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Haldir Meskin

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Posts posted by Haldir Meskin

  1. I love the eyes Skye McArdle makes. She's been making photorealistic eyes since 2006. There was a review long ago in one of the fashion blogs, basically saying they were too realistic for their taste lol. I especially love her black eyes. They look very good on Asian avatars.

  2. greek Wingtips wrote:

    Thank you for comment, but please read the book not the cover before giving your thoughts, take a visit to my studio have a look at some of the work and if you still care to see my RL work IM me, then and only then I will accept your comments, I specfically say not the calendar when I ask for views, but this disscussion is now over,  I want to thank everyone and no hard feeling towards anyone   its nothing personal and I know that yours and the others too.



    Ok, hold on a minute. You did not say, in the original post, that the calendar was off limits to critique. In fact, you emphasize several times that "Myself and my partner are within each month this is to highlight the high standards of photo's we take in SL"  "take a copy of this great calender" "looks great in your home or premcies"... which implies, indeed, that this is the quality to expect when dealing with your studio. Since this calendar IS an example of your work, it is fair game to any critique you ask for. The critiques you have gotten so far have been completely valid in their points. The photo work on this calendar is NOT a mark of a quality studio that would encourage customers to seek their services. Sorry to be blunt, but that's how it is. Basically, if the "high standards of photo's we take in SL" means "get on this pose stand and I'll stick a bunch of stock photography behind you" then, thanks, but no thanks. Anybody can do that.

    I will let you in on a little secret (that's not so secret, but has evidently eluded you). Freebies aren't given out based on the fact that "Oh here's something that probably wouldn't sell well, I'll just set it as a freebie." or "Let me whip something up real quick, it doesn't have to be great because it's going to be a freebie." No. Absolutely NOT! A freebie needs to be a high quality example of your work that you're willing to give out freely as a marketing tactic. It needs to be high quality, because that will show prospective customers that you do high quality work, not crappy work that wouldn't sell in the first place. Basic business 101... I think you missed many classes.

    A practical example of the above.. of the items I make on my main, many times when I make a new batch, I'll take one that I think is one of the best examples, and add it to my freebies. This always brings in way more NEW business than that item, set to sell would make on it's own. This is not rocket science.

  3. Rolig Loon wrote:

    Yeah, but the question is whether the duplicate sculpts rez any faster than the first one did.  I agree that it would be clumsy to have to load the UV map fresh every time.  I'm just not confident that "preloading" it actually makes a difference, even if it is less clumsy. 

    ETA:  Hehe... It looks as if we are in uncharted territory. Aside from casual observations, the two or three of us here don't seem to have rigorous experimental data to answer the question.  I
    curious now, though, and Innula's observations suggest that I may be wrong.

    You are nowhere near uncharted territory. Sculpties are cached exactly the same way as any other texture, they are then just used a bit differently by the client when applied to a prim with the sculpty flag on it. All this was figured out years ago when sculpties were new. Creators who make products that rely on scultpy animation (such as avatar makers using them for facial expressions and talking.. which obviously require instant switching) always have either (a) the sculpt maps textured onto hidden cubes, or (b) copies of the actual sculpties stacked up inside the object. I'll admit I think (b) is a bit silly and an unneccesary use of resources. Fact, when the sculpt texture is preloaded, no matter as texture or pre-rezzed object, sculptys that then use that texture will load, for all intents and purposes, instantly. (disclaimer, this is assuming SL is working correctly, which we know not to be the case, from time to time)

    If you want to see this first hand, go get yourself a free Uchi Felis avatar and dissect it's head and see what you find in there.

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  4. Ariel Vuissent wrote:

    The solution of sticking an invisible prim over it and sticking new sit poses in that is a good one. Copying an object in order to change the permissions isn't, since that's copybotting and is...not a good thing.

    Manual copying of an item to get a like/similar prim structure is NOT copybotting. It may not be the most polite thing to do (especially if the original creator is still active), and there will be times it infringes on IP, but the act itself is simply copying. Copybotting, well, requires the use of a copybot. Granted it is hard or even impossible at times to tell the difference when looking at the end product.

  5. Nella Drillon wrote:

    upload it into SL, New skin, edit skin, and change the 3 tattoo layers to your head, upper, and lower body but my skin isn't changing.  What am I doing wrong?


    I keep putting textures in those three places but it wont let me save them.

    Right here.. "New skin, edit skin" make sure you do this.. New skin, wear new skin, edit skin.

  6. Ok, so help me with this thought process... OP buys animation from dealer. Tool was available to rip animation. Ripped animation was redistributed. Hammer comes down on ripped animation and it is poofed. Why does this affect the animation from the original dealer? Makes it look like original dealer didn't have rights to said animation if it's poofed from them that way.

    I mean, it's their animation, which would have a different UUID than something that would have been ripped. How exactly is this broken so badly that legit animations go poof?

