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Rebecca Qariel

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Everything posted by Rebecca Qariel

  1. I can see cool icons and pics in other people's profiles in About section, but I don't know how to do it. I use the newest version of Firestorm. I can't see any code on the Web side either. Ty:) Ty SAULGOODiE, but I didn't ask about the profile picture, I asked how to insert icons or pics to the text box, it's About section (also called Biography). Thank you, Whirly Fizzle! Tricky, but I got some icons to show in the text box. Cool! :smileyvery-happy:
  2. How much do I need to pay if I choose to pay Monthly? Quartely? or Annually? (Why aren't these figures mentioned in Knowledge Base nor any other help page? :smileysurprised:) Regardless of the method of payment, all Premium members get L$300 per week back? If I have paid the Annual fee and want to quit membership after two months, I don't get any of my money back? Thank you very much! :smileyhappy:
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