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Gandulf Marenwolf

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Posts posted by Gandulf Marenwolf

  1. Thank you Karen for trying to help me:) but do you have any idea why sl apparently downloads the stream from my server, but not is showing it on the prim? do i have any setting wrong perhaps? I thought i got it right, but perhaps not..


  2. Hi Amethist:)

    Thank you for replying to my question.

    As you can see in my answer above, you see i got my VEA-TV running the viseo, however with the help of the maker, it was a setting in the TV itself I apparently missed.

    Now you state that for streaming Video to SL you need to hire also a videostream, like an audiostream for music on your parcel.

    I have an audiostream in SL and Virtual DJ to stream music to my parcel. Virtual DJ also can stream video. Now is there a way to use virtual DJ to stream video from my domain (server) to my parcel? or do I just need to hire a video strean? Then I guess i better buy another VEA-TV in SL as that's cheaper...

    Please comment to what I wrote above:) Thank you


  3. Hi Pixisticks,

    Thank you very much for your long answer:).

    In the meantime i got my VEA-TV working in SL and showing the video from my website. It appears that the .flv version of the video is showing better then the .mov or .mp4 version, so i'll stick to that.

    Well, that was the good news. The bad news is that i still cannot get the video showing by the Media tab. However, i notice with the .mov and .mp4 version that the screen turns grey, BUT with the .flv version it then turns black and starts downloading the stream with about 7 Mbit/sec, but no picture or sound, so it must be the video player from SL I guess? Or do i need to change some settings in Firestorm? I think in Preferences i did all settings right, but... perhaps not:). Or do I need to download some other viewer?

    The movie in SL Knowledgebase makes it look so easy...


  4. I now notice with the .flv movie the screen turns black and my TaskManager shows a download of 7 Mbit/sec. But no sound or picture. The .mov and .mp4 files show now download and a grey screen. so something happens, but no picture in sl


  5. also that I took care of.. the picture turns grey as soon as i click my movie camera, so reacts on the movie, but doesn't show. Also my TaskManager doesn't show i'm dowloading something.

  6. Are there any restrictions to showing a movie in SL using the MEDIA tab in About Land?

    I did everything according to knowledgebase, but when I click the camera top right in my viewer screen (Firestorm) the picture just turns white and no movie shows.

    I use the IP address from my own site and direct to a .mov, .mp4 or .flv movie i uploaded there.

    Are there resolution restrictions or any other restrictions to movies to be shown in SL? My bandwidth I set to max in preferences. my max upload speed is 10 Mbit/sec and download is 150 Mbit/sec.

    using the same address in my browser shows the movie without any problem.

    I tried to address the movie directly (DomainAddress/movie) and via a website on my domain (DomainAddress/index.htm). All works in my browser, but not in SL.

    What am I missing?


  7. Are there any restrictions to showing a movie in SL using the MEDIA tab in About Land?

    I did everything according to knowledgebase, but when I click the camera top right in my viewer screen (Firestorm) the picture just turns white and no movie shows.

    I use the IP address from my own site and direct to a .mov, .mp4 or .flv movie i uploaded there.

    Are there resolution restrictions or any other restrictions to movies to be shown in SL? My bandwidth I set to max in preferences. my max upload speed is 10 Mbit/sec and download is 150 Mbit/sec.

    using the same address in my browser shows the movie without any problem.

    I tried to address the movie directly (DomainAddress/movie) and via a website on my domain (DomainAddress/index.htm). All works in my browser, but not in SL.

    What am I missing?


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