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Everything posted by Drakeo

  1. Tell you Like LL told me you are ignorant. operator error. They was right Love you OZ
  2. We are all Linden's do not put your self down you pay other Linden's to help you. just like government we the people.
  3. Everyone when logged in is an Linden a subject TOS weather your an employee or a account . It is the only way to protect your account
  4. It depends if you are an imposter. The law defines this well. the team and you as a linden need to help. because the cyber laws are very clear. do your duty help out. report stuff. if LL does not want to create the tools I am sure we and the third party can. It is Best to see the Lead from LL trust me if you do not see it they are working on it, if not will report here how they blow you off. https://bitbucket.org/lindenlab/viewer/commits/
  5. plz forgive me I look at functions you are a wonderful person. it is hard for me to read none function writing yes they threw me away to the Marines I loved them I have a hard time reading at time. please be kind I have no real reply to this But then That's subjective as well, because years from now they will just be positions and not seen as multitasking... hehehe
  6. what is ignorance Nat and Dave it is people getting worked over in a ally dudes you are real so are our clients welcome to the new peeps
  7. closes stream forum is ignorant even though I told them in the first post
  8. online and streaming to you-tube are you lost no one in my box
  9. solar are you left handed or right handed let the girls know. JO
  10. I am a linden I have a premium account . This makes you a linden In the Linden Host. Very simple if not they would have been gone years ago. be kind. You have a premium account you are a linden Avatar that is a linden and is a account. they are here to protect you as a linden. bet your hats are nice.
  11. the embeded tool is needed to many people exploiting SL the Team is small and adventurous best we ever had Dave Houlton do your your real work. build a tool we need
  12. why would i need a tip. people that use my work Know better.
  13. solar if you do not want to defend the platform we all know your plan. drop a imposter and beg.
  14. Solar you want to know My stupidity. i sent a long text to Nickyd how wine and linux would not work Jessica is top shelf did not explain just said watch. I forgot about My real love Linux because I was anti wine. Since the wonderful FS showed to the world how to do it I was embarrassed and let them know. I LEARNED . so now I keep a build wine for slackware Linux for the viewer voice https://github.com/Drakeo/WineWoW-SlackBuild fs is using 32 bit and Henery at CoolVL god knows what he is trying to with extensions the global wnie is thew system ~/wine. lost trying to deal with that . He is Brilliant. and Brings multi threading to the viewer. I build wine from source and install and his Linux voice is broken.
  15. solar you still spewing come on this is about KISS keep it simple . you want to deceive or be SL
  16. we are all Lindens love look at the tos trust me they need you to be a Linden
  17. facts are facts. Defense to the Team they now allow vivox third party module to actually work in a none voice sim. Yes I was wrong when I posted yes I did the the work yes I did contact them and Thanked them PS no one there could hear my handless lover.
  18. Could you explain why or are you just going to interject and leave . The strength in your right hand
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