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anselm Hexicola

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Everything posted by anselm Hexicola

  1. For a film project, I need the stage-set of a terminus-type train station - like, with many platforms,high canopy roof,trains and their carriages present,possibly arriving and departing,etc. It can be modern or vintage, but I would need the parcel-owner's permission to film (a credit would be given,of course). Any suggestions? TY Alwin - thinking General Discussion is the default option ... ty Nalates
  2. Have a look at what Drongle McMahon tells us in this thread.
  3. Pierre, J'ai passe un bon moment en lisant la page a JOL qu'on m'a passe. Le lien etait bien apprecie ... Surtout, la definition suivante m'a fait sourire - Escort : nom donné aux résidents qui monnaient leurs charmes. (...Le Francais arrive a rendre elegant ce facon de gagner de L$ ....) Anselm
  4. Marcov, je te remercie a me repondre. J'ai regarde la page d'introduction offert par LL que tu m'as donne - oui, c'est interresant a voir ; bien sur, je l'ai vu deja en version anglais. Apres avoir faire ca, j'ai changer (temporairement, a voir) mes Preferences; c'est -a-dire, passer mon viewer en francais (via les préférences: CTRL-P) comme t'as indique. Encore, c'etait informatif; et peut-etre un moyen a me faire plus conversant avec termes en francais qui appartient a l'ordinateur Enfin,excuse-moi a te demander un traduction de "Right-click" et "Left Click".
  5. J'arrive a parler et ecrire francais suffisement a etre compris, je crois; mon probleme est ceci :- Je ne connais pas les equivalents de "Local Chat", "IM", "window", et toutes les termes "techniques" qu'on utilise en SL a se communiquer. Quelqu'un m'a donne un "Notecard" avec un "Landmark" lors se passera un "Event" qui m'interessait. (encore 3 mots j'ai aucune idee comment traduire) - les personnes je l'y trouve etaiet genial, mais j'ai eu de problemes a trouver et dire ces mots (que je connais en anglais) en francais. Quelqu'un peut me passer [a link] un lien (!??) qui presente les traductions?
  6. ( not having much luck with Forum posts atm - they seem to get truncated at some random point.) The continuation of the post above is, as follows :- On this view, No.2 has the best result. BUT, look round the back.  Ughh! Back to the drawing-board ...
  7. Yes, that "Follow Active Quad" option is a great time-saver; I started using it a few months back - wish I had learnt to use it 2 years ago! Anyway, your unwrap has the virtue of tidy tiling, but it will still necessarily give distortions of scale with texture. I tried to do another version of my "scaled" unwrap:-  It preserves scale but of course does not tile. I applied an (albeit fuzzy) honeycomb texture to 3 cone sections:- On this view, No.2 has the b
  8. Not familiar with the new way of adding images, so my post was truncated. (Here is the rest of what I THOUGHT I had posted.), Below is what I would prefer:-  Admittedly there IS squashing of the outer-most faces, but I prefer this general arrangement because the Top and Bottom edges are on the same respective y-axis position. ( Thought being that it makes more sense for Texture application.) As usual, I am just trying things out; I have no depth in 3-D modelling, but would welcome other's tips and advice.
  9. For the best results when applying textures, which layout gives the best results in general? Here is a section of a cone:-  Here is what Blender gives as a UV map ( the seams having been marked as seen above) :- But, really I would prefer this
  10. Thanks for your detailed reply - I have yet to get the hang of the Data Transfer modifier, but I am sure I will. One (possibly trivial) question - how come the Normal indicators in your screenshots are pink? When I have them showing in Blender they are either light blue (faces) or dark blue (vertices). Is this a setting of your own, or are you in a mode or menu that colours them thus?
  11. For the last while I have been trying to make an architectural model and just cant get the shading right - I have edge-split and so on; but now I admit defeat. So, I made this simple tapered cylinder to (hopefully) illustrate my problem:- The original was edge-split along the top and bottom rims; the sides were smooth-shaded, top and bottom flat-shaded. The other 2 are duplicates altered as labelled. This is how they look in Object mode:- The continuous effect of the smooth shading is spoiled when a face is moved/extruded or simply removed. I think this is most apparent in the faces above and below the modified face. I am almost sure that this is because of the direction of the vertex normals. Here are 2 Top View screenshots of (respectively) the original and the duplicate with the deleted face :- Above, everything in alignment; below NOT. I have tried lots of things to resolve this - but no success ... Help, anyone? [ I should add that that I have looked at Gaia Clary's "The secret life of Normals" and, more recently, Drongle McMahon's info about editing vertex normals. But I was not able to figure out a way to solve my own problem.]
