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Megz Ling

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Everything posted by Megz Ling

  1. Thanks so much to you both... I thought I was losing it. :matte-motes-sour:
  2. I have 600 characters left to use, and when I use them, they show up on the screen, I save the text entered into my store. When I look at my store, the policy is cut off and incomplete. It seems like there is a problem with the "Store Policy" form. Anyone else having this issue?
  3. Hi hamaziko. I rarely post on the forums, but I had to respond to your post. I have been in SL since 2007. I have had multiple clubs of my own as well as run clubs for other people. All I can tell you is they are money pits. I started mine with the same good intentions of giving people a place to hear good music and to make a place for my friends to hang out. However, all in all, over the years and different clubs... including tiers, furnishings, uploads, entertainment, etc... I've probably spent well over $1000 USD. If you have that kind of money to spend on a video game, good for you... do what makes you happy. You can make small clubs, but keep in mind, if you make a smaller club and have 75 people there, you're going to make the other renters on the sim upset and unhappy with unfair use of resources. If you're in the club business to make money, I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Of course there are rare exceptions, but mostly, it's a money losing business. If you still wish to pursue it for fun, I suggest at least 1/4 sim rental, which varies in cost across the different land companies. If you want to go even further, you can get your own sim, but again, that's not cheap. Furnishings vary on what kind of stuff you want to have and if you'll be making anything yourself. But it can definitely get up there in cost and very very fast. My best wishes to you in pursuing what makes you happy in SL. Personally, if I could do it all over again, I would stay far, far away from the club ownership thing.
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