  7. Theresa Tennyson wrote:

    I suppose it's theoretically possible for you to have an extremely high speed of processing visual matter that gives you an unusually high ability to detect frame rates but the examples you gave don't guarantee that. Not all animation is done at the actual projected frame rate. amd sometimes each image is shot for more than one frame, especially in mass-produced animation like most anime. The Empire Strikes Back used extensive model animation and probably didn't have a constant 24 fps animation rate either. If you can detect frames in early Disney animatiom or in a Pixar film that's another story, as they are generally animated at 24 frames per second without motion blur.


    To be clear, I was talking about some live action footage in Empire, not animated. Regardless, in film you do have absolute control and ALWAYS 24fps, there is no slowdown and varied framerate that is typical on a computer. Regardless, the animation in Empire was done via physical models and elaborate camera rigs, not computer animated, and therefore even their animated sequences have motion blur. Still at 24fps, I can, mostly during pans, detect motion stutter. This is one reason why a few filmakers are now working to move movies to 48fps.

    I understand the processes and limitations inherent in animation, that is my career industry.

    Pixar films DO have motion blur.

    All these things are still not the point, which is, the eye can detect higher than 25fps. Period.

  8. Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

    I've heard this argument many times.  I don't buy it.  This argument is always put forth by gamers and folks who, for whatever reason, love to brag about how good their system is and how crappy others' systems are.  The average human eye detects smooth video at somewhere around 25 to 30 FPS........and because of that smooth video is said to be 30 FPS.  Once you go beyond that threshold of what your eye can see as smooth video, you are only seeing a little more "detail".  When your video card draws a frame twice for every frame your eye detects your colors might look just a little brighter or some small detail might become more crisp.........but you did not see any more movement on the screen (it did not become "smoother").  The 30 FPS is an average......some will see smooth video at a slightly lower rate and some will still it at a higher rate.  I happen to be one who sees smooth video at a slightly lower rate.  But I can see a difference at 45 FPS than at 30 FPS...........the colors are richer.  Beyond that, it's all the same.  I'm probably typical of the whole of the human race in that aspect.  When people tell me that they don't sees smooth video until it's 60 FPS I want to ask them how they watch television or a movie.......those are 25 to 35 FPS.  The argument just doesn't hold water..........it's false.

    To start with, the argument was not whether or not more fps gives more detail, but whether it is, in fact, humanly possible to notice at all. Since you say it is, then you're arguing a moot point in the first place, and your argument is actually agreeing with me... so I guess you DO buy it lol. As to how you see tv or a movie, apples to oranges. TV and movies have motion blur, something 99% of all video games do NOT have. This is how the eye is tricked into seeing fluid motion at that low of a framerate. It's not about detail, or crisp colors... it's about fluidity of motion. A series of still images, with no motion blur, has to have a higher framerate, therefore less change between each picture, than one with motion blur to get anywhere near the same effect. The very fact that you're arguing anything at all about colors looking brighter or crispness of detail just shows that you have absolutely no understanding whatsoever of the point that I was putting out. Especially since you actually agreed with it in the first place.

    Again.. tv and movies appear smooth because of the inherent motion blur, not because 25fps is the limit of human vision. You understand that incorrectly.

    In closing, just to be clear, since you obviously didn't read the link I posted at the start, this is not anything about computer hardware, not an argument about what computer hardware can do. It's about us fleshy old humans, and what we are capable of. You say you are fine and see fluid motion at 30fps, good for you. I can barely stand to watch cartoons, and have a real major problem with most anime, in that I see no smoothness there. I can see the individual frames. In fact even in some live action, especially wide screen movies at the theatre, I can, on occasion, detect the framerate and it bothers me. I think the first time I noticed that was on The Empire Strikes Back, way back in the day. I didn't know what it was then, but I do now.

    And yeah, I'm SOOOOO bragging about my 5yr old hardware. It's so 1337!! ROFLMAO!

  9. Phil Deakins wrote:

    Templus Carrasco wrote:

          Since the introduction of mesh viewers...be it the current LL Viewer or the Firestorm Release Viewer...my frame rates drop off the chart.

          So I wanted to go with a Viewer 2 style viewer that did not have mesh support and have been quite pleased with the Singularity Viewer.   Actual frame rates I get in my no lag high altitude sky box home are as follows:

          Viewer 3 (LL current release..now called simply "Second Life Viewer")  35fps

          Firestorm Release Viewer  50fps

         Singularity (non mesh but Viewer 2 code based) Viewer  95fps

         So near double the fps with Singularity and this really makes a big difference in a crowded venue.

    By all means go for the viewer that gives you the highest framerate if you like, but you can't see any difference in their visual performance because the human can't detect framerates above ~25. So the worst of your examples will be as smooth as silk to your eyes.

