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Tony Thiessam

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Everything posted by Tony Thiessam

  1. I would hope that we would get an understanding of what is meant by altering the user experience. It could mean anything, but it appears to mean nobody is allowed to make features or functions we haven't already made. I think a lighter touch would be a good idea, and see what happens, if its good or not. Online status is important. Before we log on we want to know who's there. We want to know who saw us log on once we're in. We want to manage our choices with imporant information. Please let that remain public information to know if someone is logged in. Most of all, please don't be so heavy handed. We residents have put a lot into SL too. Its cultures its communities, its social life. We have created content and made it a home. Please don't mess with it unless you absolutely must. Its not clear what problem your solving, or what useful advantage you will gain by pushing innovators behind you. As they say at Google, 'don't be mean'.
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