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Katrina Naglo

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Everything posted by Katrina Naglo

  1. So hit another small road bump... When I had some one test this for me, the object insisted on following me. I need it to follow the person who rezed it by firing it from a container prim. Here is the script i am using currently for the floating object that needs to follow the person who fired/rezzed it from an other object they are holding. default { state_entry() { vector pos = llGetPos(); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); // Little pause to allow server to make potentially large linked object physical. llSleep(0.1); llMoveToTarget(pos,0.4); // Look for owner within 20 meters in 360 degree arc every 1 seconds. llSensorRepeat("", llGetOwner(), AGENT, 20.0, PI,1.0); } sensor(integer total_number) { // Get position of detected owner vector pos = llDetectedPos(0); // Offset . vector offset = <-1,0, (llWater(pos-llGetPos()) - pos.z)>; // offset = offset*llDetectedRot(0); //Adding this line will orient the follower relative to the owner's position. pos+=offset; llMoveToTarget(pos,0.4); } } Thanks for any advice.
  2. Rolig, thank you, I can happily say that worked as required, thank you so much.
  3. Thank you Rolig. I'll add that in and see how it turns out when i have had some sleep. End of a long nightshift at work and scripting is not going to go well if I try it at this time of day! Much appreciated
  4. Good morning. I am trying to figure out how to make a script that when placed in an object would make it follow its owner (an avatar) whilst maintaining water surface height. I have a script to make it follow the owner, and another to make the object float on water, but i cant find a way to combine both to make the object follow the owner whilst maintaining surface height, when the terrain blow varies in height. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
  5. Yes prim properties and the level () rotation setting for the z axis being set as 0.0. I had to go back to blender and rotate the mesh to the desire position and apply the rotation etc, then reupload it to SL. Then remove the rot.z = 0.0; line from the level () settings. It now behaves!
  6. Thank you Quistess. I tried that in my objects script and it had some effect, just not the right effect. The object, a meshed cylinder shape, appears to be trying to rotate around its Y axis (as opposed to turning its Y axis towards), then snaps back due to the scripting that is leveling out the object on the water as it is not allowed to spin around its X or Y ( Spinning around its Z is allowed). I imagine I need to alter something in the lines you posted above to make it spin around its Z axis so that its Y axis is pointing at the owner? Here is the complete script.. (Appologies for the mess. It does what it should do apart from the rotatoiing towards the owner so I am reluctant to go into it and try to stream line or tidy it up whilst it is working !!) ******** // Float script for a simple air mattress (or somesuch). // The containing object will float around randomly in a // level plane, regardless of altitude or underlying // terrain. The object will orient itself so that its // positive Z (up) axis points straight up. It will also // spin about its Z axis, but not around the X or Y axes. // Typically, you will want to place the containing // object within some type of enclosure. For example, // when placed inside a hollowed cylinder, this object // will bounce around inside the cylinder's hollow. float startingObjectZ; float startingGroundZ; float mass; vector velocity; vector rot; float interval = 1.0; integer x; integer y; integer z; integer counter = 0; vector pos; vector scale; string animation = "AnimLifeVest"; // name of animation in prim inventory string menu = "grab"; //text of option in Right click menu //global vectors for the position and rotation vector sitPosition = <0.1, -0.1, -0.85>; vector sitRotation = <00.0, 0.0, 90.0>; // Customize these options. // Set the same in the matching "Speaking" TARGET TEMPLATE. integer LISTENER_CHANNEL = 120; string SHARED_SECRET = "target me!"; float RETRY_INTERVAL = 1.0; // delay between broadcast attempts integer retry_count = 15; // give up broadcasting # of tries. // re-broadcasts when object is rezzed, (un)linked, attached or touched level() { rot = llRot2Euler(llGetRot()) * RAD_TO_DEG; z = (rot.z < -0.1 || rot.z > 0.1); y = (rot.y < -0.1 || rot.y > 0.1); if(z || y) { rot.z = 0.0; rot.y = 0.0; rot.x = 270.0; rot *= DEG_TO_RAD; llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); llSetRot(llEuler2Rot(rot)); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); } } setHoverHeight(float z) { llGroundRepel(0.15, TRUE, 1.0); } default { state_entry() { llOwnerSay("In flight for 3 seconds."); llSleep(3.0); llOwnerSay("Rising to surface"); // Turn off display of collision sprites. // llCollisionSprite("";); // Get starting Z position