld location and fully depend on MP running as smooth as possible. While this move protects her own inworld business it rips down everyone else MP business for the duration of the promo, and that is kind of playing dirty, maybe not even on purpose, but Catwa actually should know the effect such a sale has. I like competition as creator, and i also like fair play... so i wouldn't do anything that comes with such a careless collateral damage
  2. While it's good on one hand to prevent your own sim from crashing due to a inworld sale, it's now pretty bad Catwa carries the freebiefight to MP affecting everyone else. Other creators are unable to access their merchant home to manage listings as also shoppers not running for the gifted head barely are able to browse for other things with MP crashing under their finger. I get it that it is not Catwa's fault that MP can't handle such a rush, but this was fully to expect. A week inworld sale would have been better for everyone .. in my oppinion. But don't worry about the limited time on MP, Catwa wont be able to access her own listings either to change the price when the time is over.
  3. Why go for a measurment ? I dont trust the numbers some math told me about my shape in the edit... i do my ava size compared to other avas. For example... If i am one headsize smaller than my partner in rl i would go for it in sl too... even if that means i would be a 2.25m amazon (told by the numbers of some script or primmeasurment) because my partners ava is 2.40m. For me it looks real and well sized in this moment. I wont reduce my ava size because of some poutface dwarfes they try to get their real hight like in rl by using the measurment in sl. If LL would change some math that the highest ava size cant be higher than 2.10m without shoes for example (just shown in the edit with the same ava size like before ... so just numbers), all the real hight avas would be 1.50m and less. I believe no one would make his or her ava lower than 1.70m as long as it shouldnt be an child or teenie ava. And aslong my sl bed isnt smaller than my ava i think everything is correct to get a real feeling. I tried to get my real hight too before, but then even a pillow was taller than me... so "pfffff" on the numbers Its just the problem of what you see with your eyes in world compared to other and the unreal numbers shown by some math. Like i said, if LL would change some math that a 10x10m cube isnt 10x10 anymore but 7x7 without reducing the real shown size in world (so just the numbers) no one would get confused anymore. If someone would get the idea in RL to change the measurment to the half i wouldnt even hit 90cm... i will feel to small just because of the numbers shown on the stick. So for me, dont trust the numbers, trust what you see with your eyes compared to others. It isnt my fault that real hight ava looks like a dwarf compared to me because i made my shape realistic to the hight of me in rl compared to my partner... also it isnt the fault of the 'dwarfs' looks like a midget because they go for the numbers. They would shrink down to 1.40m by some mathchanges but would grow because they go for the numbers again and resize their ava to the rl hight ... so they wouldnt look like midgets anymore compared to others and still got their real hight Take it easy, big hugs to you all... Lith
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