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Tomas McConaught

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Everything posted by Tomas McConaught

  1. I see this discussion from the perspective of a basically standard user, not an industry professional - I use prims mostly when I build, with an occasional mesh item, but that's about it. The problem with mesh and now PBR as I see it is that we don't have the tools in SL (or if we do, they are not well advertised) that we had with prims. Remember the Tower of Prims? It was a great learning tool, and one that was absolutely necessary given the state of the art back then. Have you seen the Tower of Mesh? I doubt it, as I have not seen such a thing. How about the Tower of PBR? We still have a lot of creativity in SL - I am continuously amazed by it. But not having the tools for people to have fun making things like dedicated amateurs is what is leaving us with professional monopolists in a lot of cases. At the same time, I was shocked to see reporting that some were suggesting that prims (i.e., the tools used by normal every-day users) should be removed from SL entirely. I am a big fan of what SL is attempting to do these days. Yes, there have been some missteps - I even complained about some of them earlier in this thread. Problems happen when one ventures into the unknown. I just think we should be empowering the community more, so that the community can multiply the efforts of the Lindens and the moles.
  2. Personally, I am absolutely hating what the new color system is doing. Maybe I am using the wrong viewers, but uggghh! Water items like the linden water seas have gone from beautiful and calming to sickly, imo, and I have been an ocean or river view type for much of my game. The overall effect is like the bit-depth of the colors has been reduced. The water in my fountains now look like cheap movies. The performance hit to my systems, especially my M3 Macbooks, has been serious. And I am suddenly having a problem rezzing things, which may be unrelated, but it hits multiple viewers, operating systems, and Avis and persists even after completely removing SL and FS and then reinstalling.
  3. Sometimes, I wonder whether, if you walk into Patch's office, you would see a giant map of Belli showing what it will look like completed.
  4. I just want to thank Abnor and the moles for the satellites and roombas. It was fun having them. It might be fun to have a longer event, just to provide a little difference every now and then.
  5. Please pardon my ignorance, but how does one tell which LH is empty, in order to make a request, and which is not?
  6. Glad to see you back well, Patch. Besides you looked better in the off-the-shoulder than you would in a puffer jacket.
  7. Hopefully, another happy user saying "Thank You" will help a wee bit. Sure, we would all love it if we could make a wish and it came true, just as we imagined it, five seconds later, but that is not the real world. Thanks again.
  8. *don't post the dead horse gif* *don't post the dead horse gif* *don't post the dead horse gif* Why not? You have no more right to tell me what to post than I have to tell you, which I have not done.
  9. The problem, I think, is that different people see different things in this game, and what is really needed is for people to try to work together for everyone to enjoy. As a sailor, I don't like people who seem to delight in griefing those of us to sail - hiding behind the excuse of "It's my land and blank you for running into it", even if that is the result of an SL lag or something similar. I don't hit banlines intentionally, and being bombarded with trespassing notices for traveling through open waters is ridiculous, particularly since many of the developments in which that happens require the open waters as part of the terms of renting there. As a landowner and/or renter at different times, I don't like people tp'ing into my house or telling me that it actually is theirs or any of the rest of what happens. The Lab has the ability to mitigate some of this by changing what orbs do - there is no reason to tp someone home, for example, just off the protected property - and a similar ability to prevent crashes with banlines. There also should just be more protected waters around the edges of continents so flyers can fly and sailors can sail. Some may disagree, but there is something to be said, as well, for banlines to be bi-directional - if others can't sail in, you shouldn't be able to sail out - putting people on equal footing. That does not mean people should be harassed - they shouldn't - but people should not be told they cannot discuss this subject either - LL's policies are subject to change, and user perspectives are how the company can know to change them.
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