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Jeny Howlett

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Everything posted by Jeny Howlett

  1. Yeah i do that now. Plus i avoid certain gacha machines, cuz some of them are rigged af. Usually i have a pretty reasonable luck, sometimes even extra.
  2. i used to go to a kabuki theatre on sl to watch geisha performances. Those were my favorite.
  3. 8000L on gacha, wanted the rares. only got commons. Never again
  4. i remember a recent one. I used to be a mentor for an organization. So one day a girl and a guy visited our sim.They were loud and obnoxious in local chat, spamming gestures and what not. I politely asked them to stop bothering other new players in our sim, to which the girl replied with some nasty sh...t and attached a graphics card crasher.However she failed to crash me , just felt a little lag. It was the first time someone actually tried to grief me personally.
  5. Well not during european hours though. Whenever i go there its always empty
  6. OMG don't have pics but i loved Hosoi Sims - Hosoi Ichiba, Hosoi Mura and Great Wall of China by Amiryu Hosoi. She built them from scratch. Sadly she had to close them.
  7. They are just shallow. Before mesh it was "beautiful avis only". People always like to segregate themselves into groups and cliques. Money can't buy taste and the same goes for SL, i always cringe when people wear the most basic things and call themselves queens of fashion and originality. Avoid them and move on.
  8. Head: Catwa Catya Bento Skin: Clair De Lune Aurora Unicorn (Special Edition) Hair: TRUTH Teanna (VIP) Eyes: Sugar Pill Powder Eyes Flowers: Zenith Tattoo: Stardust Choker: kotte lace choker Unicorn: +Half-Deer+ Porcelain Unicorn Figurine
  9. 1) Avoid writing passive agressive profiles, those keep people off Unless you are fine with being a loner 2) Don't beg. 3) Love yourself and people will love you back. 4) Spend time getting to know others, be a good listener. 5) Have some empathy. 6) Social climbing and using others to get up on your imaginary ladder will not get you far. Most ppl see fakes from miles away.
  10. Noooo, i am a noob at this. i dont even use photoshop and projector lights which are very popular atm. Just basic windlight so my offer to volunteer still stays
  11. Head: Catwa Catya Bento Skin: Clair De Lune - Aurora Hair: Taketomi Kaho Dress: Konpeitou Hanafuda Sailor Kimono Tabi: Konpeitou Rose garden Clogs: Konpeitou Heart Clogs Blush: Momochuu Miaou (@TheArcade) Ears: Aii +Nogitsune+ (bento)
  12. Head: Catwa Catya Skin: Clair De Lune Aurora Hair: Sintiklia Xia (@Blush) Clothes: MIWAS Heart Shaker RARE @ (TheArcade) Beret: Konpeitou - itigo daihuku beret
  13. About gacha. The creators can set the odds. Some creators set them fairly , some set lower than 1%. The key is to avoid greedy store owner gachas. I have a list who i avoid. Learned the lesson after wasting 8k on a gacha and not getting a single RARE. You will say my luck was bad. Yes. But i believe this certain machine was rigged. I never had such problems with other gacha machines. Shop smart!
  14. Three Lives Three Worlds (三生三世) - Jason Zhang
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