of float and ground. pos = llGetPos(); scale = llGetScale(); startingObjectZ = pos.z + (scale.z/2.0); startingGroundZ = llGround(ZERO_VECTOR); // Make object physical; Disable grabbing; Make object die if it wanders off. llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); // Lock the float's X and Y axes to (theoretically) keep the float level. llSetStatus(STATUS_ROTATE_X|STATUS_ROTATE_Y, FALSE); // Set initial hover height. setHoverHeight(startingObjectZ - startingGroundZ); // Make sure the float is level, get its mass, and give it a random nudge. level(); mass = llGetMass(); // Sleep 1 second then make call. llSleep(1.0); llOwnerSay("Attempting to communicate"); llRegionSay( LISTENER_CHANNEL, SHARED_SECRET ); // the sit rotation is assigned on the degrees set in the global vector sitRotation*=DEG_TO_RAD; //using a function to set the avatars position on the chair rotation finalRotation = llEuler2Rot(sitRotation); //assigning the sit target function using rotation and position supplied llSitTarget(sitPosition, finalRotation); llSetSitText(llToUpper(menu)); // Start the timer. llSetTimerEvent(interval); } changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_LINK) { key sitter = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if(sitter != NULL_KEY) llRequestPermissions(sitter , PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); else { if (llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) llStopAnimation(animation); } // An avatar has sat or unsat; get mass. mass = llGetMass(); } } timer() { if(++counter % 2) { // Periodcally adjust repel height to compensate for uneven ground. float groundChange = llGround(ZERO_VECTOR) - startingGroundZ; setHoverHeight(startingObjectZ - (startingGroundZ + groundChange)); } if(counter == 10) { // Even though it shouldn't be necessary with // X & Y rotations locked, keep float level. level(); counter = 0; //rotate to owner. vector posOwner = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(llGetOwner(),[OBJECT_POS]),0); vector Z = <0,0,1>; vector Y = llVecNorm(posOwner-llGetPos()); vector X = Y%Z; Z = X%Y; llRotLookAt(llAxes2Rot(X,Y,Z),0.5,0.1); } } touch_start(integer total_number) { llOwnerSay("Pulling."); key ownerKey = llGetOwner(); vector ownerPosition = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(ownerKey, [OBJECT_POS]), 0); // if the owner is not in the sim, stop fooling around if (llGetAgentSize(ownerKey) == ZERO_VECTOR) return; // else llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); vector objectPosition = llGetPos(); vector direction = llVecNorm(ownerPosition - objectPosition); llApplyImpulse(direction * llGetMass(), 0); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if ( perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION ) { llStartAnimation(animation); llStopAnimation("sit"); } } on_rez(integer param) { llResetScript(); } } *********** I did drop the script you posted above in a new prim and it did what it was supposed to do. Which makes me think that something is stopping my floating object do whats needed, or that I need to swap axis or something. Thanks for anything you can do to help me make this work. Kat.
  7. Good evening, I have been trying to write lines into a script in the root (only) prim of an object so that upon rezing it rises to the surface and points its Y axis at it's owner. The float to surface (on water) is working fine but, I cant figure out how to make it face its Y axis towards its owner. I have tried using the llRotLookAt but it does nothing that is visible apart from it occasionally rocking around its Y axis. I'm not 100% sure where the rotation instructions should be in the script (if it is even the llRotLookAt ). I tried adding; llRotLookAt( llRotBetween( <0.0,1.0,0.0>, llVecNorm( vPosTarget - llGetPos() ) ), 1.0, 0.4 ); or; vector detected = llDetectedPos( 0 ); vector pos = llGetPos(); llRotLookAt( llRotBetween( <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>, llVecNorm( <detected.x, detected.y, pos.z> - pos ) ), 1.0, 0.4 ); Neither did much, but I think they are correct, for something, maybe just not for this? or maybe i have placed it incorrectly in my existing scripting (exert); float startingObjectZ; float startingGroundZ; float mass; vector velocity; vector rot; float interval = 1.0; integer x; integer y; integer z; integer counter = 0; vector pos; vector scale; level() { rot = llRot2Euler(llGetRot()) * RAD_TO_DEG; z = (rot.z < -0.1 || rot.z > 0.1); y = (rot.y < -0.1 || rot.y > 0.1); if(z || y) { rot.z = 0.0; rot.y = 0.0; rot.x = 270.0; rot *= DEG_TO_RAD; llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); llSetRot(llEuler2Rot(rot)); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); } } If someone could help me out it would really help me avoid wasting another two evenings of trial and error and frustration of no progress in solving this problem. Thank you.
  8. Cant get in on any of my families accounts..
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