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Estelle Pienaar

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Everything posted by Estelle Pienaar

  1. LOL a good advice Lepre. Maybe it is a too complicated project that I am trying to achieve for a bloody beginner. But on the other end it is really fun to try out some of these approaches. I am already glad that I posted my thoughts here. Ok. let's explain a bit more what my original basic idea was: Let's say that there are five tasks to accomplish in total (T1 to T5), of which 3 need a previously finished task (let's say T2 needs T1, T4 needs T2, T5 needs T4). Now I would define 5 global varaiables in the HUD for T1 to T5. Tasks without precondition give the player up to two different messages. Let's do this with the key example: "you pick up the key" / "you already have picked up this key". Tasks with a precondition can give the player up to three messages. Let's do it with your apple example; "you can't reach the apple" / "you take the apple" / "you have already taken this apple. So the global variables will go from 1 to 2 for simple tasks or from 0 to 2 for tasks with preconditions. integer T1 = 1 integer T2 = 0 integer T3 = 1 integer T4 = 0 integer T5 = 0 If the player touches the object then the hud will control the global variable. If the conditions are met it will perform an action and add +1 to the global variable until it reaches 2. The interesting question for me is now if it is easier to add all the preconditions into the HUD or to send the preconditions with the touch-llSay-event. So my original idea was to add the preconditions to the llSay of the object. I was not planning to do any "digesting" of information in the objects, everything should have been processed by the HUD who receives the information. But you are probably right that it is even simpler to provide the preconditions inside the HUD maybe via a list on a notecard. I will give it some more thought and maybe I will try both in order to learn different approaches with the project.
  2. Thanks a lot for the good remarks. I will probably have only values without commas, so that I could use the easier function. @ Lepre: You are right that I could programme the required previous tasks into the hud, however that would make the HUD script more complex. I will test a bit which way is easier to go forward. You are definately right about the names of the object, but a lot of people cheat with SL games by scanning the area for object names (I could also randomise those but that also is quite some work to do). I will experiment a bit with both approaches.
  3. Oh, that looks great! I will try to work from there! Thank you very much!!!
  4. Hi, I am still a beginner in scripting but let's say that I have grasped the concept of LSL and I am learning quite fast. If you are only interested in my scripting question, you don't necessarily need to read all the italic text in the brackets. (I would like to create a "Point&Click" game in Second Life. In this game the player should accomplish a series of tasks. Most tasks are "accomplished" by clicking on an inworld object (prim) or a hud texture. The progress is saved in a HUD. It should be to (some extend) a non-linear game, meaning that some tasks can be successfully acomplished without having done all the previous steps while other tasks can only be accomplished after a mandatory previous task has been finished. Example: (1) A key can be taken up from the floor without precondition. (2) A kite that has fallen into a tree can only be picked up AFTER the player has picked-up a ladder.) If the player clicks on an object, it has to send the HUD at least three pieces of information: (1) the key of the avatar that clicks [so that the HUD knows that not another player clicked the object], (2) The name of the task, (3) the status of a mandatory previous task [as a precondition for accomplishing the actual task]. The object should send the information pieces mentioned above via "llSay" on a negative channel to the HUD. It is not a problem to add different parameters into one string. Let's say it would be like this: default { touch_start(integer a) { llSay(-123456,(string) llDetectedKey(0) + "Task03" + "Task01"); Now let's finally come to the actual scripting problem that I have: How can the HUD which is receiving the string via llListen dissasembly the three information pieces? An elegant way would be to make a function that assigns the first 40 characters to information 1 = key, the next 6 charakters to information 2 = name of the task and the last 6 characters to the mandatory previous task. I could find nowhere a function or a tutorial how to do that. The only thing I found was user created string utility functions like "left" or "right", that returns the text left or right from a specific separator. I could work with this solution but it seems to be very clumsy. Could anyone help me with a function that would separate a received string message into several pieces of information?
  5. Hi, I am still a beginner in scripting but let's say that I have grasped the concept of LSL and I am learning quite fast. If you are only interested in my scripting question, you don't necessarily need to read all the italic text in the brackets. (I would like to create a "Point&Click" game in Second Life. In this game the player should accomplish a series of tasks. Most tasks are "accomplished" by clicking on an inworld object (prim) or a hud texture. The progress is saved in a HUD. It should be to (some extend) a non-linear game, meaning that some tasks can be successfully acomplished without having done all the previous steps while other tasks can only be accomplished after a mandatory previous task has been finished. Example: (1) A key can be taken up from the floor without precondition. (2) A kite that has fallen into a tree can only be picked up AFTER the player has picked-up a ladder.) If the player clicks on an object, it has to send the HUD at least three pieces of information: (1) the key of the avatar that clicks [so that the HUD knows that not another player clicked the object], (2) The name of the task, (3) the status of a mandatory previous task [as a precondition for accomplishing the actual task]. The object should send the information pieces mentioned above via "llSay" on a negative channel to the HUD. It is not a problem to add different parameters into one string. Let's say it would be like this: default { touch_start(integer a) { llSay(-123456,(string) llDetectedKey(0) + "Task03" + "Task01"); Now let's finally come to the actual scripting problem that I have: How can the HUD which is receiving the string via llListen dissasembly the three information pieces? An elegant way would be to make a function that assigns the first 40 characters to information 1 = key, the next 6 charakters to information 2 = name of the task and the last 6 characters to the mandatory previous task. I could find nowhere a function or a tutorial how to do that. The only thing I found was user created string utility functions like "left" or "right", that returns the text left or right from a specific separator. I could work with this solution but it seems to be very clumsy. Could anyone help me with a function that would separate a received string message into several pieces of information?
