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Buster Sideshow

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Posts posted by Buster Sideshow


    Void Singer wrote:

    at a guess I'd say it's because not streams make it readily available or even use the same format to do it, or even do it at all. LL probably wanted to avoid the trouble of "itz broken" accusations when it was actually a problem with the stream provider.

    (as you can probably tell I don't listen to many land streams, I tend to use external players)

    I'm curious if anyone knows if the viewers that support it are are pulling the data from the stream, or are hitting default announcement pages. if it's the former, I'd think that LL probably should incorporate that, if it's the latter I can see why they wouldn't (extra an agressive hits to the status page to be timely). the difference should be easy to tell, the first method will pop up the song names just before a new song plays(literally in between the songs), the second will have a delay that cause it to usually delay after the song starts by a little bit.


    Not sure how it works, but the other viewers have it.  Seems like a lot of the features that these TPV's have, have been incorporated into the sl 2.xx viewer, would be nice to see this one in there as well!


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