  12. When you are in the UV Editor, have you tried the (vertex) options supplied by the "W" hotkey ?
  13. (...because I know!!) for the non-expert, optimising mesh upload is a bit of an art and an inexact science. In my own efforts, both of the the people who have responded to you already (namely Drongle McMahon and Aquila Kytori) have offered helpul info. This is by way of saying that you may find this thread of interest.
  14. Take the case where your camera looks from on high (say, from a skybox) to distant ground-level terrain. There can be a distracting flicker that seems to follow sim boundaries. I know there is a Debug setting (or is it in Preferences?) that fixes this because I used to have it set - but it got lost in a Viewer update. Remind me what it is - I have scrolled through the 1 zillion Debug settings, but none of them "leaps out" as the obvious one. Thanks in advance. @Theresa Tennyson - YES,that was it. Nice one.
  15. As a computing illiterate, I struggle to understand the various uses of the term. Now, here are some uses I think I know about. 1. [ within LSL ] Using a master script to control slave scripts. 2. [ connecting LSL scripts to an external web-site ] Using Php and so on with the likes of http_request. 3. [ how SL gets generated ] Big fan-cooled machines in the Nevada desert. 4. [ using your own PC ] VERY vague about this one ... but is this what Hi-Fidelity and SL2 will involve?
  16. .. to add to the collection of "selfies", here are 2 versions of my avatar ... $L1000 to the 1st centenarian avatar validated by this gadget - promise!
  17. That was a helpful overview. And I am glad you pointed out my mistake. Here are a couple of screenshots that I think demonstrate your info. A cube was quartered and a prim light placed directly overhead. The original normal map was correctly orientated this time (!) - ie. green to the top,red lower right. Unadjusted it would give the appearance of convex bumps. But the exercise was to yield concave bumps, so the 4 versions in the pictures above were altered thus:- 1. - x,- y repeats 2. + x,+ y repeats; rotated 180 deg. 3. - x,+ y repeats 4. + x,- y repeats As you suggested, 3. and 4. give rise to inconsistent effects. Not only do some faces appear convex, but the shadows are illogical. And, if I understood you correctly, 1. and 2. amount to the same thing.
  18. arton Rotaru - "Your image looks pretty much inverted." Drongle McMahon - "... maps [....] should look as if there is a red light on the right and a green light at the top." Useful to have that pointed out. I have continued my (albeit amateurish but now better-informed) tests of manipulating normal maps. What I think I now know is :- 1. [iNWORLD EDITING] For any normal map, there is no difference between a)rotating by 180 deg and b)changing the sign of the y-offset. Either pops the apparent geometry in or out. [EDITED22/4/2015 This is incorrect - see Drongle's post below. ] 2. [OFFLINE TOOLS] Manipulating the Red or Green colour curves (as demonstrated by Drongle in his post) does a good job of accentuating the apparent depth of detail - but Red does it IN, and Green does it OUT (or vice-versa depending on what you started with). So, maybe, it hardly matters which one you choose - you can always flip the effect with the inworld editor. Here is my latest attempt to get a useful Normal map from that blurry stone texture using the Gimp plugin. I still dont really know what settings to use, having tried several. In this case,I used Sobel3x3 for the Filter and None for the Conversion. Next step = change with Colour Curves, going a bit extreme just to see. Here are the 3 maps (respectively 1. map made by Gimp plugin, 2.Green curve alteration, 3.Red curve alteration) :- This is them applied inworld (3PM sun) :- (Here the original from the Gimp plugin is in the middle, the "doctored" ones either side.) I count this as a success! As it happens, I will use the RHS version because its bumps/pits are recessed; but equally the LHS one looks identical if y-offset is sign-changed or it is rotated. [ ...had hours of fun with this; learned loads; "tips hat" to anton and Drongle ...]
  19. Yes, compared to my versions, your workflow yields far better results. Much appreciate the detail in your replies ...
  20. arton Rotaru wrote: In general I wouldn't play with levels on normal maps, I'd rather create them with the intensity I want right from the start. Yes, fair enough. But I am not sure how one would do that. In my post above, the normal map was produced by baking from a simple 3D mesh to a plane in Blender; then I saved the image. A different scenario is where one has derived a normal map from a diffuse texture (via the Gimp plug-in or some other tool). This seems to produce a clever "guesstimate" of what the surface might be. For example, here is a blurred stone texture :- And here are 3 Normal maps generated from it :- First one is what is outputted by the tool; next ones are tweaked by using Levels. This is how they work inworld (Midday again) :- 1.is the unaltered texture; 3. and 4. are the Levels adjusted ones (increased and decreased respectively). Granted the screenshot is less than clear; however, it's possible that not everyone would think that the middle cube looked the best. I have to say that I really do not understand any of this - just doing my own tests. Like, there are NO specularity maps on any of those cubes; so why is there such variation in the brightness of certain faces depending on the Normal map they have been assigned?