  6. I wrote a blog post about this game last year. It's an amazing simulation! http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2012/12/ve-soccer-football-video-game-in-second.html
  7. Here is a blog post about the game: http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2013/11/lokis-well-sollicitus-second-life-as.html If you are a game creator and want to have your games presented on my blog, please read these instructions: http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/p/showcase-your-game.html
  8. My blog is presenting game mods in Second Life. Developer have the possibility to showcase their game by submitting a presentation. Please be aware that you need to present your game in a way that I do not have to rewrite it, so do read the guidlines. http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/p/showcase-your-game.html The following games were submitted so far: http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2013/08/fish-hunt-second-life-hunt-game-which.html (I did chose to rewrite the submission for the Riot system and I do therefore not mention in the post that they were submitted:) http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2013/08/riot-combat-system-level-up-with-in.html http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2013/08/after-fall-dark-urban-roleplay-with.html
  9. I wrote about American Football and the Packers on my blog: http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2013/08/did-you-know-that-there-is-american.html
  10. There is nothing harder in Second Life than building a team in Second Life. People really have to engage and respect appointments. It's like a RL hobby. And there is not really an easy way to promote such an idea. My suggestions: 1) Open an in-world group in Second Life with a name and description that lead people to you (if they use SL search). 2) Try to promote your place. Given an SURL where you can - for example in your message in this forum. Try to get in the Destination guide with your stadium/sim. 3) There are facebook and google+ groups about Second Life. Present your idea there and give CONCRETE information: How to get in contact with you; When are the play times; Where should people go; Where can people join your group? 4) There are tons of Second Life bloggers. Approach some to present your stadium and team. 5) Approach your friends in Second Life if they want to join - but don't be dissapointed if they have other ideas how to spend their SL time or if they don't show up at fixed times. Bottom-Line: It's as if you want to create and manage a sports club in real life. It won't happen just from building a sports ground. Promotion is key!
  11. A review about the Game "The Well" here: http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2013/03/the-amazing-maze-new-claimant-to-sl.html And if you are into hunting zombies, you should look here: http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.de/2013/07/the-grim-combat-system-game.html I really don't understand people who complain that they have to pay 20 cents for being able to participate in a Game Mod in Second Life. The developers put hundreds of hours of work into their game and a Homestead Sim costs 100$ a Month. Do you think that people spend all this money and effort so that you can have it for free? It can be your personal opinion that it's not worth spending money. But stating this like an accusation on a public forum isn't polite to say the least.
  12. Fogot to mention: I have reviewed the GCS on my blog: http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.de/2013/07/the-grim-combat-system-game.html
  13. It is incredible difficult and time consuming to develop game mechanichs in Second Life. If you want to have results fast, use the Grim Combat System (GCS) as a game construction kit. It leaves you the freedom to develop your own additional things (hidden doors etc.). You could also contact the GCS developers and ask them if they put their scripts in monsters that you have created...
  14. Read a review on the Starship battle game here: http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.de/2013/07/a-free-star-trek-game-mod-in-second.html
  15. Hi, I wrote about it on my blog: http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2012/12/ve-soccer-football-video-game-in-second.html There is also another Soccer association: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Games-in-Second-Life/LFV-Soccer-football-in-SL/td-p/1929547 Search for these soccer leagues in the in-world groups and join them. Contact the group owners. Good luck!
  16. For anyone else who doesn't want to search: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/136876
  17. the search word you mentioned gave me the following results: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search%5Blayout%5D=gallery&search%5Bcategory_id%5D=&search%5Bsort%5D=&search%5Bper_page%5D=96&search%5Bkeywords%5D=RIOT&search%5Bprice_low%5D=&search%5Bprice_high%5D=&search%5Bprim_count_low%5D=&search%5Bprim_count_high%5D=&search%5Bcopy_permission%5D=0&search%5Bmodify_permission%5D=0&search%5Btransfer_permission%5D=0 am I supposed to go through every single entry to find the system that you are talking about?
  18. I have recently added a new page to my blog Second Life Play Instinct where game creators have the possibility to submit information about their games. In the past I have been asked by content creators to blog about their releases and I did not find sufficient time to do so. Second Life Play Instinct is the only blog that is centered around games in Second Life. As every content creator deserves to have their game presented you now have the chance to submit your presentation and I will publish it as soon as possible. Go here for more instructions.
