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DarthVenger Blackheart

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Posts posted by DarthVenger Blackheart

  1. I have heard people with meeroos blast on Bloodlines....like its any different,lol. Its not even that I am not a fan of meeroos, I am just offering an idea that I bet would sell. I would buy a meeroo coat for sure, and I bet a bunch of others would too xD

  2. I am working on an ambitious project, a blog site called H2G2-SL....the Hitchhikers Guide to SecondLife. I know this idea has been done prior, but I am thinking to put a different spin on it by focusing on IC posts as per roleplay. Sci fi sims will be highlighted, events covered in an attempt to foster cross sim sci fi roleplay. 

    A field office in world will be available to visit soon, information about this will be updated pending.

    Right now I am looking for writers and contributors, IC journalists and reporters. If interested, or you just want to know more, please feel free to contact me in world: DarthVenger Blackheart

  3. Towel Day was a MASSIVE success! If you did not make it the you must be so unhip i am surprised your bums dont fall off,lol. The party started at 12pm slt and lasted nearly 10 hours....10 hours of a packed sim, it was intense...and i cant wait to try to top it next year! Until then.....so long and thanks for all the fish xD

  4. Towel Day is a celebration of the life and works of author Douglas Adams. This year Towel Day events are generously hosted by the Hyrule sim in Afredo. Come down and check out Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The build is open all month to visitors to hang out and or loiter about, all day events start at 12pm SLT on the 25th. Stop in and join our ~Milliways~ group for updates on the list of events. 


    Want to know more about Towel Day? Don't Panic, check out this link:


  5. Towel Day is a celebration of all things Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and the author, late great Douglas Adams. For the special day the Hyrule sim in Afredo is generously hosting a series of events starting at 12:00 PM SLT On May 25th.The build will be gone after this month, and is always open to visitors to hang out, loiter, share and enjoy.



    For more information about Towel Day, please visit:


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