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Everything posted by ZortyTheExplorer

  1. it was not an ask when i log in it demanded i upgrade to even get in
  2. #1 problem of all their platforms blocksworld sansar and sl which imo sl is exception because that fact killed the rest imo and they do not learn why pull punches honesty is best for improving
  3. it is nothing against the sl but if computer do 99% of everything else very good even for creator but issue is with new sl and bad economy people want to wait not just buy computer for sl when all else is good
  4. yes nobody victim unless they allow to be here
  5. but what people see in sl is what they judge if it is as bad as you claim always in a manner of fear and hate then sl change its reputation may be answer focus on non sex making things why do you talk like you are victim here it is not healthy noone can hurt you here unless you give permission please stop this talk it does not make people here look good as if predator around all corners going to jump on you i am sure this is trauma from life and not from playing dolls in sl where no one can hurt you always bad thoughts write on forums about men maybe i do not hang out in sex areas so i do not get bothered much this new avatar senra make me look ugly woman so maybe that help but point stand
  6. first time i get scary notice that i cannot log in unless new viewer lol
  7. how do you know this from one word 'hello' lol it really is on your side the problem or trauma not for random person say hello
  8. most of the time a hello is just a hello and a good day to you is good day to you why go more far and make think it is bad intent just do not respond if not in mood and leave bad thoughts out of it
  9. very funny joke i was sarcasm post from long ago but a few angry people go and throw in face for convenient shows me their intent i post because real story but not me and some people will report for anything uncomfort even if not real at all that is problem assume the top of someone instead of evil mind is better stalkers dig forum take time to try to make embarrass and not point made to win instead
  10. i do not think you like men very much always talk down and play victim over say hello please why do you think this is normal stop looking into action like cover on book but it is what you see is your problem
  11. metaverse slow to learn slow to work no thanks for me it is only play or create in space nobody i have friendly with wants to work inside or go to school inside with avatar lol facebook guy think we lock in our homes and run to his world and live like prisoner in virtual reality i am glad he failed i want sl and vrchat and other to be to run to and have fun not be in forced to join
  12. thank you and this is important to be like in sl sometimes i see ladies get too much hate here against the man and like to say that way on forum many times we need to return to fun and playful and calming time and not always ready for fighting like other topic that appear here not always hate just because say hello maybe people need break if hello or social make them upset instead of tell people not to say hello now can not walk on land of neighbour and say hi and just ban it is now crazy and make sl unfriendly also why people upvote you and upvote other person that have change opinion between both it is confusing
  13. men are always in control because if they wanted it could end tomorrow they seem like broken and lost to me... oh well or it is just hello and you and others read into it because trauma maybe how sad to be fear of hello here
  14. i think make irony that this post and chat show strange look of sl to others and maybe why it is not place people come to have fun or chat if hello is problem lol
  15. good we need simple tool for sl and give donate money when full available too much bloat and money for other here and limited knowledge maybe could upload avatars in final because other way not fun with Avatar Star Buddy addon is good but now he want month payments
  16. no be clear it is for people who run away from hello or get angry for hello or feel victim from hello it is a bit crazy yes not very normal for as average person act that is my opinion and if you not like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. i never realized how making fear and making like people away with teleport just for saying hello read posts here and time to time people make post telling how scared for saying hello it is crazy
  18. in world warcraft person say this elf is woman but played by man people laugh and man says yes because i get free gold in sl man is woman or woman is man and someone say and then they cry and go to mommy to get them banned what a weird and rude and is not discrimination by the point even title of post is a lie only cry and tattle is in sl
  19. bad attitude about communicate is bad for sl and people stay as well as crying culture and tattle tale yes it is weird to be scared of pm i have all the power i can just not listen
  20. it is not tough it is only babies that cry about such small thing in second life and run to mommy to tattle about stupid thing grow up i say stop crying and be not anti social
  21. i am sorry for you but if peoples gets ban for telling your gender to others then i hope everyone knows this how sl wants to be but this is person to person argument so linden will ignore that is the good part i do not want to see people ban for stupid thing at worst they are rude by not ban have a nice day or maybe not
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