  19. You are aware that 500Ls has the value of 2 Dollars? You probably spend more money for energy costs (as someone mentioned before).
  20. And if you want to have many visitors playing your game, posting about it here (and even without s-url) is not the right place. Submit it to the destination guide!
  21. > There is a great game call the marketplace, allows you to make a lot of lindens! Its kind of like a puzzle, figure out what > someone likes, learn the method of creating it and the lindens will come in little by little as you gain popularity ^.^ LOLOL
  22. > Yes i am aware, And yes I do have the funding Hi Timo, if you get this going it could get a big thing in SL. One 5 cents of advice: Even if you have the money, do start on a smaller level. Start things in beta maybe with 5 to ten regions and experiment with different hud makers and rule mechanisms. If you have the resources, also pay to get advice from SL roleplay sim designers that have had succesful RP sims in the past. You will have only one shot to get such a thing going on a big level and looking on your website and the very little informatoin available I am wondering if you are really there yet. Your biggest risk of failure is that due to too big size you will have too empty (and thus boring) sims. You want to be sure that you have found the right set-up first. If not you seriously risk to burn the money. I wish you good luck because SL could use an additional level of RP game mechanics.
  23. @ Charlotte: Thanks for the comment! @ Robster: Wow, this game looks really exciting. I will definately blog about it. Unfortunately I am very busy in RL at the moment and I only can do 1-2 blog posts per week. And there is already some games waiting to be reviewed. I should be able to do write about it until the end of January. I will also send you a notecard with some questions in-world ASAP. In the last 10 days I wrote about the following topics: VE-Soccer. A football video game in Second Life. When I visited the VE-Soccer "A111 stadium" and I was surprised how appealing the game-play was for a game scripted in LSL. The movements seem to be based on motion capture animations and the controls are allowing many different moves, shots and actions. I have made a little video of my impressions posted on the blog. When looking at the basic moves, VE-Soccer comes quite close to the experience of the famous soccer video game franchises. An MMO Snowball fight game in Second Life. I found a snowball fight version of "counter strike" on the SL marketplace. Since that moment I almost can't wait for the winter season. I still don't win the snowball fight games but I feel a great joy when hitting a "professional" gamer with a cold and wet snow ball. It doesn't matter if you are a professional 3D shooter gamer or if you so far avoided such games because you can't see any blood. This MMO shooter will be a great fun for everyone. See you in my yard and don't forget to put on warm winter clothes. Role-playing in Second Life (Part 1). It is obvious why Second Life is a promising platform for virtual RPGs. The SL regions can be modeled to immersive sceneries and worlds. Our avatars can visually embody our role-play identity. And what most people don't realize: by creating, developing and refining our avatar, our alter ego within Second Life, we are already role-playing - even if if we never visit intentionally an RPG platform in SL. Read in my introduction to SL role-play why I think that the most common SL specific role-play archetype is probably the "fashionista".
  24. Cool! Thank you very much. I will write about it as soon as possible on my blog.
  25. The Dwarfins - a community building breedable game This week-end the game developers team Simul8 Studios has released a new community building game:"The Dwarfins". The game is based on the concept of SL breedables. So far I haven't possessed a breedable in SL. But I was a proud owner of a tamagotchi twenty years ago and I liked the game concept a lot. http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2012/12/the-dwarfins-community-building.html Second Life hunts - It is a game Do you remember the thrills of a scavenger hunt in your youth? Have you dreamed of finding a message in a bottle leading you to a hidden treasure? Were you fascinated by the riddles that the protagonists of adventure books solve during their treasure hunt? Then you'll understand the success of Second Life hunts. There is a good reason why the "The Hunt & Hunters Resource Centre" is one of the top entries in the games section of the SL destination guide. http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2012/12/second-life-hunts-it-is-game.html Electrobit City Electrobit City which brings the world of "Jump and Run" games to Second Life. Arriving at the landing point of Electrobit City makes you feel like stepping into a Mario game. Other areas and their landscapes are a modern mesh interpretation and recreation of ancient jump and run environments. http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2012/10/electrobit-city-jump-and-run-in-second.html The Garden - SL as a graphic adventure game "The Garden" is one of the most innovative games that have been developed for SL so far. The game solution will change with each game round ensuring players interest for a long time. "The Garden" is an outstanding example of SL games that residents can develop as a team. http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2012/12/the-garden-sl-as-graphic-adventure-game.html Loki's The Well - An SL experience With "The Well" experience - which opened at Halloween - Loki Elliot aims to present players a haunted place that really scares people: The idea is that a boy fell down a well, a rescue team was sent down rescue the boy but have not been heard of since. The experience lives up to that promise. It is one of the most scaring places and if you do not get spooked at least once down there, then you are one hard-boiled person. http://sl-playinstinct.blogspot.be/2012/12/lokis-well-sl-experience.html
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