  21. I have been trying to improve the textures of my inworld builds; specifically making use of Materials/Advanced Lighting. ( I think I get the gist of how Specularity maps work, but I have not yet acheived good results - there are so many factors determining the particular effect they might have.) Anyway, I have made more progress with understanding Normal maps. Almost certainly, most of you will already know all this, but maybe some people might find the following interesting. Say you have a Normal map image. If you want to test it in Blender you add it as a texture to a Material. The range of values offered by Blender is from -5.0 to +5.0 Going from positive to negative on this slider inverts the effect; like so:- Moreover, the lower the value, the less apparent "depth" is exhibited - a value of 0 in this Blender slider causes no effect to be displayed. This got me wondering how one might reproduce these variations inworld. Well, as for the equivalent to changing from positive to negative, that turned out to be straightforward - just rotate the texture 180deg. The only way I could "dial" the values up or down was by uploading fresh versions of the original image, having changed them in a 2-D graphics editor using Levels. Here is inworld Midday (with a "Dull Day" windlight) :- 1. original texture 2. original texture rotated 180 deg. using inworld Editor 3. original texture with "Levels" increased 4. ditto decreased
  22. Scripting is the best fun ever!! When you first manage to get a prim to go up and down, or change colour, BECAUSE you wrote some lines of LSL code - that can be a real buzz. But you need that offline tool to make life easy ... it is called LSL Editor and it is open source, therefore free download. Google it; otherwise here is a link:- https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Flsleditor%2F&ei=XagtVfM2yr1pkoWA8Ag&usg=AFQjCNE5fnXLXHui2WC00BOPSS3dwxl5Qw&bvm=bv.90790515,d.d2s The other thing that is essential is the LSL Portal - it provides the details of various bits and pieces of LSL. It is found here - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Portal Look forward to plenty of head-scratching, unexpected behaviour of inword objects ("Where on earth did it go?";"Speak to me you dumb prim!") and quiet satisfaction when some project actually works ... And, if and when you are stuck/baffled the wise heads in this Forum will be willing to offer advice.
  23. You are looking for video tutorials for SL scripting. Let's leave to one side whether that is a good way to learn LSL (the other replies you got are variously negative - I happen to disagree); but you raise the specific problem of being able to see the lines of code in a video on YouTube or wherever. Now, this is going to be less than straightforward; depending on the resolution of the original uploaded video AND what your machine and internet connection can deliver, you may or may not be able to read code off the screen. Certainly,a screen capture of the SLViewer with a script window will likely be very fuzzy .However,I see no reason why LSL cannot be presented cleanly in the context of a tutorial. I was curious, so I did a couple of screen captures. https://vimeo.com/124888742
  24. My ancient net-book has asked me to let it die in peace ... So, now I have to get a replacement for that thing you can put on the kitchen table. ( That is, easily shoved away when eating or talking is to done, but equally easily pulled out again ..) The soon-to-be-retired machine was a very low-end Asus using WindowsXP. Unbelievably,it would run SL if I stayed in graphically unchallenging environments; also, I could tinker away in Blender, but not use any GLSL stuff. Now, people are telling me to get a more powerful gadget when I get a new one. But, being on a constrained budget, I would appreciate some advice from some of you who understand the technical stuff. I am looking at a 13.3" laptop at £500 (a bit more than I can really afford!) Here are the specs:- Display HD LED IPS Widscreen (1920x1080) GPU Intel Pentium dual-core 3550M (2.30 GHz) 2MB Cache RAM 4KB Kingston SODIMM DDR3 1600MHz (1x 4GB) GC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M To me, that looks quite adequate for the SL Viewer to enable Advanced Lighting; but I dont have the technical know-how to be sure. Any advice/comments much appreciated ...
  25. I was only ever looking to get my own thing working - which I have now! I have only a very vague idea of what a JIRA is; I looked it up on Wikipedia - the entry was terse and a bit above my head. In the grand scheme of things, I doubt that this is worth pursuing any further other than noting that there does seem to be a work-around. (AND I would love it if you and other more experienced users of the SL/LSL tools could find a spare moment to confirm that my little bits of observation and code are indeed valid.)
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