    This is incorrect. In fact, in a fast action game I find it almost unplayable under 30fps and need at least 60fps for a smooth experience.I can also tell the difference in games that can reach as high as 120fps on my pc (not state of the art, but i7, 6Gb ram and GTX280). 25fps on a game you are accustomed to playing at 60fps and above will be far from smooth as silk, and be an obvious degradation. Now, SL, if it were capable of sustaining a steady 24fps, would be much smoother than the herky jerky we see a lot of the time, but there's really not a lot of fast action going on there, and sim lag that is a part of our daily life is there to limit everything anyway.



    Anyway, to the original topic, I've used 3rd party viewers on and off since '07 and Nicolaz viewer. Used Cool, Greenlife (Emerald before it was Emerald), Imprudance, Meerkat, Dale's, Kirsten's.. others.. can't remember them all. ATM I'm back on LL v3. If there is one viewer that left a bad taste in my mouth it's anything and everything by the Emerald team. Not to mention the attitude that is put off by many (not all, so no reason to go getting butthurt if you're not part of that) of the users. I won't be associated with that ever again.. thank goodness. They got enough chances just because they were the biggest name, the popular thing (yeah yeah, I was a lemming for a short while.. I got over it), but then again, building your name on underage coders that got their foot in the door originally building famous copybot viewers, then making your own "in house" copybot viewer just for your team (Onyx) I guess is not the smartest way to go. All the shenanigans that surrounded that team, not just the viewer but other projects as well.. yeah, so very not my cup of tea.

    My best experience, and longest use of a 3rd party viewer would be Imprudence, because it was beyond awesome. Major props also have to go to Henri, for Cool viewer, just because that's some serious tenacity and work ethic to do what he's done to that viewer. One of those two I will likely go back to when mesh is fully stabalized.

  10. Coby Foden wrote:

    I must say that I kind of like that there is some feedback when somebody types in general chat.

    I find it odd if a person types and there is no indication of the typing going on. When we speak in RL, we make gestures at the same time, the lips move, the head moves, and often the hands move too.

    Why there is a need in SL to hide all the feedback? That's what I don't understand.

    I agree. I like to know if someone is typing around me, otherwise I may not be paying any attention to chat and totally miss someone talking. Replacing the typing with some other feedback is one thing (though being an oldbie {no... Haldir is my youngest alt.. by years lol} the typing animation is to me, a part of the charm of SL) totally turning it off just feels broken to me.

  11. We need some straight information to understand what happened with your av.

    Did you have a premium account? If so, did you let your payments lapse without downgrading your account to basic FIRST.

    A basic account is left untouched no matter how long you take a break for, indefinitely according to the wiki. Otherwise if you have let your payment lapse on a premium account, LL will wipe it. Only you can know what happened here, and it should be simple to figure out. When you came back, did you simply log on to your old account or did you have to contact LL and pay to have it restored?

  12. There is nothing in Grendels store full of cheap crap that can compare to the Uchi Felis. Or to the boxed black cat freebie you find all over the place for that matter.

    There are several choices for you OP, other than the 2 I mention, look on the marketplace, search and filter for furry avatar and in the dropdown sort low to high, there are several free boxes with full avatars in them, and you'll find things like Wingless Emoto's full set of avatars, which are high quality and should get you going with many different species. Just go through as much of the freebie/dollarbie stuff you can stand to (yeah, you'll find a lot of dreck, but some gems like I pointed out), you'll find stuff that is worth your time.

  13. Sorinus Serevi wrote:

    and while there are google links claiming to be downloads personally i dont trust any site with url's that fishy looking

    It wouldn't matter if you did find a link with the viewer, it wouldn't work anyway because LL blocked it from connecting. Personally I wouldn't have anything to do with anything relating to them, past or present. I don't care how "clean" they are now, or at least how clean they claim to be. I'd feel dirty even thinking about using it.

  14. Canoro Philipp wrote:

    it may be possible, those small avatars are made of sculpties or prims, you can ask the creator of those avatars for their technique, by sending them an Instant Message in world. i suppouse its just a matter of making those prims or scultpies larger. maybe they can work with you making the avatar that you want.

    Those av's are made using deformations. It would take a completely different set of deforms to change the size. It's certainly doable, but it takes more than prims to do it :).

  15. Linera Bekes wrote:

    Gee, how nice. you have only 2 options with land: either use the stupid premade homes(which you can't mod) or rent land which cost way too much.

    So much for this then. I wanted to have a home/store.

    Really? How is this *soooooooooooo* difficult for you? I mean... REALLY. It's very simple. Premium get 512 tier included in their sub for free, which can either be used with a standard 512 lot OR you can choose to have a Linden home. You can rent land if you are premium or basic, but that has absolutely nothing to do with tier on your account.

    Actually I think if you're having this much trouble understanding, much less BELIEVING what people tell you here, you're gonna just have a blast trying to figure out how to create and market any content.

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