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Elena Blossom

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Everything posted by Elena Blossom

  1. Well, not sure if there's been a relase, or if an angel just let this home go, but I've definitely found my spot. I feel like Sheldon right now!!!
  2. @LittleMe Jewell, that happened to me in the past. It took one day and everything went back to normal
  3. Spinoza and Blueberry Pitch seem both to be ready for release today. Nice area, with a little river and more flowers than most Trads
  4. ¡Buenos días! Here are some pics of our new Victorian home. Not ready for Christmas, and not fully Victorian decor, but we are loving it!! And as the sign says: everyone is welcome
  5. As it's been mentioned before, AF has great quality furniture that perfectly fit in the Victorians. I'm also using What Next (mainly kitchen items), Dust Bunny (they have a great bathtub) and the items found in the cottages by Maya' Buildings; none of these stores are 100% Victorian (I wasn't looking for that style either), but they work really well for me.
  6. Hi there! Yes, that's what I thought, but I checked and the names of the houses were all 'Linden Home', belonging to the LL group. This morning (western Europe time) were all taken though It was funny to me, because I kept seeing these houses, when the alt I created couldn't see the Vic option in the land page. Who knowws, it might have even been a bug
  7. Which is funny, because my street is full of empty Victorian homes... I've check and they still belong to LL
  8. @Cahtias, we've been swaping Victorian homes for three days, getting to the maximum of 5 homes/24h. It's extremly easy and some of the abandons are just great. So as other friends have mentioned before, go ahead!!!
  9. I must have the most boring story in SL. I just chose my name and picked up the last name by mistake, I didn't really know what I was doing when I joined SL. I tried to convince myself Core sounded like Greek and went with my RL name, but it didn't work out..
  10. Hi Soft. Check MOVE! ANIMATIONS and PARAGON. They have bento animations, with no pose balls needed.
  11. It could be. I'm keeping my Trad while checking new Victorians. They are totally beautiful, but I think it is the layout of the different homes what doesn't work for me, although I'm happy no addons are needed.
  12. You've been so lucky, what an amazing spot!!!!! We got a home today facing a protected park and then the sea, but I don't know why, I'm still not feeling the Victorians. I wanted to give them a try, but not sure, I might be feeling silly this time of the year...
  13. @Loretta String it might be of course be a glitch, but sometimes we change homes more than we think. It has happened to me in the past
  14. Ok guys, I love you no more, you've made me jelaous with you new homes, so we've renewed our second account.... They are so easy to get, still many options showing up in the land page
  15. Feliz Navidad, from our snowy "not so new anymore" garden
  16. @Nika Talaj, @Aethelwine, thank you for those great tips, they've really worked for me!! Despite being in SL for so long, I couln't lately manage to have a better experience; after our move to a new place downtown, connection has been a nightmare.
  17. Hehehe, wouldn' it be great? Although something tells we might need to wait a bit more
  18. You can have some more info in the blog Willow shared : https://modemworld.me/2019/06/11/sl-legacy-profiles-project-viewer/
  19. Megatroya, ¿cuánto tiempo tiene tu avatar? Lo más sencillo es que contactes con el vendedor para que te pueda orientar. Si no, abre un caso: https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new
  20. Hola Agustin. ¿Cómo es tu conexión de Internet? Si la señal de wi-fi es baja, o la tarjeta gráfica de tu ordenador antigua, tendrás que cambiar esas cosas en RL Si se trata del lag en algunos sims de SL, hay que aprender a vivir con ello; desde luego, mirar lo que te comento arriba, ayuda
  21. Umm, sometimes alternate realities are far more interesting than reality itself!!!!
  22. Brexit topic is not humorous, I have family there and is not a joke to us, nor is to any European like myself But being a troll behind or just a bad joke, the intensity of this thread is just going higher Please, take some air
  23. There are so many wrong facts in this post, that I really don't know where to begin...
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